Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management

28326 - Rural Areas: Diversity and Development Strategies

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28326 - Rural Areas: Diversity and Development Strategies
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

Sessions on the theoretical contents of the subject. They are directed to file by the teacher in the classroom and discuss general and methodological aspects of the detailed contents on the agenda. In these sessions the participation of students will be promoted.

Supervised practice sessions by the teacher. They aim that the student is able to make decisions that allow him to solve simple problems related to the analysis of rural areas. It is intended him to familiarize with the basic sources of information and the proper treatment of information obtained from them by applying the most common methods and techniques.

Seminars. They aim to promote, through discussion, reasoning ability and communication. The seminars will be geared to the exchange of ideas using transverse and topical issues that are related to the theoretical topics covered in class.

Field trip. It will allow students to be able to observe "in situ" the variety of rural areas and their characteristics. The field work aims to initiate the student in the interpretation of the territory.

Tutorial. Facilitate monitoring of the teaching-learning and group counseling or individualized on the development of practical work and the approach of the seminars.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to help the student to achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...

Theoretical sessions , 30 hours

Practical work, 25 hours

Seminars, 6 hours

Fieldwork , 9 hours

Personal study, 75 hours

Tutorships, 2 hours

Evaluation test, 3 hours

5.3. Syllabus

Program of the course:

1. Conceptualization of rural

2. Rural areas : recent trends

3. Diversity of rural areas

4. Strategies for the development of rural areas

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

The sessions on the theoretical contents of the subject and practical sessions will be held in groups and in the place and time stipulated by the center management team.

The direction of work practices and preparation of seminars will be held in the teacher's office or in the classroom.

Assessment tests, theoretical test in the case of continuous assessment and theoretical test and practical exercise in the case of the overall evaluation will take place in the classroom and time assigned to it by the management team of the Faculty of Arts.

The realization of the practice sessions and seminars would be phased in during the semester in relation to the development of the theoretical classes. The date of delivery of the reports of each practice will coincide with the date set for the completion of the practice that happen.

The intervention in the seminars will be delivered at the time of its completion.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Bonnamour, Jacqueline. Géographie rurale : position et méthode / par J. Bonnamour Paris : Masson, 1993
  • Handbook of rural studies / edited by Paul Cloke, Terry Marsden and Patrick Mooney London : SAGE publications, 2006
  • Chaléard, Jean-Louis. Géographie agricole et rurale / Jean-Louis Chaléard, Jean -Paul Charvet Paris : Belin, D.L. 2004
  • Diry, Jean-Paul. Les espaces ruraux / Jean-Paul Diry [Paris] : Sedes, cop. 1999
  • García Ramón, María Dolores. Geografía rural / Ma. Dolors García Ramón, Antoni F. Tullas i Pujol, Núria Valdovinos Perdices Madrid : Síntesis, 1995
  • Gilg, Andrew W. An introduction to rural geography / Andrew W. Gilg London : Edward Arnold, 1985
  • The geography of rural change / edited by Brian Ilbery London : Longman, cop. 1998
  • Kayser, Bernard. La renaissance rurale : sociologie des campagnes du monde occidental / Bernard Kayser Paris : Armand Colin, D.L. 1990
  • Molinero, Fernando. Los espacios rurales : agricultura y sociedad en el mundo / Fernando Molinero . - 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1990
  • Woods, Michael. Rural geography : processes, responses and experiences in rural restructuring / Michael Woods . - [1st. ed., repr.] London : SAGE, 2006
  • Puyol Antolín, Rafael. Geografía humana / Rafael Puyol, José Estébanez, Ricardo Méndez . Madrid : Cátedra, D.L. 1988 [Estebanez J. Los espacios rurales Pp: 239-356]
  • Geografía humana : procesos, riesgos e incertidumbres en un mundo globalizado / Juan Romero (coord.) ; José Ortega ... [et al.] . 1ª ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 2004 [Los territorios rurales en el cambio de siglo (p. 333-349)]