Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management

28329 - Integrated Analysis of the Natural Environment

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28329 - Integrated Analysis of the Natural Environment
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning and teaching methodology developed in the course is aimed to promote the attainment of its objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning activities is implemented, such as interactive lessons, practical exercises, individual or group activities, directed activities, field work and private study.

A high level of student participation will be required from all students throughout the course.

5.2. Learning tasks

Lecture sessions:  10 hours

Practical activities: Interactive, individual or group activities: 42 hours

Directed activities: 30 hours

Field work: 14 hours

Private study: 57 hours

Assessment: 3 hours

5.3. Syllabus



2. FACTORS: topography, climate, lithology, vegetation cover, topography and drainage network


3. ELEMENTS: interannual variation, seasonal variation of discharge, floods, droughts.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The course is divided into 3 thematic blocks. The first block includes the theme 1; it runs during the first week of the term. The second thematic block includes the theme 2 and runs during the folloeing nine weeks. The third block covers the theme 3 and develops during the final five week of the course.


For further details concernig the timetable, classroom and other information of the course please refer to the

“Facultad de Filosofía y Letras”  web site (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

DAVIE, T. (2006) : Fundamentals of Hydrology. 3ª edición. 169 p. Routledge. Londres.

GUAITA, N. y LANDA, L.  (2008): Agua y sostenibilidad: Funcionalidad de las cuencas. 205 p. ExpoZaragoza 2008 – Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España (OSE) – Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino.

MARTINEZ DE AZAGRA, A. y NAVARRO, J. (1995): Hidrología Forestal.  Universidad de Valladolid.

PETTS, G. E. y AMOROS, C. (1996): The fluvial hydrosystem. Chapman & Hall. London.

SENCIALES, J.M. (1999): Redes fluviales. Metodología de análisis. Estudios y Ensayos, 34. 337 p. Universidad de Málaga.