Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27833 - English Literature IV

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27833 - English Literature IV
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process for this subject is based on the following:

All subjects in the discipline Literatura inglesa (English Literature) in the Grado en Estudios Ingleses (Degree in English Studies) comprise a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists in lectures providing basic information on the literary period in question,particularly on its movements, trends, and most relevant authors and works. Practical sessions will be devoted to the commentary and analysis of quotations, fragments and compulsory texts and will actively involve students, who must have read and worked on the texts prior to the lesson.

As has been explained before, students are offered the possibility of writing an optional individual essay under the supervision of the teacher, who will provide guidance and will be available during office hours in order to deal with questions, help with the planning of the essay and the autonomous learning process.

All sessions will be in English and all compulsory texts must be read in English, as well, and in an unabridged version.

5.2. Learning tasks

Learning activities distributed according to hours and credits:

Teacher-directed activities:

-Theoretical lectures (30 hours/ 1,2 credits), in which the teacher will introduce the socio-historical and ideological context to each period, always in connection with the literary production of the period and with the general characteristics of the most relevant genres in English literature in the first six decades of the 20th century, main authors and works, and key concepts and tools necessary for their understanding and analysis.

-Practical lectures and group seminars (30 hours/ 1,2 credits), in which the teacher and the students together will carry out the analysis and commentary of compulsory texts (see syllabus): poems, quotations, selected fragments and full texts. Analysis and commentary can take different forms: collective analysis guided by the teacher; small groups of students tackling concrete aspects followed by whole-class discussion; written answers to questions posed by the teacher to be read out and discussed by the whole class. Students must have read and worked on the compulsory texts prior to their discussion in class.

Supervised activities:

Individual and group tuition during teacher’s office hours (2,5 hours/ 0,1 credits), especially, but not exclusively, for those doing the optional essay.

Autonomous activities:

a) Personal study of topics dealt with in class, reading of compulsory texts and viewing of compulsory films and documentaries, reference to basic and complementary bibliography (70 hours/ 2,8 credits)

b) Essay writing (15 hours/ 0,6 credits)

Assessment (2,5 hours/ 0,1 credits):

Final written exam comprising theoretical and practical points. See the Assessment section for more details. Handing in of optional essays.

5.3. Syllabus

(27833) English Literature IV

UNIT 1. The Irish Literary Revival: Poetry and Drama. 1.1. Socio-cultural context. The debates over Irishness: the Irish-Ireland movement, the Gaelic League and the Irish Literary Revival. Easter 1916. The Irish Free State. 1.2 Yeats's evolution as a poet. Selection of representative poems. 1.3. Drama of The Irish Literary Revival: J.M. Synge's Riders to the Sea.

UNIT 2. Modernism I: The Modernist short story and novel. 2.1. Introduction: Sociocultural and literary contextualization. Class analysis of illustrative fragments from Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man. The Politics of Modernism. 2.2.The Modernist short story: James Joyce's "The Dead". 2.3. The Modernist Novel: Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway.

UNIT 3. Modernism II: Modernist Poetry. 3.1. Imagism and its influence. 3.2. T. S. Eliot: production, influences and evolution. Selection of representative poems.

UNIT 4. The Generation of the Thirties: The "Red Decade". 4.1. Socio-political, cultural and literary context. 4.2. Poetry in the thirties'. The Auden Group and the Audenesque. Selection of representative poems. 4.3. Fiction in the thirties. Orwell's "Politics and the English Language", "A Hanging" and "Shooting an Elephant".

UNIT 5. The Generation of the Fifties: The Movement and the Angry Young Men. 5.1. Socio-historical and literary context. 5.2. Drama. Arnold Wesker's "kitchen sink drama" and John Osborne's Look Back in Anger. 5.3. Fiction: Kingsley Amis's Lucky Jim. 5.4. Poetry. Philip Larkin: Selection of representative poems.

UNIT 6. Experimentation in Post-War Britain. 6.1. Experimentation in Fiction. Selection of extracts from Beckett's Trilogy. 6.2. Drama. Existentialism and the "Theatre of the absurd". Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter.

COMPULSORY FILMS (to be used in practical and theoretical sessions):

