Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration

29007 - Organisation Management and Handling Human Resources

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
29007 - Organisation Management and Handling Human Resources
Faculty / School:
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for Organization and Human Resources Management is based on:

Theoretical exposition, the main teaching method for in-person classes though students participation will be used. This variation of the method is in favor of teacher-student interaction and so student-student interaction. It is appropriate for developing general competences.

5.2. Learning tasks

1 Theoretical classes.  Work and individual study. Masterful class to present the main contents specified in the program. Students will have to complement explanations with recommended readings. The teacher will incentive the students participation in order to motivate individual study. Explanations will not only be theoretical but emphasize in practicing utility of transmitted knowledge, giving as many examples as possible. Masterful classes are this way an open space to ask, dialogue, debate and solve doubts too. The goal is to encourage critic attitude and thinking.

2 Practice classes. Work and individual study. Development of the problem/exercise in the classroom, and deliver to the teacher. Practical classes allow us to put the theory into practice, and show the team work skills, as well as the interpersonal communication abilities. Students will have to solve the practices and proposed exercises, taking theory in account as much as  complementary readings. After each theoretical class, a group of practices will be proposed to be solved individually or by group work. The public presentation and/or correction will always happen in the next practical class, so students can have at least one week to find the solution. Punctually case method can be used.

3 Seminars and tutorial activities: students work will be supervised, in order to clear doubts or make complementary practices

4 Autonomous work. Study activities, search and analysis of information, individual and/or group practices, and its solution.

5 Evaluation activities

6 Organization and Human Resources management is a general and descriptive subject that shows us a global vision of organizations, and of business in particular, analyzing their most generic management problems. It introduces students in the knowledge framework used by economists to deal with these issues, that can be applied to all kind of organizations and specially to business. It´s based upon several sources: the Economy of the Organizations, the standard economic tools used by business economics, as well as the human resources classic management.

5.3. Syllabus

Lesson 1  Conceptual introduction: Economy, Organization, and Business

1.1   Showing the concepts

1.2   Making decision problem

1.3   Organization problem

1.4   Technologically distinguishable phases

1.5   Efficiency

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Know a basic economic concept map about the subject aim
  • Understand which the main economic problems are


Lesson 2  Organization elements

2.1 Resource owners

2.2 Opportunity cost

2.3 Production function

2.4 Recompense and utility function

2.5 Necessary and sufficient conditions

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Know the concepts/arguments/elements that form every organization
  • Are able to know when an organization should be created, and what it is necessaty to consider  for it


Lesson 3  Organization problems in a primitive economy

3.1  Formal presentation of the problem

3.2 Specific work organization: division guidelines

3.3 Excess sharing

3.4 Final consideration and conclusions

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand organizations as the division of work and specialization consequence, and the criteria to task distribution
  • Deduce when either prices or authority have to be applied

Lesson 4  Organizational  systems

4.1  Variables that determine the different systems

4.2  Systems functioning

4.3 The Market

4.4  The State

4.5  Self-management business

4.6  Business with entrepreneur

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand the guidelines to design any organization
  • Are able to analyze the pros and cons of alternative organization models and understand when alternatively they can run properly

Lesson 5  Administration system

5.1  Administration functions

5.2  Evolution of the concept

5.3  Administration system

5.4  System administrator or manager concept

5.5  Administrative cycle

5.6  Information system

5.7  Information flows in PMBO

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand what administration is, and the managers role
  • Deduce the administrative cycle and information importance, and their application to PMBO

Lesson 6  Planning

6.1 Planning concept

6.2 Plans classification

6.3  Planning stages

6.4 Making decision guidelines

6.5  Planning advantages and disadvantages

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand planning as the first administrative function, and so its different faces or concepts
  • Understand its different phases, the making decision that implies, and the inherent criteria either explicit or implicit

Lesson 7  Making decision

7.1 ordering the information

7.2 Making decision criterion

7.3 Decision trees: sequential planning

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand how information is classified and become operational through the making decision process.
  • Know how to apply decision criteria, and the decision tree tool

Lesson 8  Temporal planning

8.1 Alternatives for temporal planning: Gantt chart

8.2 Pert-Cpm procedures

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Are able to easily use the temporary programming and control process techniques

Lesson 9  Real company: internal analysis

9.1 Firm concept

9.2 Subsystem components. Resulting components

9.3 Business classification: Unit vs. group

9.4 Costs

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Know the main axes to analyze any organization-business
  • Are able to understand the perspectives of business concept, depending on the features that can be shown
  • Understand the cost analysis, and its key relevance for the business survival.

