28123 - Modern History: 17th - 18th Century
5.3. Syllabus
1. Theoretical Considerations and Historiography.
2. The General Crisis of the 17th Century.
3. The New European Order.
4. Economy and Society in 17th Century Europe.
5. Evolution of the European States throughout the 17th Century.
6. The Birth of Modern Thought and Enlightenment.
7. Economic Growth and Society in the 18th Century.
8. Evolution of the European States throughout the 18th Century.
9. Enlightenment and Enlightened Despotism.
10. European Colonial System and Non European Empires.
11. The Beginning of the End of the Ancien Régime.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza (http://academico.unizar.es/calendario-academico/calendario) and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes: https://fyl.unizar.es/horario-de-clases#overlay-context=horario-de-clases; Examination schedule: https://fyl.unizar.es/calendario-de-examenes#overlay-context=)
More information will be provided on the first day of class.