Man of Aran

Riders to the Sea

Un chien andalou

The Dead

Look Back in Anger

Waiting for Godot

The Dumb Waiter

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB  A companion to modernist literature and culture / David Bradshaw and Kevin J.H. Dettmar (eds.). Oxford : Blackwell Publishing
BB A concise companion to postwar British and Irish poetry / Nigel Alderman and C.D. Blanton (eds.). Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
BB A modernist reader : modernism in England 1910-1930 / Peter Faulkner (ed.). London : Batsford, 1986.
BB Apter, T E. Virginia Woolf : a study of her novels / [by] T.E. Apter. London [etc.] : Macmillan, 1979
BB Auden : a collection of critical essays / edited by Monroe K. Spears . Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1964.
BB Baxendale, John. Narrating the thirties : a decade in the making, 1930 to the present / John Baxendale and Chris Pawling . London : Macmillan, 1996
BB Bolt, Sydney. A preface to James Joyce / Sydney Bolt . 1st pub. London : Longman,1981
BB Bowlby, Rachel. Feminist destinations and further essays on Virginia Woolf / Rachel Bowlby . Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, cop. 1997
BB Bradford, Richard. Kingsley Amis / Richard Bradford . Plymouth : Northcote House in association with the British Council, 1998.
BB Brennan, Maeve. The Philip Larkin I knew / Maeve Brennan . Manchester : Manchester University Press, cop. 2002
BB Carpenter, Humphrey. The angry young men : a literary comedy of the 1950s. / Humphrey Carpenter. London : Penguin, 2002.
BB Cheng, Vincent J.. Joyce, race and empire / Vincent J. Cheng . 1st ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995
BB Cunningham, Valentine. British writers of the thirties / Valentine Cunningham . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988.
BB Donoghue, Denis. Yeats / by Denis Donoghue . London : Fontana, 1971
BB Drake, Nicholas. The poetry of W.B. Yeats / Nicholas Drake . London : Penguin, 1991
BB Ellmann, R.. James Joyce / R. Ellmann. 2nd. rev. ed. Oxford : Oxford U.P., 1984.
BB Ellmann, Richard. Yeats : the man and the masks / Richard Ellmann . Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1987
BB English literature in context / edited by Paul Poplawski . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
BB Ford, Hugh D.. A poets' war : British poets and the Spanish Civil War / by Hugh D. Ford . Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1965.
BB Gilles, Mary Ann. Modernist literature : an introduction / Mary Ann Gilles and Aurelea Mahood. Edinburgh : Edinburgh U.P., 2007.
BB Hodgart, Matthew. James Joyce : a student's guide / by Matthew Hodgart . London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978
BB Hone, Joseph. W.B. Yeats, 1865-1939 / by Joseph Hone . 2nd ed., reissued Macmillan, 1989
BB James Joyce’s “A portrait of the artist as a young man” : a casebook / Mark A. Wollaeger (ed.). Oxford : Oxford U.P., 2003.
BB Jeffares, A. Norman. A commentary on The Collected poems of W.B. Yeats / A. Norman Jeffares . London : Macmillan, 1968, 1979 repr.
BB Lucas, Scott. Orwell / Scott Lucas. London : Haus Publising,2003.
BB McDermott, John. Kingsley Amis : an English moralist / John McDermott Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989
BB Montefiore, Janet. Men and women writers of the 1930s : the dangerous flood of history / Janet Montefiore. New York :_Routledge, 1996.
BB North, Michael. The political aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound / Michael North . 1st ed. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 199
BB Peake, C. H.. James Joyce : the citizen and the artist / C. H. Peake . [1st ed.] London : Edward Arnold, 1977
BB Pierce, David. Reading Joyce / David Pierce. Harlow : Pearson Longman, 2008.
BB Poetry of the thirties / introduced and edited by Robin Skelton . Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1964|g(1985 [printing]).
BB Reid, Sue. Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse : Contemporary Critical Essays / Sue Reid (ed.). London : Palgrave, 1993.
BB Rewriting the thirties : modernism and after / edited by Keith Williams and Steven Matthews . London : Longman, 1997.
BB Rodden, John. The politics of literary reputation : the making and claiming of 'St. George' Orwell / John Rodden . New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1989.
BB Rodway, Allan Edwin. A preface to Auden / Allan Rodway . London : Longman, 1984.
BB Southam, B.C.. A student's guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot / B.C. Southam . 6a. ed. London : Faber and Faber, 1994
BB Stevenson, Randall W.. The British novel since the thirties : an introduction / Randall Stevenson . London : Batsford, 1987
BB T. S. Eliot : “Prufrock“, “Gerontion“, Ash Wednesday and other shorter poems : a casebook / edited by B. C. Southam . 7th repr. London : Macmillan, 1994
BB The Norton anthology of English literature. Vol.1 / M.H. Abrams, general editor . 7th ed. New York ; London : Norton, 2000
BB Thirties poets: “The Auden group“ / edited by Ronald Carter . London [etc.] : Macmillan, 1984.
BB Virginia Wolf : critical assessment / Eleanor Jane Mcnees (ed.) . Robertsbridge : Helm Information, 1994.
BB Warner, Eric. Virginia Woolf, The waves / Eric Warner . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1987
BC Beckett. Waiting for Godot: A Student Guide / Beckett ; Lawrence Graver. Second edition Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, cop. 1989
BC Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom New York ; New Haven ; Philadelphia : Chelsea House Publishers, 1987