Academic Year:
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
29001 - Administration and public policy sciences
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
29001 - Administration and public policy sciences
Faculty / School:
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
Subject Type:
Basic Education
5.1. Methodological overview
The activities of the development of this subject are listed in the learning activities .
As regards resources, students will have the following resources during the development of the subject:
- The necessary information on the academic aspects of the subject as well as texts on practical activities will be included in the ADD
- Compulsory and recommended literature of the subject .
- Support materials such readings on the subject, summaries or discussion forums.
- Important Notices for the students.
- Other tasks.
The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:
The learning process combines a general theoretical learning the basics of Administrative Science and Public Policy with a more practical and current approach of the implications of the matter. Therefore, a theoretical and practical methodology that combines an overview of the theoretical content of the discipline with an eminently practical expression through relevant practical activities combined.
5.2. Learning tasks
The program that the student is offered to help to achieve him the expected results includes the following activities:
1. Lectures: The theoretical sessions will be based on compulsory literature and they are supported in the classroom presentations that will be in the ADD. During the theory sessions, the students may ask questions or problematic situations on a subject, cause individual or group discussions, answer questions that may arise, etc. Among the participatory methodologies that can be used to supplement the lecture, the brainstorming, small group discussion, etc. are included.
2. Debates: Throughout the course, debates on political-administrative currently established. The object thereof is to learn to get information and raise rigorously different positions.
3. Practical sessions and text comments: Students will read on which various readings and they should make a comment for each. These readings will be taken into account as practical activity and will support the lectures. The comment will be divided into the following sections: summary of reading; critical and personal view of it; application of reading the content of an agenda item and/or the current administrative reality. The extension of the comment can not exceed four pages 1.5 spaces.
4. Academic tutoring: Individualized work with a student or group of students, in order to continue the learning program of the subject (not comprehensive tutoring). In tutoring sessions students can answer questions. Are a complement to non-contact work student where the teacher supervises and directs more directly the process to be followed in each of the activities proposed. It will rely on the communication tools of ADD. It will be established in the early going a schedule of mandatory tutoring for the teacher.
5.3. Syllabus
Bloque temático
I.Public administration: theory & methods
1. Introduction
1. Political Power and Public Administration
2. Public Administration as an object of scientific analysis.
3. Public Administration and social relations
4. The meaning and concept of Public Administration
2. Public Administration as a discipline
1. Contemporary Public Administration: different scientific trends.
2. From Public Administration to Public management
3. From Public management to Governance
II. Public Administration, ideology and political system
3. Public Administration as an element of the political system.
1. Overview of the Public Administration by political thinkers
2. Territorial organization and Public Administration
3. Status of the public administrations in political systems
III. Public Administration and organized social groups.
4. Political and social pluralism. Collective interests and Public Administration.
1. Public participation and democracy under the rule of law.
2. Citizen participation
3. Political parties and public administration.
4. Organized groups and public administration
5. Bureaucracy
1. Scientific challenges
2. The bureaucracy in the Marxists theory.
3. Bureaucracy in the theory of Max Weber
4. Criticism of Weberian Bureaucratic Theory.
5. Bureaucracy as organization and power of bureaucrats.
IV. Organization Theory and the Public Sector
6. Generic view: of administrative organizations
1. Structuring criteria.
2. The creation of organizations.
7. Notions of organization
1. Static view.
2. Dynamic vision.
3. Relations between organizations.
8. Public Administration functions and administrative factors.
1. The activities of public administration and public policy
2. Conceptualizing administrative functions.
3. Factors to consider when performing the functions.
4. Administrative functions.
V. Contemporary public administrations.
9. The Spanish political-administrative system.
1. Introduction.
2. The Government and the Central Administration.
3. The Regional Administrations.
4. The local administrations
VI. Public policy.
1. Theoretical framework.
2. Key for the analysis.
1. Analytical definition.
2. Constituent components.
3. Public policy cycle.
3. Actors.
1. Types.
2. Triangle of actors
4. Resources and institutional rules
1. Types of resources.
2. Institutional rules.
5. Public policy management.
1. The process of public policy management.
6. Public issues and public agenda.
1. The rise and definition of the public issues.
2. Types of agenda.
3. Design of the government agenda.
7. Decision-making in public policy.
1. Decision-making: the action program.
2. Political and administrative agreement.
3. Allocating resources.
Tema 8. Implementation.
1. Definition.
2. Theory.
3. Planning..
4. Implementating acts.
Tema 9. Evaluation.
1. Concept.
2. Objectives.
3. Types and models.
Tema 10. Termination.
1. The terminación of public policy.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
The schedule of sessions and practical activities communicates through ADD or by written document delivered by the teacher at the beginning of the academic year of the course.
Working time (in hours):
Attendance to theoretical classes: 90
Attendance to practical classes: 30
Tutoring assistance: 13
Autonomous student work (case preparation, study) 160
Exams: 7
Total student work: 300 (12 ECTS)
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Basic bibliography / BC: Complementary bibliography]
BB |
Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas / Joan Subirats ... [et al.] . - 1a. ed. en esta presentación Barcelona : Ariel, 2012 |
BB |
Baena del Alcázar, Mariano. Curso de ciencia de la administración / Mariano Baena del Alcázar . 4a. ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 2000 |
BB |
Baena del Alcázar, Mariano. Manual de Ciencia de la Administración / M. Baena del Alcázar . Madrid : Síntesis, D. L. 2005 |
BB |
Parrado Díez, Salvador. Sistemas administrativos comparados / Salvador Parrado Díez . Madrid : Tecnos, 2002 |
BC |
Administraciones públicas españolas / coordinadores, Jorge Crespo González, Gema Pastor Albaladejo . [1a. ed.] Madrid [etc.] : McGraw Hill, [2002] |
BC |
Análisis de políticas públicas / Margarita Pérez Sánchez (ed.) . Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2005 |
BC |
Arenilla Sáez, Manuel. La reforma administrativa desde el ciudadano / Manuel Arenilla Sáez . 1ª ed. Madrid : Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, 2003 |
BC |
La nueva gestión pública / Blanca Olías de Lima Gete [coord.] . Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Educación, D.L. 2001 |
BC |
R. D’Amico. L’ analisi della Pubblica Amministrazione. Teorie, concetti e metodi, vol. I. La pubblica Amministrazione e la sua scienza. Milan : Franco Angeli, 2004 |
Agencia de Evaluación y Calidad [] |
Centro de Buena Administración de Castilla y León [] |
Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública [] |
OCDE [] |