Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27849 - Academic Communication and Intercultural Linguistics

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27849 - Academic Communication and Intercultural Linguistics
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
4 and 3
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This course introduces different theoretical models and seeks to engage students in a range of activities involving applications of those models.

Lectures are based on analytical tasks inviting the students to reflect on contextual aspects of academic English in the field of the Humanities.

In identifying, describing and critically reflecting on academic texts, students are expected to put into practice the theoretical frameworks taught over the course. At the same time, students will engage in the use of academic English as a lingua franca for written and spoken communication in multilingual and multicultural contexts. 

5.2. Learning tasks

Teaching in this module is carried out by way of weekly lectures and seminars, with individual guidance and assistance being available to learners in the research and preparation of their work.


Lectures (1.2 ECTS / 30 hours) will introduce key theoretical concepts and issues related to academic communication, with a focus on contextual factors, the relationship between language and culture and the use of English as a vehicular language (English as a Lingua Franca).

Seminars (1.2 ECTS / 30 hours) are designed to assist the development of skills necessary to analyze, evaluate and form judgements about English texts used in academic settings.


Individual/group advising (0.4 ECTS / 10 hours): advising on students' progress in their assessment tasks will be provided in office hours


f) Assessment methods (0.2 créditos / 5 hours): exam, individual essay and group presentation.

The student is expected to demonstrate: i) accuracy and fluency (if applicable) in the use of general English (level C1.1) and academic English language conventions; ii) knowledge of course contents and ability to apply such knowledge in practice; and analytical skills, critical reading and writing skills, reflective skills as well as problem-solving skills in handling contents.

5.3. Syllabus

(27849) Academic Communication and Intercultural Linguistics


1. Models of cross-cultural and cross-linguistic communication.

2. An overview of language and culture: the role of culture in academic communication.

3. English as a Lingua Franca for international and intercultural communication.

4. Language and discourse: theoretical and applied perspectives on the study of written and spoken academic discourse in the context of intercultural communication.

5. Language and cultural identity: theoretical and applied perspectives on English as a lingua franca in multilingual and multicultural academic settings.

6. Doing "Intercultural Communication": academic contexts, communities of discourse, discourse practices and professional modes of communication.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Lectures and seminars will take place twice a week, as stated in the official calendar published by the Faculty of Humanities and Arts.

The dates of all assessment tasks are those established by the Faculty. 

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB  Connor, Ulla. Contrastive rhetoric : cross-cultural aspects of second- language writing / Ulla Connor Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996
BB Developing intercultural competence in practice / edited by Michael Byram, Adam Nichols and David Stevens . Clevedon, England : Multilingual Matters, cop. 2001
BB English as a lingua franca : studies and findings / edited by Anna Mauranen and Elina Ranta . Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2010
BB Kramsch, Claire. Language and culture / Claire Kramsch . - 1st pub. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998
BB Scollon, Ronald. Intercultural communication : a discourse approach / Ron Scollon and Suzanne Wong Scollon . 2nd ed. Oxford : Blackwell, 2001
BB Seidlhofer, Barbara. Understanding English as a lingua franca / Barbara Seidlhofer . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
BB Swales, John M.. Genre analysis : English in academic and research settings / John M. Swales Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990
BC Brown, Gillian. Discourse analysis / Gillian Brown, George Yule . [1st ed., repr.] Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989 repr.
BC English as a lingua franca : studies and findings / edited by Anna Mauranen and Elina Ranta Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2010
BC Glaser, E. Guilhermen. Intercultural competence for professional mobility / E. Guilhermen Glaser, M. C. Méndez Garcia & T. Mughan Gratz : ECML, Council of Europe Publishing, 2007
BC Holliday, Adrian. Intercultural communication : an advanced resource book / Adrian Richard Holliday, Martin Hyde and John Kullman . - Repr. London [etc.] : Routledge, 2006
BC Lillis, T. . Academic writing in a global context : The politics and practices of publishing in English / T. Lillis & M. J. Curry London & New York : Routledge, 2010
BC Mauranen, A., “Cultural differences in academic discourse -problems of a linguistic and cultural minority”. En: The competent intercultural communicator / L. Löfman, L. Jurki-Suonio, S. Pellinen, & J. Lehtonen (Eds.) Tampere : AFinLA, 1993, pp. 157–174
BC Seidhofer, Barbara. “English as a Lingua Franca” . ELT journal, 2005, nº 59 (4), p. 339-341
BC Swales, J.M., “Is the university a community of practice?”. En: Applied linguistics and communities of practice / S. Sarangi and Theo van Leeuwen (eds.) London : Continuum, 2001
BC Teaching academic writing : an introduction for teachers of second language writers / Brian Paltridge ... [et al.]. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, cop. 2012
BC Tomalin, Barry. Cultural awareness / Barry Tomalin & Susan Stempleski Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993