Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

423 - Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28752 - Gardening and Landscaping
Faculty / School:
175 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de La Almunia
423 - Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this subject is based on the following:


Strong interaction between the teacher/student. This interaction is brought into being through a division of work and responsibilities between the students and the teacher. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that, to a certain degree, students can set their learning pace based on their own needs and availability, following the guidelines set by the teacher.


The current subject is conceived as a stand-alone combination of contents, yet organized into three fundamental and complementary forms, which are: the theoretical concepts of each teaching unit, the solving of problems or resolution of questions and laboratory work, at the same time supported by other activities



The organization of teaching will be carried out using the following steps:

Theory Classes: Theoretical activities carried out mainly through exposition by the teacher, where the theoretical supports of the subject are displayed, highlighting the fundamental, structuring them in topics and or sections, interrelating them.

Practical Classes: The teacher resolves practical problems or cases for demonstrative purposes. This type of teaching complements the theory shown in the lectures with practical aspects.

Laboratory Workshop: The lecture group is divided up into various groups, according to the number of registered students, but never with more than 20 students, in order to make up smaller sized groups.

—         Individual Tutorials: Those carried out giving individual, personalized attention with a teacher from the department. Said tutorials may be in person or online.

5.2. Learning tasks

The programme offered to the student to help them achieve their target results is made up of the following activities...


Involves the active participation of the student, in a way that the results achieved in the learning process are developed, not taking away from those already set out, the activities are the following:

Face-to-face generic activities:

Theory Classes: The theoretical concepts of the subject are explained and illustrative examples are developed as support to the theory when necessary.

Practical Classes: Problems and practical cases are carried out, complementary to the theoretical concepts studied.      

Laboratory Workshop: This work is tutored by a teacher, in groups of no more than 20 students.

Generic non-class activities:

● Study and understanding of the theory taught in the lectures.

● Understanding and assimilation of the problems and practical cases solved in the practical classes.

● Preparation of seminars, solutions to proposed problems, etc.

● Preparation of laboratory workshops, preparation of summaries and reports.

● Preparation of the written tests for continuous assessment and final exams.


The subject has 6 ECTS credits, which represents 150 hours of student work in the subject during the trimester, in other words, 10 hours per week for 15 weeks of class.


A summary of a weekly timetable guide can be seen in the following table. These figures are obtained from the subject file in the Accreditation Report of the degree, taking into account the level of experimentation considered for the said subject is moderate.


Weekly  school hours



Laboratory Workshop


Other Activities


Nevertheless the previous table can be shown into greater detail, taking into account the following overall distribution:

— 40 hours of lectures, with 50% theoretical demonstration and 50% solving type problems.

— 10 hours of laboratory workshop, in 1 or 2 hour sessions.

— 6 hours of written assessment tests, one hour per test.

— 4 hours of PPT presentations.

— 90 hours of personal study, divided up over the 15 weeks of the 2nd semester.


There is a tutorial calendar timetable set by the teacher that can be requested by the students who want a tutorial.

5.3. Syllabus

Topic 1

Garden concept and its evolution over time.

    Historical evolution
    The gardens of antiquity
    Arab gardens
    Monastic gardens
    Renaissance gardening
    French rationalism
    English landscaping
    Gardening S. XIX and XX
    Gardening S. XXI

Topic 2

Types of green spaces and gardens. styles

    Types of spaces for location and dimensions
    Gardening styles
    sustainable gardening

Topic 3

Garden elements

    Deciduous shrubs
    Evergreen shrubs
    Flowering plants

Topic 4

Facilities, infrastructure and non-plant elements.

    Irrigation facilities
    Electrical installation
    Roads, paths and walkways
    Non Veg items

Topic 5

Project design and green areas and gardens

    Design bases
    External conditions
    Design theories
    Design Development
    The garden project or green area

Topic 6

Landscape. law, definition, types and landscaping techniques

    Legal system
    Types of landscape and its characterization
    Assessment techniques, planning and landscape assessment

Topic 7

Management and landscape management

    Techniques on the lanscape description and classification.
    Evaluation systems landscape
    Technologies to mitigate the impact on the landscape.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The dates of the final exams will be those that are officially published at


The planning orientation shown below

Week 1 and 2: Topic 1.

