Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27800 - English Language I

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
27800 - English Language I
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

This is a practical course aimed at improving the students’ proficiency in the four skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading). The students will use the English language as a tool for written and oral communication through individual and group work to a B2.1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

5.2. Learning tasks

Theory sessions: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Presentation, study and practice of the basic discursive, lexico-grammatical, and sociolinguistic contents needed to reinforce oral and written comprehension in English at a B2.1 level.

Practice sessions: 2,0 credits (50 hours). Individual and group activities designed to improve the four skills at a B2.1 level.

Supervised activities:

Individual and group tutorials: 0,4 credits (10 hours). Guidelines and supervision for individual and group tasks. Essay marking.

Autonomous work:

Autonomous study: 1,2 credits (30 hours). Further practice in the four skills under the teacher's supervision.

Other activities: 1,8 credits (45 hours). Reading, viewing of audiovisual material, participation in the virtual learning environment (Moodle/ADD). Students enrolled in this course can voluntarily take part in the following activities:

-"Information Management", online course offered by the staff of the María Moliner Library (8-10 hs).


Theory and practice exam: 0,2 credits (5 hours). Tests in the four skills at B2.1 level.

5.3. Syllabus

(27800) English Language I



How to describe customs and habits - How to talk about living conditions - How to have a friendly  discussion - How to talk about recent activities - Listening a description of a place  - Writing a blog or diary.


How to talk about good and  bad  service - How to talk about conditions at work - How to talk about experiences at work - How to answer interview questions - Reading a self-help guide  - Writing a job application letter.


How to talk about plans and  intentions - How to talk about projects - How to talk about future consequences - How to discuss hypothetical situations - Listening a radio  chat  show - Writing an informal  email.


How to talk about tastes and preferences - How to talk about a news  story  - How to tell an anecdote - How to talk about the way things were  - Reading a novel  excerpt - Writing a short  story.


How to use appropriate language - How to report an encounter - How to talk about foreign  language habits - How to talk about cultural differences - Listening to an interview with an expert - Writing a magazine article.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Course sessions will develop the program (Hancock, M & A. McDonald. (2010). English Result Upper-intermediate. Oxford: OUP), and be divided in approximately equal parts in activities targeted at practice in the four skills. Optional written work will be proposed by the teacher and deadlines will be given for its submission.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB McCarthy, Michael. English vocabulary in use : Elementary / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell . 1st. publ. ,9th. pr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
BB Tayfoor, Susanne. Common mistakes at first certificate and how to avoid them / Susanne Tayfoor . 1st published, 8th printing Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2009
BC Diccionario Oxford Study para estudiantes de inglés : Español-Inglés, Inglés-Español / Dirección editorial Annella McDermott, Patrick Goldsmith, Mª Angeles Pérez Alonso ; equipo de redacción Ana Bremón [et al.] . - 1st. ed., 7th impression Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003
BC Longman active Study Dictionary CD-ROM. [s.l.] : Longman,[s.l.]
BC Longman dictionary of contemporary English . - 3rd ed. Harlow, Essex : Longman, 1995
BC Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy . - 2nd ed. Cambridge : University Press, 1994
BC Redman, Stuart et al.. A Way with Words Resource Pack Cambridge : CUP,
BC Swan, Michael. Practical English usage / Michael Swan . - 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1995
BC Thomson, A.J.. A practical English grammar : Structure Drills 2 / A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet . 1st ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1979
BC Thomson, Audrey Jean. A practical English grammar. Structure drills. 1 / A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet . 8th impr. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988