Academic Year:
416 - Degree in English
27836 - English Language V
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
27836 - English Language V
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
First semester
Subject Type:
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process for this subject is based on the following:
Due to its instrumental nature, this subject is eminently practical and is based on an active and collaborative methodology. Students, both individually as well as in small groups, will carry out diverse tasks requiring the use of English in written and oral communication within the contexts and the situations specific to level C1.1 of the Common European Framework for Languages.
5.2. Learning tasks
Learning activities distributed according to hours and credits:
a) Theoretical classes (0,4 credits/ 10 hours): presentation, study and practice of the lexicogrammatical, discursive, sociolinguistic and strategic contents necessary for strengthening and consolidating oral and written comprehension and production in English, starting at a Level C1.1 and reaching a Level C1.1+.
b) Practical activities (2,0 credits/ 50 hours): didactic activities aimed at the development of the four skills in English (reading, writing, listening, speaking) carried out individually or in groups; problem solving, project learning and use of ICT (Level C1.1+).
Supervised activities
c) Individual and group tuition (0,1 credits/ 2,5 hours): students will be provided with learning techniques as well as guidance and supervision of group and individual tasks.
Autonomous activities (not class-based)
d) Self-learning (1,5 credits/ 37,5 hours): individual and autonomous study in which the student must use self-learning techniques for the development of the skills at a C1.1+ level. The teacher will provide guidance in individual tutorials.
e) Other autonomous activities (1,8 credits/ 45 hours): reading, viewing of audiovisual material, use of the Moodle platform.
Assessment (0,2 credits/ 5 hours): comprehension and production tests (oral and written) in English at a C1.1+ level.
5.3. Syllabus
(27836) English Language V
The following thematic modules from the course book English Unlimited Advanced for Spanish Speakers of English (Cambridge University Press) will be tackled in class:
How to describe spaces in cities; How to describe how spaces are used; How to comment on experiences; How to outline problems; How to discuss and suggest solutions; Reading: A personal text about crime and surveillance; Listening: People talking about security measures; Speaking: Giving a presentation with images.
How to describe appearance and changes to appearance; How to discuss photos and images; How to talk about aim and intention; How to convince people and express doubt; How to conduct a personal interview; Speaking: Fake photos; Listening: A text about how a person started forging paintings; Writing: The use of written and spoken styles appropriately.
How to talk about health problems and treatments; How to describe and comment on an exhibition or a show; How to describe a process or experiment; How to discuss implications and significance; Reading: An article on witch doctors; Listening: An interview with a scientist about a particular experiment; Speaking: Giving opinions in an extended conversation.
How to discuss brands; How to describe effects and influences; How to talk about the image and qualities of products; How to describe an advert; Reading: Fact sheets and action alerts; Listening: A person talking about brands; Writing: Describing a place suitable for a particular event; Reading: An article on viral ads; Speaking: Talking about an advert.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Calendar of lectures and deadlines for assignments
Classes will be devoted to developing the syllabus, with an alternation of unit presentation and practical activities. Teachers will inform students of the different deadlines for optional written assignments throughout the semester with a view to offering feedback on student progress.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
BC |
Craven, Miles. Real Listening and Speaking Level 4 with Answers / Miles Craven. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008 [Cambridge English skills] |
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Harrison, Mark. Word Perfect : vocabulary for fluency / Mark Harrison . - 1st. publ. Walton-on-Thames [etc.] : Nelson, 1990 |
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Powell, Debra. Common mistakes at CAE and how to avoid them / Debra Powell . - 1st published, 5th printing Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2008 |
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Swan, Michael. Practical English usage / Michael Swan . - [1st ed.], 16th imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988 |
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Thomas, B. J.. Advanced vocabulary & idiom / B.J. Thomas . - New. ed., 14th imp. Essex : Longmam, 2007 |
BC |
Watcyn-Jones, Peter. Target Vocabulary 3 / Peter Watcyn-Jones. London: Penguin Books, 1995 |
BC |
Wellman, Guy. The Heinemann English Wordbuilder. Vocabulary development and practice for higher-leven students / Guy Wellman. Oxford: Heinemann, 1989 |
English with Jennifer. A site for language learners. - [] |
Learn English with SOZO Exchange - [] |
TED Talks - [] |