Lesson 10  Environment: external analysis

10.1 The sector: general and specific analysis

10.2 Market structures. Evolutionary process

10.3 New, mature and declining sectors

10.4 Strategies

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand the forces that condition the business operation  in each sector
  • Are able to deduce strategies depending upon the sector features

Lesson11  The Market

11.1 Commercial system

11.2 Marketing-mix

11.3 Product decision making

11.4 Price decision making

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand the relevance of interaction with markets and the variables that determine it
  • Have a guideline to decide about product and prices

Lesson 12  Business creation and development

12.1 Ordering the process

12.2 Business plan

12.3 The moment of truth

12.4 Everyday managing

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Know the steps, process and different considerations to have in mind when creating a business or a company
  • Understand the importance of the installation, how determine the future, and the daily routines that will come after it

Lesson 13  Organization, management and control

13.1 Organizational structures and organization

13.2 Management systems

13.3 Control phases

13.4 Control classes and systems

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

  • Understand what the organizational structure is, and the key relevance of its election
  • Understand the key phase of the control, its different appearances and strategic role

Lesson 14  The objectives and scorecard

14.1. The objectives as a basis for planning

14.2. Company Goals

14.3. Analysis of the operability of objectives

14.4. The balanced scorecard

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand that the process of planning is based on the concept of objective

● Understand the process of harmonizing them

● Deduct the balanced scorecardas a guide and reference of the objectives


Lesson 15  Motivation and incentives

15.1. How get that people work non-stop: compensation

15.2. Verbal agreements and business with businessman

15.3. Cultural factors

15.4. Sophisticating the system. The real world

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand the problem, and why it is not possible to fix it with the remuneration

● Deduct the successful formula of the business with businessman

● Deduct how necessarily companies have to seek other routes that pass through cultural values, and the analysis of the utility function


Lesson 16  The coordination problem

16.1. Presenting the problem

16.2.Design of information/communication systems

16.3. Restructuring activities

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Know how to find the needs of coordination in the various assumptions

● Understand the alternative solutions, and when to apply one or the other


Lesson 17  Schools and theories of the organization

17.1 The Jungle of Theories of Management

17.2 The study of organizations

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Check how various schools and approaches have contributed to the study and understanding of the many facets of organizations


Lesson 18  The evolution to quality

18.1. Introduction and background

18.2.Costs of non-quality

18.3. How are companies organized?

18.4.The teamwork

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand what is total quality, its genesis, and its organizational implications

● Deduct the impact that will have the TQM in the organization


Lesson 19  Strategic management of human resources

19.1. From the Administration to the strategic management

19.2.Business strategy and human resources management

19.3. Theoretical Model: strategic objectives and strategic options

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Link the individual motivation with the company strategy

● Know how to establish both objectives and strategic options


Lesson 20  The people management

20.1. Organizational Culture

20.2. Human Groups

20.3. Motivation as a management tool

20.4. Leadership and Leadership Styles

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand the importance of the process of synchrony between people, both individually and in groups

● Know and understand the different ways to lead and motivate.


Lesson 21  Analysis of jobs

21.1.Objectives of the analysis

21.2. Information Collection

21.3.Methods of Analysis

21.4. Analysis Results

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand the usefulness and importance of this task for all organizations

● Know how to implement the appropriate procedure and generate the final report


Lesson 22  Planning human resources

22.1.Planning human resources

22.2.Career Planning

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Know how to use the methods of forecasting needs

● Know how to design career paths, promotions and transfers


Lesson 23  Recruitment and selection

23.1. The importance of human capital

23.2.Job profiles, recruitment and selection

23.3.Tests, interviews and references

23.4. Final phase

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Know how to carry out a complete process, both recruitment and selection


