Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

27356 - Economic Policy

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27356 - Economic Policy
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
454 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

In the process of learning, different teaching methods will be used including lectures. More participatory techniques by the student training will be also used. This second type of activities allows student involvement in the learning process and lets the teacher notice the problems and concerns that may arise in the various topics.

In addition to the scheduled classes, the student must make an effort to manage and be familiar with the basic content of the course with the continued help of the textbooks.

5.2. Learning tasks

1:Lectures: with the main objective of conveying the fundamental concepts of the subject, so that goals set by the teacher are achieved. The lecture is expected to be participatory and to encourage debate and clarify issues and questions based on the student handbook, the supporting literature for the course and materials provided in the Digital Platform (ADD).


2:Resolution and presentation of case studies, preparation and presentation of papers, discussiontopics, and readings.


3:Tutorials and evaluation that allow a more direct and personal support to students in order to monitor tasks, prepare and produce reports, answer questions and guide them in the study and resolution of exercise activities. These tutorials may be individual or in a group.

Training and assessment activities






Weekly sessions of 2 hours


Practical classes

Weekly sessions of 2 hours





Final tests



Individual work, including preparation of exams




5.3. Syllabus

Contents are divided into two modules:

Module I: Rationale and justification of public intervention in the economy

Lesso 1. Introduction to economic policy

Lesson 2. The framework of economic policy

Lesson 3. The development of economic policy

Module II: Policies

Lesson 4. Monetary policy

Lesson 5. Fiscal policy

Lesson 6. Labor market policies

Lesson 7. Structural policies

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The timing of the sessions will be announced on the website of the Faculty and the practices and other activities will be

communicated by the teacher (Moodle ADD)



5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]

BB Política económica : elaboración, objetivos e instrumentos / Juan R. Cuadrado Roura, director ; [autores], Tomás Mancha ... [et al.] . - 5ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, [2015]
BC Arias, Xose Carlos. La formación de la política económica / Xose Carlos Arias. - [1a ed.] Madrid : Civitas, 1996
BC Frey, Bruno S.. Para una política económica democrática / Bruno S. Frey Madrid : Alianza, 1987
BC North, Douglass Cecil. Instituciones, cambio institucional y desempeño económico / Douglass C. North . - [1a ed. en español] México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993


BB Política económica : elaboración, objetivos e instrumentos / Juan R. Cuadrado Roura, director ; [autores], Tomás Mancha ... [et al.] . - 5ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, [2015]
BC Arias, Xose Carlos. La formación de la política económica / Xose Carlos Arias. - [1a ed.] Madrid : Civitas, 1996
BC Frey, Bruno S.. Para una política económica democrática / Bruno S. Frey Madrid : Alianza, 1987
BC Políticas económicas coyunturales : objetivos e instrumentos / Carlos Ochando Claramunt, coordinador . Valencia : Tirant lo blanch, 2015