Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

426 - Degree in Classics

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27918 - Latin Language and Literature I
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
426 - Degree in Classics
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

See "Learning activities " and "Program".
More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

Translation and syntactical commentary of Late-Republican texts of prose: Caesar, Cicero.

5.3. Syllabus

1. Latin Syntax: introduction and analysis methods. Sentence in Latin: Order of words, constituents, types.

2. The function of nominative and vocative.

3. The function of accusative.

4. The function of genitive.

5. The function of dative.

6. The function of ablative.

7. Syntax of verbal categories

8. Syntax of nominal forms of the verb.

9. The complex sentence: coordination.

10. The completive subordination.

11. The relative subordination.

12. The adverbial subordination: temporal and causal.

13. The adverbial subordination final, consecutive and comparative.

14. The adverbial subordination: conditional and concessive.

15. Indirect style.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza (http://academico.unizar.es/calendario-academico/calendario) and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes: https://fyl.unizar.es/horario-de-clases#overlay-context=horario-de-clases; Examination schedule: https://fyl.unizar.es/calendario-de-examenes#overlay-context=)

More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Sintaxis del latín clásico / José Miguel Baños Baños (coordinador) . Madrid : Liceus, 2009
  • Bassols de Climent, Mariano. Sintaxis latina / por Mariano Bassols de Climent . 6a. reimp. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1981
  • Ernout, Alfred. Syntaxe latine / Alfred Ernout, François Thomas . Paris : Klincksieck, 1959
  • Hofmann, Johann Baptist. Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik / von J.B. Hofmann ; neubearbeitet von Anton Szantyr mit dem allgemeinen Teil der Lateinischen Grammatik . München : Beck, 1972
  • Kühner, Raphael. Ausführliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache. 2. Teil, Satzlehre / von Raphael Kühner, Carl Stegmann . Hannover : Hahnsche, 1912
  • Pinkster, Harm. Sintaxis y semántica del latín / Harm Pinkster ; traducido por M. Esperanza Torrego, Jesús de la Villa . 1ª ed. Madrid : Ediciones Clásicas, 1995
  • Rubio Fernández, Lisardo. Introducción a la sintaxis estructural del latín / Lisardo Rubio . [1a. ed. en 1 vol.] Barcelona [etc.] : Ariel, 1982
  • Torrego Salcedo, E., Directrices para el análisis sintáctico del latín, Eclás, núm. 142 (2012), p. 71-88