Lesson 24  The training process

24.1. Detection and analysis of needs

24.2. Technical Training

24.3. Implementation, evaluation and monitoring of the program

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand the strategic importance of training

● Learn the techniques and know how to implement them


Lesson 25  Rating jobs

25.1. Objectives and assessment process

25.2.Qualitative but nonanalytical methods

25.3.Quantitative analytical methods

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand the usefulness of assessing the job

● Know how to apply all the techniques


Lesson 26  Performance rating

26.1. Purpose of evaluation

26.2.Evaluation approaches and methods

26.3.Stages in the evaluation

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand the usefulness of assessing the performance

● Know how to do it


Lesson 27  The remuneration system

27.1. The remuneration and retributive justice

27.2.Level and payment structure

27.3.Design criteria remuneration system

27.4. Types of compensation systems

The specific objectives in this unit are that the students:

● Understand what the payment structures, criteria and types of systems are

● Derive their applicability depending on the specific cases

5.4. Course planning and calendar

This subject is made in a way that in person classes fits lessons and weeks, with a width of three weeks to take in account punctual problems of scheduling. So the suitable rhythm of study and work can be worked out by on line and in person students, from the very first moment they sign up in the subject. Each week It has more than two hours of theory, and less than two of practice. Four hours in total. All the information, theory and practices are at the ADD of the University of Zaragoza, in spite of new information that is updated weekly also by  publishing it at the ADD https://moodle2.unizar.es/add/.

Working time (in hours):

Attendance to theoretical classes: 85
Attendance to practical classes: 30
Presentations works: 5
Tutoring assistance: 30
Autonomous work of students (problems, preparation cases, etc.): 145
Exams and work: 5
Total student work: 300 (12 ECTS)

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic bibliography / BC: Complementary bibliography]

BB Bueno Campos, Eduardo. Economía de la empresa : análisis de las decisiones empresariales / Eduardo Bueno Campos, Ignacio Cruz Roche, Juan José Durán Herrera . Reimp. 2002 Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 2002
BB El factor humano en las relaciones laborales : manual de dirección y gestión / coordinador, Antonio Leal Millán ;[autores], Marisa Román Onsalo, Ana Alfaro de Prado Sagrera, Lucía Rodríguez Félix . - [1ª ed., reimpr.] Madrid : Pirámide, 2001
BB Gómez-Mejía, Luis R. : Gestión de recursos humanos / Luis R. Gómez-Mejía, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy . - 8ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Educación, D.L. 2016
BB Koontz, Harold. Elementos de administración / Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich ; traducción Julio Coro Pando ; revisión técnica Gustavo Palafox de Anda . - 5a. ed. (4a. ed. en español) Madrid [etc.] : Mac Graw-Hill, D.L. 1993
BC Casos y cuestiones de economía de la empresa / coordinación, Carmen Barroso Castro Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 1996
BC Koontz, Harold. Administración : una perspectiva global y empresarial / Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, Mark Cannice . - 14ª ed. México [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, cop. 2012
BC Luque de la Torre, María Angeles. Curso práctico de Economía de la Empresa : Un enfoque de organización / María Angeles Luque de la Torre, Yolanda Bueno Hernández, Begoña Santos Urda Madrid : Edicones Pirámide, 2001
BC Moreno-Luzón, María D.. Gestión de la calidad y diseño de organizaciones : teoría y estudio de casos / María D. Moreno-Luzón, Fernando J. Peris Bonet, Tomás González Cruz Madrid : Prentice Hall, D.L.2000
BC Porter, Michael E.. Estrategia competitiva : técnicas para el análisis de los sectores industriales y de la competencia / Michael E. Porter . - 34a. imp. México : Compañía editorial continental, 2004
BC Rodrigo Illera, Carlos. Fundamentos de economía de la empresa / Carlos Rodrigo Illera . - [2a. ed.] Madrid : Ediciones Pirámide, 1992-1993
BC Serra Ramoneda, Antonio. Mercados, contratos y empresa / Antonio Serra Ramoneda . - 2ª ed. corr. y ampl. Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions, 2003
BC Suárez Suárez, Andrés Santiago. Curso de introducción a la economía de la empresa / Andrés S. Suárez Suárez . - [4a. ed. rev. y amp.] Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 1991