Academic Year:
426 - Degree in Classics
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
27908 - Introduction to latin language
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
426 - Degree in Classics
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education
5.1. Methodological overview
See "Learning activities " and "Program".
More information will be provided on the first day of class.
5.2. Learning tasks
1. Exercises of etymology: from Latin into Spanish.
2. Reading and commentary of elementary Latin texts.
3. Reading and commentary of easy Latin authors (Eutropius, Nepos, Caesar, etc.)
Books to read and comment:
• Reading of a selection of Ovidian works: Ars amatoria, Remedia Amoris, Metamorphoses (excerpts).
5.3. Syllabus
1. Introduction to the study of the Latin Language: diachronic, diatopic and diastratic variation.
2. Elementary description of the system of Classical Latin:
2.1. The phonological system of Classical Latin: alphabet and pronunciation; accent and prosody.
2.2. Morphosyntax of nouns and pronouns.
2.3. Morphosyntax of verbs.
2.4. The complex sentence: relative clauses, clauses of ut, cum, quod.
3. Main tendencies in the evolution of Latin into Spanish.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza ( and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes:; Examination schedule:
More information will be provided on the first day of class.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
- Beltrán Cebollada, José Antonio. Introducción a la morfología latina / José A. Beltrán . Zaragoza : Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1999
- Encuentra Ortega, Alfredo. Latinum per se : prima lectio / Alfredo Encuentra Ortega. 1ª ed. [Zaragoza] : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2011
- Herman, József. El latin vulgar / József Herman ; traducción, introducción, índice y bibliografía de Mª del Carmen Arias Abellán . - 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1997
- Palmer, Leonard Robert. Introducción al latín / L.R. Palmer Barcelona : Planeta, D.L. 1974
- Rubio Fernández, Lisardo. Nueva gramática latina / Lisardo Rubio Fernández, Tomás González Rolán . - 3ª ed., reimpr. Madrid : Coloquio, 1996
- Valentí Fiol, Eduardo. Gramática de la lengua latina : morfología y nociones de sintaxis / Eduardo Valentí Fiol . 8a. ed. Barcelona : Bosch, D.L. 1986
- Väänänen, Veikko. Introducción al latín vulgar / Veikko Väänänen ; versión española de Manuel Carrión . 3a. ed., 2a. reimp. Madrid : Gredos, D.L. 2003
- Título Verba : ejercicios de etimología latina / María Victoria Bello Berlín ... [et al.]. Madrid : Ediciones Clásicas, 1996