Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

426 - Degree in Classics

27966 - Second Language I(English)

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27966 - Second Language I(English)
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
426 - Degree in Classics
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

See "Learning activities " and "Program".
More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

  • Theoretical lectures.
  • Practical lectures.
  • Individual work.
  • Personal study.
  • Assessment activities.


5.3. Syllabus

1. A. Mood Food:  Food and cooking; present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs; short and long vowel sounds.

B. Family Life: Family, adjectives of personality; future forms: present continuous, going to, will/won’t; sentence stress, word stress.

2. A. Spend or save? : Money; Present perfect and past simple.

B. Changing Lives: strong adjectives (exhausted, amazed); sentence stress, stress on strong adjectives.

3. A. Race across London: Transport; comparative and superlatives.

B. Stereotypes; Collocation: verbs/ adjectives + prepositions; articles: a/an, the,  no article.

4. A. Failure or Success; -ed/-ing adjectives; can, could, be able to; reflexive pronouns.

B. B. Modern manners: Phone language; modals of obligation: must, have to, should.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza (http://academico.unizar.es/calendario-academico/calendario) and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes: https://fyl.unizar.es/horario-de-clases#overlay-context=horario-de-clases; Examination schedule: https://fyl.unizar.es/calendario-de-examenes#overlay-context=)

More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Bolton, David. English grammar in steps / english grammar presented, explained and practised in context by David Bolton and Noel Goodey . [1ª ed.] London : Richmond, D. L. 2004
  • Eastwood, John. Oxford practice grammar : intermediate : with answers / John Eastwood . 1st published Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2006
  • Oxenden, Clive. English file : Intermediate / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig with Jane Hudson. 3ª ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013
  • Bolton, David. Grammar practice in context : English grammar practice exercises covering the 100 most important grammar topics and structures / byDavid Bolton & Noel Goodey London : Richmond Publishing, D.L. 1997
  • Swan, Michael. Practical English usage / Michael Swan . - [1st ed.], 16th imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988
  • Thomson, A. J.. A practical English grammar / A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet . - 4th ed., 10th impr. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1990
  • Vince, Michael. First certificate language practice : with key / Michael Vince . - 1st ed. Oxford : Heinemann, 1996
  • Alexander, L. G.. Longman English grammar / L.G. Alexander . - [1st ed.] London ; New York : Longman, 1988
  • Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy . - 2nd ed., 14th pr. Cambridge : University Press, 1999
  • Rowan, Jean. New english grammar for bachillerato / Jean Rowan Limassol (Cyprus) : Burlington Books, cop. 2005
  • Swan, Michael. How English works : A grammar practice book : with answers / Michael Swan & Catherine Walter . - [20th reimpr.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009
  • Thomas, B.J.. Intermediate Vocabulary / B.J. Thomas . - , New ed., 14th. impr. Edinburgh : Longman, 2008
  • Bolton, David. English grammar in steps / english grammar presented, explained and practised in context by David Bolton and Noel Goodey . - [1ª ed.] London : Richmond, D. L. 2004
  • Eastwood, John. Oxford practice grammar : intermediate : with answers / John Eastwood . - 1st published Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2006