27337 - International Business Management
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
454 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process that has been designed for this course is based on the use of different teaching methods. Lectures will consist of the presentation of the topics included in the Syllabus, and the revision of the contents that appear on this topic in periodicals or specialized publications. However, other teaching methods may be used to facilitate the participation of students in the teaching-learning process.
The practical sessions will mainly use participatory didactic methods such as the analysis of a business case by teams of 4 or 5 members, preferably with a foreign student in each group. This analysis has been divided into 7 parts, so that in the first 6, the concepts and methods explained in the theory sessions are applied as they progress in it. And in the 7th, all previous analyses are applied together.
In addition, in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process of students, the subject will be included in the virtual platform ADD (https://moodle2.unizar.es/add/) of the University of Zaragoza. There the student will be able to find the material used during the theory and practice classes, as well as other useful information and tools for learning.
In order to access the virtual platform ADD, the university e-mail and its password are required as the user name. If you do not know this information you have to contact with the secretary department of your school.
Further information regarding the course will be provided on the first day of class.
5.3. Syllabus
Theme 1: Globalization of Markets
1.1. Introduction
1.2. International relations between National Economies
1.3. Towards a global economic environment
Canals (1994), chapter 1
Hill (2015), chapter 1
Pla y León (2016), chapter 1
Theme 2: International Trade
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Reasons for International Trade: The Pure Theory of International Trade
2.3. Trade Barriers: Definition, Causes and Types
2.4. Current Development of International Trade
2.4.1. The Current International Trade
2.4.2. The EU Single Market: Effect on prices, costs and structural changes in firms
Canals (1994), chapter 1
Rugman y Hodggets (1996), chapter 6
Theme 3: The Internationalization of Firms
3.1. Introduction. The Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)
3.2. Explanatory theories of FDI
3.3. Determinants of the Internationalization of the firm
3.4. The Competitive Advantage of Nations:
Durán (2001), chapter 2
Pla y León (2016), chapter 4
Porter (1991), chapter 3
Theme 4: Entry decisions in international markets
4.1. Introduction.
4.2. The design of an International Plan
4.3. The Selection of the foreign market
Canals (1994), chapter 5 y 6
CEEI CV (2011)
Pla y León (2016), chapter 3 y 10
Theme 5: Entry modes in international markets
5.1. Introduction.
5.2. The exports
5.3. The Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): Subsidiaries
5.4. Cooperation Agreement I: Concept and Typology
5.5. Cooperation Agreement II: Resources, Advantages, Implantation
5.6. Entry Mode selection
Durán (2001), chapter 7
Navas y Guerras (2016), chapter 7
Pla y León (2016), chapter 3
Theme 6: The Organization of internationalized companies
6.1. Introduction.
6.2. Coordination and control Tools.
6.3. Types of Companies (I): Concept
6.4. Types of Companies (II): Characteristics.
6.5. Organizational designs for firms in international markets.
Barlett y Ghoshal (1991), chapter 3 y 4
Pla y León (2016), chapter 6
Rugman y Hodgetts (1996), chapter 9
Theme 7: International Design Strategies
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Corporate Strategies in international markets.
7.2.1. Vertical integration
7.2.2. Horizontal Strategy
7.2.3. Diversification
7.3. Competitive Strategies in international markes
7.3.1. Cost Lidership
7.3.2. Diferentiation
7.3.3. Focus Strategy
7.3.4. Clarifications
7.4. Positioning in international markets
Canals (1991), chapter 8 y 9
Canals (1994), chapter 7
Durán (2001), chapter 6
Theme 8: The internationalization of SMEs