28302 - Geomorphology
419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management
Basic Education
5.3. Syllabus
Introduction. The landforms, a geographical study. Geomorphic systems. People as creators of landforms.
Unit 1. Geomorphology, the science of landforms. History of Geomorphology.
- The approach to Geomorphology until the nineteenth century. Description of the environment. Background of modern geomorphology.
- The study of the landforms from the nineteenth century. The knowledge of landforms. Structural and Climatic Geomorphology.
- Geomorphology from the twenty century: Dynamic Geomorphology, Applied Geomorphology, Environmental Geomorphology.
Unit 2. Earth and the geodynamics.
- The Earth as a planet in the Universe.
- The internal structure of the Earth.
- Plate Tectonics, Geodynamic and Orogens. Evolution of the major structural units: geological time.
- Continental and oceanic topography.
Unit 3. The Earth rocks.
- Minerals and rocks.
- Classification of the rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks.
- Rocks and landforms.
Unit 4. The deformations of the earth's crust: tectonic and landforms.
- Geological structures: folds and faults.
Unit 5. Tectonic and structural landforms.
Unit 6. Lihology and landforms (karstic landforms, volcanic landforms…).
Unit 7. Weathering.
- Weathering: concept and factors that control weathering.
- Mechanical Weathering: fragmentation and disaggregation.
- Chemical weathering: oxidation, hydration, dissolution, hydrolysis.
- Organic Weathering: soil formation.
- Development of modeling: Quantitative analysis of the form of erosion on the Earth's surface.
Unit 8. Slope processes
- Gravity and overland flow.
- Mass movements.
- Slopes and morphometry.
Unit 9. Fluvial processes and river valleys
- Drainage basin landforms
- Fluvial dynamics: Fluid flow in channels, sediment transport and discharge of water and sediment.
- Fluvial landforms: erosion and sedimentation landforms.
- River valleys
- Floodplains and terraces. Alluvial fans.
Unit 10. The relief and climate: Climatic Geomorphology.
- Relations between topography, climate and vegetation cover. Morphoclimatic systems.
- Quaternary processes and landforms
- Morphoclimatic Earth diversity.
Unit 11. Glacial and periglacial processes and landforms.
- Glaciers. Spatial distribution of glaciers along the Quaternary
- Processes and mechanisms: flow and glacial activity.
- Glacial landforms
- Proglacial and Periglacial activity.
Unit 12. Eolian processes and landforms.
- Eolian activity: spatial distribution.
- Eolian processes and landforms: forms of erosion and sedimentation.
Unit 13. The coastal processes and landforms
- Quaternary variations of sea level.
- Coastal factors and processes: tides, waves, currents, storms, tsunamis.
- Coastal landforms: depositional and erosional landforms
- Deltas and estuaries
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
BIROT, P (1981): Les processus d'erosion a la surface des continents. Edit. Masson. Paris.
BUDEL, J. (1988): Climatic Geomorphology. Princeton University Press.
CHORLEY, R.J., SCHUMM, S.A. & SUGDEN, D.E. (1984): Geomorphology. Methuen. Londres.
COQUE, R. (1984): Geomorfología. Alianza Universidad Textos. Alianza Editorial. Madrid. 475 pp.
DEMEK, J. (Ed.) (1972): Manual of detailed geomorphological mapping. IGU Comm. Geomorph. Survey Mapping Czech. Sci. Academia Prague. 341 pp.
DERBYSHIRE, E. (1976): Geomorphology and Climate. Wiley. London.
DERBYSHIRE, E. et al. (1981): Geomorphological processes. Butterworths. London.
DERRUAU, M. (1978): Geomorfología. Editorial Ariel. Barcelona. 528 pp.
EMBLETON, C. & THORNES, J.B. (1979): Process in Geomorphology. Edward Arnold. London. 436 pp.
FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. (Edit.)(1968): The Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. Reinholl Book Corporation. New York. 1295 pp.
GERRARD, A.J. (1981): The origin of landscapes. Longman. London
GERRARD, A.J. (1988): Rocks and Landforms. Unwin. London.
GUTIÉRREZ ELORZA, M. (2001): Geomorfología Climática. Omega. Barcelona, 642 pp.
GUTIÉRREZ ELORZA, M. (2008): Geomorfología. Pearson. Madrid. 898 pp.
HUGGET, R. (2007): Fundamentals of Geomorphology. Routledge. Taylors and Francis Group. 488 pp.
KING, C.A.M. (1976): Landforms and Geomorphology. New York.
MARTINEZ DE PISON, E. (1985): El relieve de la Tierra. Salvat. Barcelona.
MARTINEZ DE PISON, E. y TELLO, B. (Eds.)(1986): Atlas de Geomorfología. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
MUÑOZ JIMENEZ, J. (1992): Geomorfología General. Editorial Síntesis. Espacios y Sociedades, 4. 351 pp.
PANIZZA, M. (1990): Geomorfologia Applicata. NIS. Roma. 342 pp.
PEDRAZA, J. (1996): Geomorfología. Principios, Métodos y Aplicaciones. Edit. Rueda. Madrid. 414 p.
RICE, R.J. (1982): Fundamentos de Geomorfología. Editorial Paraninfo. Madrid.378 pp.
SELBY, M.J. (1985): Earth's changing surface. Clarendon. Oxford.
SELBY, M.J. (1993): Hillslopes Materials and Processes. Oxford University Press, 451 pp.
SUMMERFIELD, M.A. (1991): Global Geomorphology. Longman. New York.
THORNES, J. & BRUNDSEN, D. (1977): Geomorphology and Time. Methuen. London. 208 pp.
TRICART, J. (1965): Principes et méthodes de la Géomorphologie. Masson.Paris. 496 pp.
TRICART, J. (1968-1981): Précis de Géomorphologie (3 tomos). SEDES. Paris.
TRICART, J. (1978): Geomorphologie Applicable. Masson. Paris. 204 pp.
TRICART, J. et CAILLEUX, A. (1965): Traité de Géomorphologie. T.I: Introduction a la Geomorphologie climatique. Paris. SEDES. 306 pp.
TWIDALE, C.R. (1971): Structural Landforms. MIT Press. Cambridge.
TWIDALE, C.R. (1976): Analysis of Landforms. Wiley. Singapur.
VIERS, G. (1973): Geomorfología. Elementos de geografía. Oikos-tau. Barcelona. 320 pp.
YOUNG, A. (1972): Slopes. Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh, 278 pp.