Week 2: Topic 2.

Week 4, 5 and 6 : Topic 3.

Week 7 and 8: Topic 4.

Week 9 and 10: Topic 5.

Week 11 and 12: Topic 6.

Week 13: Topic 7.

Week 14: Topic 7.

Week 15: Topic 8.




Topic theory notes

Topic problems


Topic theory notes

Topic presentations

Topic problems

Related links



Educational software

Web page

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Cañizo Perate, José Antonio del. El jardín : arte y técnica / José Antonio del Cañizo . - 6ª ed. ampl., y act. Madrid : Mundi-Prensa, 2006
  • Gil-Albert Velarde, Fernando. Manual técnico de jardinería. 1, Establecimiento de jardines, parques y espacios verdes / Fernando Gil- Albert Velarde . - 2Ì? ed. rev. y aum. Madrid : Mundi-Prensa, 2006
  • Sánchez de Lorenzo Cáceres, José Manuel. Guía de las plantas ornamentales / José Manuel Sánchez de Lorenzo Cáceres Madrid [etc.] : Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, 2001
  • Avila, Ricardo. Manual de riego de jardines y ejercicios / coordinación, Ricardo Avila Alabarces ; autores, Antonio Martín Rodríguez...[et al.] ; colaboradores, Javier Prieto-Puga de la Matta, Juan Carlos García-Verdugo Rodríguez. - 1ª edic Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca, 2003
  • Ballester-Olmos, José Francisco. Normas para la clasificación de los espacios verdes / José Fco. Ballester-Olmos y Anguís, Amparo Morata Carrasco. - 1º edic Valencia : Editorial de la UPV, DL 2001
  • Blanco Almenta, Rafael. Jardines del Mediterráneo / Rafael Blanco Almenta. - 1ª edc Madrid : Mundi-Prensa ; Sevilla : Fundación de Aparejadores, DL 2006
  • Manual de ciencia del paisaje : teoría, métodos y aplicación / bajo la dirección de María de Bolós ; autores, Maria de Bolos i Capdevila ... [et al.] Barcelona : Masson, 1992
  • López González, Ginés. Los árboles y arbustos de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares : especies silvestres y las principales cultivadas / Ginés A. López González . - 2ª ed. corr. Madrid [etc.] : Mundi-Prensa, 2006
  • López Lillo, Antonio. Árboles en España : manual de identificación / Antonio López Lillo, José Manuel Sánchez de Lorenzo Cáceres . - 2ª ed., rev. y amp. Madrid [etc.] : Mundi-Prensa, 2001
  • Estudios sobre el paisaje / Eduardo Martínez de Pisón, Concepción Sanz Herráiz (editores) Madrid : UAM Ediciones ; Soria : Fundación Duques de Soria, D.L. 2000
  • Merino Merino, Domingo. Césped deportivo : construcción y mantenimiento / Domingo Merino Merino, Javier Ansorena Miner Madrid [etc.] : Mundi-Prensa, 1998
  • Páez de la Cadena, Francisco. Historia de los estilos en jardinería / Francisco Páez de la Cadena. - 1ª edición Madrid : Itsmo, D.L. 1998
  • Ros Orta, Serafín. La empresa de jardinería y paisajismo : conservación de espacios verdes / Serafín Ros Orta Madrid [etc.] : Mundi-Prensa, 1996
  • Ayuga Tellez, F.. Gestión sostenible de paisajes rurales. Técnicas e ingeniería/ F. Ayuga Tellez.. - 1ª edición Ediciones Mundi-Prensa; Edición: 1 (2001)



Topic theory notes

Topic problems


Topic theory notes

Topic presentations

Topic problems

Related links



Educational software

Web page