Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27832 - English Language IV

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27832 - English Language IV
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This is a practical course aimed at improving the students’ proficiency in the four skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading). The students will use the English language as a tool for written and oral communication through individual and group work to a C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

5.2. Learning tasks

Theoretical sessions: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Presentation, study and practice of the basic discursive, lexico-grammatical, and sociolinguistic contents needed to reinforce oral and written comprehension in English at a C1.1 level.

Practical sessions: 2,0 credits (50 hours). Individual and group activities designed to improve the four skills at a C1 level.

Supervised activities:

Individual and group tutorials: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Guidelines and supervision for individual and group tasks. Essay marking.

Individual work:

Self-learning: 1,2 credits 30 hours). Further practice in the four skills under the teacher’s supervision.

Other activities: 1,8 credits (45 hours). Reading, viewing of audiovisual material, participation in the virtual learning environment (Moodle/ADD)


Theory and practice exam: 0,2 credits (5 hours). Tests in the four skills at C1 level.

5.3. Syllabus

(27832) English Language IV


How to talk about adapting to different cultures – How to talk about memory – How to talk about a personal memory – How to evoke the feelings and moods of a past event – Reading: An article on childhood memories – Listening: People talking about different aspects of memory – Writing: A report on integration in a town (helping people to adapt to living there) – Speaking: Discussing the question of one’s earliest memory.


How to talk about personality traits – How to talk about identity – How to understand promotional language – How to use effective introduction strategies – Reading: Websites of online dating agencies – Listening: People presenting/promoting themselves – Writing: A cover letter – Speaking: Discussing what defines you as a person.


How to describe a book – How to give a personal response – How to talk about languages and ways to learn them – How to describe experiences of language learning – How to discuss plans and priorities – Reading: Blurbs – Listening: People talking about their language learning experiences – Writing: Books and authors: A description of the plot, a particular character, the atmosphere, the way a book is written – Speaking: Using strategies for communicating effectively.


 How to interpret maps and facts – How to make comparisons and talk about changes – How to discuss changing trends – How to talk about result – Reading: Fact sheets and action alerts – Listening: People talking about important events and changes in Britain – Writing: Short descriptions based on maps, tables or graphs – Speaking: A debate: Having a discussion about the way technology has changed food habits or everyday communication.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Planning and Course Schedule

Course sessions will develop the program (English Unlimited Advanced, “English for Spanish Speakers” edition, Cambridge University Press), and be divided in approximately equal parts in activities targeted at practice in the four skills. Optional written work will be proposed by the teacher and deadlines will be given for its submission.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Doff, Adrian. English unlimited : english for spanish speakers, C1 Advanced, coursebook with e-Portfolio DVD-ROM / Adrian Doff & Ben Goldstein with Miguel Ángel Meroño Mercader Madrid : Cambridge University Press, D.L. 2011
BC Swan, Michael. Practical English usage / Michael Swan . - [1st ed.], 16th imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988