Academic Year:
27352 - Integrated Management and Value Creation
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
27352 - Integrated Management and Value Creation
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
454 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
Second semester
Subject Type:
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that has been designed for this course is based on different activities:
Theoretical lectures will be held in order to introduce theoretical concepts and real examples in the first classes.
Practical sessions will be devoted to work on teams managing a firm in a virtual environment, involving the students in the learning process.
The course guide, lectures, practical classes and the timetable of the assessment activities will be communicated via the Universidad de Zaragoza e-learning platform (ADD).
5.2. Learning tasks
The programme offered to the students to help them achieve the learning results includes the following activities:
1.- Theoretical lectures: introduce the theoretical concepts.
2.- Practical classes: allow the students apply the theoretical knowledge in the management of a firm in a context of business game.
3.-Tutorials: Face to face or by using e-learning platform (ADD) office hours, where lecturers help to clarify student’s questions about the theoretical and/or practical contents of the subject.
5.3. Syllabus
Unit 1: Strategic integration
1.1. Corporate Strategy: Mission, vision, strategies and objectives.
1.2. Policies and strategic support procedures. Strategy and strategic management. Competitive environments and classical strategies.
1.3. Horizontal strategy.
1.4. Vertical strategy.
Unit 2: Strategy, performance and value
2.1. Performance measures of the firm.
2.2. Firm growth analysis.
2.3. Risk analysis
2.4. Value of the firm.
2.5. Value innovation.
Unit 3: Supervision of the Strategy
3.1. Supervision of the Strategy and diagnosis
3.2. Strategies for reshaping the portfolio.
3.3. Strategies for recomposing the portfolio.
3.4. Product-market strategies.
Unit 4: Integrated planning
4.1. Classical planning models
4.2. The planning crisis
4.3. Business models architecture
4.4. Potential functions for planning
Unit 5: Decision, strategy and value
5.1. Modelling the decision process
5.2. Organizational politics model
5.3. Decisional process in the organization
5.4. Effective - decision making
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Classroom activities
Weekly sessions 2 hours
Practical classes
Weekly sessions 2 hours
Final test
2,5 hours
To prepare decisions, presentations and memories in group
50 hours
To prepare test and decisions
37,5 hours
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]
BB |
Administración estratégica : teoría y casos / Arthur A. Thompson, ... [et al.] . - 19ª ed. México [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, [2015] |
BB |
Bateman, Thomas S. Administración : un nuevo panorama competitivo / Thomas S. Bateman, Scott Snell / ; traducción, María Guadalupe Cevallos Almada . 6a. ed. México [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2005 |
BB |
Estrategia, estructura, decisión, identidad : política general de empresa / Strategor ; prólogo a la ed. española de Xavier Mendoza y Marcel Planellas ; [realización dirigida por Jean-Pierre Détrie] ; [traducción, Angie Larrosa Calvo] . - [1a. ed.] Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, D.L. 1995 |
BB |
Hax, Arnoldo C. : Estrategias para el liderazgo competitivo : De la visión a los resultados / Arnoldl Hax y Nicolás Majluf . - 1ª ed., 2ª reimpr. Buenos Aires (etc.) : Granica, 2012 |
BB |
Thorelli, Hans Birger. Intopia : guía del ejecutivo / Hans B. Thorelli, Robert L. Graves, Juan-Claudio López ; traducido y revisado por Josep Messa i Buxareau ... . Barcelona : Marcombo Boixareu, D.L. 1998