Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27839 - English Language VI

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27839 - English Language VI
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This is a practical course aimed at improving the students' proficiency in the four skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading) to a C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course work is designed for students of English Studies and, therefore, has a special emphasis on the specific aspects they need to master as future graduates in English Studies.

5.2. Learning tasks

Theoretical sessions: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Presentation, study and practice of the basic discursive, lexico-grammatical, and sociolinguistic contents needed to reinforce oral and written comprehension in English at a C1 level for English Studies.

Practical sessions: 2,0 credits (50 hours). Individual and group activities designed to improve the four skills at a C1 level for English Studies.

Supervised activities:

Individual and group tutorials: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Guidelines and supervision for individual and group tasks. Essay marking.

Individual work:

Self-learning: 1,2 credits 40 hours). Further practice in the four skills under the teacher’s supervision.

Other activities: 1,8 credits (45 hours). Reading, viewing of audiovisual material, participation in the virtual learning environment (Moodle/ADD)


Theory and practice exam: 0,2 credits (5 hours). Tests in the four skills at C1 level.

5.3. Syllabus

(27839) English Language VI


How to speculate about images and objects – How to interpret and respond to a story – How to discuss icons – How present arguments and counter-arguments – Reading: A text about a family anecdote – Listening: A journalist talking about a poster of Barak Obama – Speaking: Giving and responding to criticism.


How to describe groups and membership – How to describe feelings about belonging – How to give opinions emphatically – How to explore strategies for analysing authentic texts – Speaking: Showing agreement/disagreement in an emphatic way – Listening: Someone talks about his sense of belonging to a group  – Writing: Describing an organisation in the best possible light.


How to talk about climate change – How to describe inventions and how they work – How to discuss proposals – How to describe an ongoing process – How to conduct a debate –Reading: An article on fighting global warming – Listening: Reacting to James Lovelock’s ideas about global warming –– Speaking: Debating James Lovelock’s The Vanishing Face of Gaia.


How to talk about knowledge and technology – How to describe technological advances – How to talk about how things develop – Reading: An article about technology and general knowledge – Listening: A TV news report about a project – Writing: a ‘How to…’ article –Speaking: Your computer skills.


English Unlimited Advanced, "English for Spanish Speakers", Cambridge University Press.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Planning and Course Schedule

Course sessions will develop the program, and be divided in approximately equal parts in activities targeted at practice in the four skills. Optional written work will be proposed by the teacher and deadlines will be given for its submission.

See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza (http://academico.unizar.es/calendario-academico/calendario) and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes: https://fyl.unizar.es/horario-de-clases#overlaycontext=horario-de-clases; Examination schedule: https://fyl.unizar.es/calendario-deexamenes#overlay-context=)

More information will be provided on the first day of class.


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Doff, Adrian. English unlimited : english for spanish speakers, C1 Advanced, coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM / Adrian Doff & Ben Goldstein with Miguel Ángel Meroño Mercader . Madrid : Cambridge University Press, D.L. 2011