Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27828 - Academic English II

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27828 - Academic English II
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This course introduces several examples of texts within the field of Humanities where academic English is used for critical and argumentative purposes. It provides representative models of these oral and written genres (with a special emphasis on the process of writing and defending a dissertation) and proposes practical exercises and activities meant to develop the students' skills in understanding this type of texts, analysing their main features and eventually producing them.

5.2. Learning tasks


a) Theory sessions: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Critical reading and writing skills. Seminars and discussions. Advanced ICTs for academic research (see 5.3 Syllabus).

b) Practice sessions: 2,0 credits (50 hours). These sessions are mainly geared towards encouraging students to participate in class discussions (expressing their opinions and giving arguments) as well as fostering their critical thinking (e.g. finding reliable sources of information, distinguishing facts from opinions, identifying biased language, etc.) .


a) Individual or group tutorials: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Ongoing assessment of tasks mainly in small groups. Oral presentations. Basic steps for writing more specialized academic essays (Undergraduate dissertation).


a) Autonomous study: 1,2 credits (30 hours). Problem solving skills. Lifelong learning strategies.

b) Other activities: 1,8 credits (45 hours). Reading and viewing of compulsory texts and films related to the subject. Remedial work and additional materials to be found in Moodle.


5-part exam assessing the students' oral and written academic competence: 0,2 credits (5 hours).

All assessment tasks will be graded according to a B2.2 CEFR level.

TOTAL: 6 credits (150 hours)

5.3. Syllabus

(27828) Academic English II

0.  Academic English

Context, identifying features and main academic genres (Revision).

1. Academic Spoken English

Seminars and discussions. Types of seminar. The language of seminars. Group work, participation and turn-taking.

2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Academic Research

Advanced ICTs for academic research.

Sources of information and research. Scholarly vs popular sources. Printed and online sources. Evaluation and reliability of information sources.

3. Academic Written English

Introduction to critical genres: Review, Literature review and argumentative essay.

 Advanced critical reading skills. Critical analysis of texts. Arguments and supporting evidence. Facts and opinions. Denotative and connotative language. Interpreting images. Identifying biased language and stance.

Advanced critical writing skills. Different textual structures. Working with other people's ideas. Intertextuality. Expressing one's own voice.

Specialized academic production: correcting, proofreading and editing. Referencing styles (Revision).


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Planning and schedule

More information can be found in the University of Zaragoza Academic calendar:


and on the website of the Faculty of Arts:

- Course schedule:


-Examination schedule:


Specific dates and details about this course will also be provided on the first day of class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Hewings, Martin. Cambridge Academic English (Advanced) / Martin Hewings and Craig Thaine Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012
BB Hewings, Martin. Cambridge Academic English (Upper Intermediate) / Martin Hewings and Michael McCarthy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012
BB Machi, Lawrence A.. The Literature review : six steps to success / Lawrence A. Machi, Brenda T. McEvoy . - 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, cop. 2012
BB Manning, Anthony. English for Language and Linguistic in Higher Education Studies. Course Book / Anthony Manning ; series editor Terry Phillips . - 1st ed. Reading : Garnet, 2008
BB Swales, John. Telling a research story : writing a literature review. Vol. 2. English in today's research world / John M. Swales, Christine B. Feak Ann Arbor, Michigan : The University of Michigan Press, 2009
BC Argent, S.. Access EAP: Frameworks : Coursebook / S. Argent, O. Alexander. Garnet : Reading, 2013
BC Brandt, C.. Read, research and write :academic skills for ESL students in higher education / C. Brandt. London :Sage, 2009
BC Cameron, Deborah. The myth of Mars and Venus / Deborah Cameron Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007
BC Chazal, E.. Oxford EAP: a course in english for academic purposes. Upper intermediate/B2 : Textbook / E. Chazal & S. McCarter. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
BC Crystal, D.. The story of english in 100 words / D. Crystal. London : Profile Books, 2011
BC Espeseth, Miriam. Academic listening encounters : human behavior : listening, note taking, discussion : high intermediate to low advanced. Student's book / Miriam Espeseth . - 1st. publ. with audio CD Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004
BC Lewis, M.. Study skills for speakers of english as a second language / M. Lewis and H. Reinders. Basingstoke : Palgrave McMillan, 2003
BC Sowton, Chris. 50 steps to improving your academic writing : study book / Chris Sowton Reading (Reino Unido) : Garnet Education, cop. 2012
BC Swales, John M.. Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills / John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak . 2nd. ed. Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 2009
BC Wallace, Mike. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates / Mike Wallace and Alison Wray . - 2nd ed. London ; Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2011