Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27818 - Academic English I

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27818 - Academic English I
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

This course introduces several examples of texts within the field of Humanities where academic English is used for different purposes. It provides representative models of these oral and written genres and proposes practical exercises and activities meant to develop the students' skills in understanding this type of texts, analysing their main features and eventually producing them.

5.2. Learning tasks


a) Theory sessions: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Introduction to academic English (lexis, grammar, discursive and sociolinguistic contexts); main characteristics and representative genres (see 5.3 Syllabus).

b) Practice sessions: 2,0 credits (50 hours). Practical work on receptive and productive skills in English (reading, listening, writing and speaking). Analysis and production of basic academic texts related to the field of Humanities.


a) Individual or group tutorials: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Ongoing assessment of tasks. Basic steps in writing essays.


a) Autonomous study: 1,2 credits (30 hours). Analysing, revising and editing drafts.

b) Other activities: 1,8 credits (45 hours). Reading and viewing of compulsory texts and films related to the subject. Remedial work and additional materials to be found in Moodle.


5-part exam assessing the students' oral and written academic competence: 0,2 credits (5 hours).

All assessment tasks will be graded according to a B2.2 CEFR level.

5.3. Syllabus

(27818) Academic English I

1. Features of Academic English. Communicating in academic situations: Genres and characteristics of academic discourse.

2. English at University. Academic Culture. Institutional information. Course Descriptions.

3. Academic Spoken English (i). Oral Presentations. Structure. Signposting. Visual aids. Performance.

4. Academic Written English. Writing a documented essay/project:

The research process. Reading for a specific purpose. Scanning and skimming. Choosing sources, finding and analyzing information. Critical evaluation. Hedging.

Using information from other sources. Quotations, summaries and paraphrases. Avoiding plagiarism.

Acknowledging your sources. Writing a bibliography. Main referencing styles.

The structure of the essay. Introduction and Thesis statement. Argumenting and drawing conclusions.

 5. ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies): new genres and formal email. Academic netiquette.

 6. Academic Spoken English (ii). Lectures. Identifying key ideas. Note-taking. Functions in lectures. What lecturers do.


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Planning and schedule

More information can be found in the University of Zaragoza Academic calendar:


and on the website of the Faculty of Arts:

- Course schedule:


-Examination schedule:


Specific dates and details about this course will also be provided on the first day of class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BC  Bailey, S.. Academic writing : A handbook for international students / S. Bailey. London : Routledge, 2003
BC Bell, Douglas. Passport to Academic Presentations. Student's Book / Douglas Bell . 1st ed. Reading, UK : Garnet, 2008
BC Bryson, Bill. Mother tongue : the English language / Bill Bryson . London : Penguin, 1991
BC Campbell, Colin. English for academic study : Vocabulary. Study Book / Colin Campbell . 1st. ed., fully rev. Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2009
BC Carter, Ronald. Cambridge Grammar of English : a comprehensive guide : spoken and written English, grammar and usage / Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy . 1st ed., 5th prnt. Cambridge ; Madrid : Cambridge University Press, 2010
BC Chapman, R.. English for e-mails / R. Chapman. Oxford, etc. : Oxford University Press, 2008
BC EAP now! : English for Academic Purposes. Student's Book / Kathy Cox ; David Hill . 2. ed. Australia : Pearson Longman, cop. 2011
BC EAP now! : English for Academic Purposes. Teacher'sBook / Kathy Cox; David Hill . 2.ed Australia : Pearson Longman, cop. 2011
BC Gillett, Andy. Successful Academic Writing / Andy Gillett, Angela Hammond and Mary Martala . Harlow, etc. : Longman, 2009
BC Godfrey, J.. Reading and making notes / J. Godfrey. London : Palgrave, 2010
BC Godfrey, Jeanne. How to Use Your Reading in Your Essays / Jeanne Godfrey . - 1st. ed. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
BC Lodge, David. Changing places : a tale of two campuses / David Lodge . Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1987
BC Manning, Anthony. English for Language and Linguistic in Higher Education Studies. Course Book / Anthony Manning ; series editor Terry Phillips . 1st. ed. Reading : Garnet, 2008
BC Manning, Anthony. Transferable academic skills kit. Module 11, Presentations: Course Book / Anthony Manning and Elisabeth Wilding with Jane Brooks . 1st ed Reading, UK : University of Reading, 2007
BC McCarthy, Michael. Academic vocabulary in use : 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use / Michael McCarthy , Felicity O'Dell . 1st publ., repr. Cambridge, etc. : Cambridge University Press, 2009
BC McCormack, J.. English for academic study : Extended writing & research skills / J. McCormack & J. Slaght. Reading : Garnet Education, 2005
BC McCormack, J.. English for academic study . Speaking / J. McCormack & S. Watkins Reading : Garnet Education, 2007
BC Porter, D.. Check your vocabulary for academic English / D. Porter London . Peter Collin Publishing, 2001
BC Reinhart, Susan M.. Giving academic presentations / Susan M. Reinhart Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2002
BC Salehzadeh, J.. Academic listening strategies : A guide to understanding lectures / J. Salehzadeh Ann Arbor, MI : The University of Michigan Press, 2006
BC Schmitt, D.. Focus of vocabulary : Mastering the academic word list / D. Schmitt & N. Schmitt New York : Longman, 2005
BC Slaght, John. English for academic study : reading. Course Book / John Slaght and Paddy Harben . 2nd. ed., fully rev. Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2009
BC Swales, John M.. Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills : a course for nonnative speakers of english / John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak . - [reimp.] Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 2001
BC Teaching academic writing : A toolkit for higher education / Caroline Coffin ... [et al.] . - 1st. publ. London and New York : Routledge, 2003
BC Upton, Thomas A.. Reading Skills for Success : A guide to Academic Texts / Thomas A. Upton [Michigan] : The University of Michigan Press, 2012
BC Zemack, Dorothy. Academic writing from paragraph to essay / Dorothy Zemack, Lisa A. Rumisek . Oxford : Macmillan, 2005
BC Zwier, Lawrence J.. Building academic vocabulary / Lawrence J. Zwier Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2002