Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

423 - Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering

28701 - Graphic expression I

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28701 - Graphic expression I
Faculty / School:
175 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de La Almunia
423 - Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The teaching methodology is based on a strong interaction teacher / student. This interaction is materialized by a division of labor / responsibilities between students and teachers.

Classroom activities:
Theoretical classes: theoretical concepts of the subject will be explained and practical examples will be developed.
Tutored practical classes of problems: Students will develop examples and conduct problems or case studies concerning the theoretical concepts studied.
tutored autonomous activities: These activities will be tutored by teachers of the subject. The student will be able to perform these activities in the center, under the supervision of a professor of the branch / department.
Reinforcement activities: Through a virtual education portal (Moodle) various activities that reinforce the basic contents of the subject be addressed. These activities will be personalized and controlled its realization through it

5.2. Learning tasks

It involves the active participation of students, so as to achieve the learning outcomes will be developed, non redound to the above, the following activities:
Lectures: theoretical activities and / or practices taught so fundamentally exhibition by the teacher.
Classroom practices / seminars / workshops: Activities theoretical discussion or preferably practices carried out in the classroom and requiring high student participation.
Computer practices: Practical activities in the computer rooms.
Group tutorials: Scheduled tracking learning activities in which the teacher meets with a group of students to guide their work autonomous learning and targeted protection of jobs or requiring a very high degree of advice from the teacher.
Individual tutorials: may be actual or virtual.
The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits, which represents 150 hours of work the student / a in the subject during the semester, ie 10 hours per week for 15 weeks of lessons.
A summary of the indicative temporal distribution of a school week can be seen in the following table. These values ​​are obtained from the record of the subject of Memory Verification degree, taking into account the degree of experimentalism considered for this subject it is high

5.3. Syllabus

1 Graphic Expression Techniques

Topic 1
Basic techniques of freehand drawing.
Topic 2
Concept plan, elevation section, their interrelation, bounded.
item 3
Sketching from model (copy and scaling)
item 4
Sketching the natural proportion.

2. Introduction to CAD.
item 5
Access to "AUTOCAD" Program
· Start the Autocad program.
· Presentation and Display settings in Autocad.
· Exploring the (Interface) drawing window.
· Different way to communicate.
· Command Post.
· Change settings GRILLE, SNAP, etc.
· Coordinate Drawing in Autocad and pray aid.
· Save and Open drawings.
· Coordinate Simple exercises.
item 6
Circles and drawing aids
· Draw circles, arcs, etc.
· Using commands for drawing.
· Print / Plotting a drawing.
item 7
Layers, colors and line types
· Create layers. Reed configuration.
· Assigning colors, lines and layer thicknesses.
· Editing corners, splices, etc.
· Zoom Window, Prior and all.
· Using print preview.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The dates of the final exams will be published officially in 

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Ching, Frank. Arquitectura : forma, espacio y orden / Francis D. K. Ching ; [versión castellana de Santiago Castán] . - 3ª ed. rev. y act. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, D.L. 2010
BB Molero Vera, Josep. AutoCAD 2012 : curso de iniciación / Josep Molero Barcelona : Inforbook's, D.L. 2011