Academic Year:
27321 - Marketing Management I
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
27321 - Marketing Management I
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
454 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Introduction
After introducing the basic aspects of marketing, this course will include a focus on strategic planning and current proposals regarding customer orientation. In order to achieve marketing success it is important to explore the needs and wishes of customers both current and potential. In this way, businesses will be better able to satisfy their customers more effectively than the competition. Consequently, the course will be divided into two parts, the first focused on the process of marketing and the second on marketing analysis.
1.2. Recommendations to take this course
The student should have passed the obligatory first and second level courses in marketing (Principles of Marketing and Introduction to Marketing Research. It is recommended that student attend and participate in all theoretical and practical classes in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the course.
1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree
Marketing Management I is an obligatory subject contained in “Marketing and Market Research” module. The subject is taught in the first semester of the third year of ADEi.
This subject extends the contents of the obligatory subjects “Marketing Principles” and “Introduction to Marketing Research”. In the fourth year, the students will be able to choose two optional subjects: “Marketing Management II” and “Marketing Decisions”.
1.4. Activities and key dates
The classes will be given in the first semester of the third academic year in accordance with the calendar set by the university and the timetable established by the faculty.
Key dates will be communicated in class and on the Anillo Digital Docente (ADD). The dates of the final exams will be available to the students on the Faculty of Economics web page.
On the Anillo Digital Docente (ADD), the e-learning platform, the student will find the necessary teaching materials (case studies, readings, exercises and web pages of businesses and institutions, etc.).
2.1. Learning goals
Assess the management of the marketing functions in a company and in society
Develop the organizational planning from a strategic approachy
Identify, analyse and evaluate environmental information
Identify the potential market of a firm
Solve problems regarding demand forecasting in a company.
Identify key marketing strategies for the success of the company
2.2. Importance of learning goals
Today due to the greater competitive intensity in the markets and decreasing consumption, businesses have to retain their customers in order to obtain maximum profitability. Businesses have to know and understand their customers and develop collaborative relationships with their partners. This subject will help students to be better positioned to enter the labour market. The practical component of the subject will enable the students to develop their reflective and creative capacities.
3.1. Aims of the course
The general objective of this course is to transmit the importance of focusing on strategic planning in marketing, emphasizing customer satisfaction through quality and the delivery of value. The student will learn the necessary tools to obtain profitability through customer retention.
3.2. Competences
Specific competencies
- Managing, directing and administrating businesses and other organizations.
- Knowing the functions of every working area in an organization and carrying out any management task
- Writing and presenting assessment reports about particular situations of markets, sectors, organizations and their functional areas.
Transversal competencies
- Capability to solve problems.
- Capability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
- Capability to work in a team.
4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The student will prove that he/she has achieved the expected learning results by means of the following assessment tasks:
The evaluation system in this subject is GLOBAL, and it consists of the following activities:
- Written test: consisting of a series of theoretical and practical questions about topics that have been discussed in the sessions of the course. This test will be evaluated from 0 to 8 points. It represents 80% of the final mark. Student must obtain a mark in this test that is, at least 3.5 points (equal to or higher than 3,5 points) out of the 8 maximum points.
- Practical activity. Each student has to prepare a practical activity throughout the semester. This activity refers to the application of the theoretical and the practical content of the subject. This activity makes up the remaining 20% of the final mark.
In order to pass the course, the total score of these two parts must be over 5 points out of ten (8 points + 2). If the mark of the written test is below the 3.5 points threshold required for the written test, the mark of the practical activities will not be considered in the final mark.
The students who have made the practical activities may opt, both in the first and the second sittings, either to maintain the mark obtained in their practical activities (up to 2 points) and to take the exam for the remaining 80% or to renounce this mark. The exam may include open questions, questions to be developed, practical cases and/or exercises.
Those students renouncing to the mark obtained in the practical activities will make the same written test as those students that don’t renounce to them, plus one or two additional questions (open questions, questions to be developed, practical cases and/or exercises) that will be marked up to the remaining 2 points. This system will be also applied to those students that hadn’t made the practical activities. In both cases (written test only), their mark must be equal to or higher than 5 out of 10 points to pass the exam.
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process designed for this subject is based on a combination of:
- Theory and practice sessions
- Information search in different sources
- Oral presentations
- Problem solving
- Case studies
- Teamwork
5.2. Learning tasks
The program offered to the students to help them achieve the learning results includes the following activities...
- Theoretical lectures to introduce the contents and real examples of general aspects of marketing, relational marketing strategies, strategic marketing planning, environmental analysis, market research and demand forecasting
- Problem-solving sessions and oral presentations, individually and/or in teams
- Seminars and tutorials
- Evaluation activities
- Independent work: including activities dealing with the theoretical and practical contents of the subject, problem solving, individual and teamwork tasks, information search and analysis.
Distribution of activities will be as follows:
- Theory sessions – 30h
- Practice sessions – 30h
- Independent work, seminars and tutorials – 90h
5.3. Syllabus
1.1. Marketing in the company and in society
1.2. Current trends in Marketing
2.1. Customer value
2.2. Customer satisfaction
2.3. Customer Relationship Management
UNIT 3.- Marketing environment
3.1.- Conceptualization
3.2.- Macro-environment
3.3.- Micro-environment
3.4.- Marketing approach to environmental analysis
UNIT 4.- Strategic planning in Marketing
4.1.- Basic concepts
4.2.- The process of strategic planning in Marketing
5.1. Concept and types
5.2. Determining factors
5.3. Demand forecasting methods.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
The planning and timetable of the lectures and the practical activity will be announced in class and through the ADD. The written test will be held on the official dates established by the faculty at the beginning of the course.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]
BB |
Kotler, Philip : Dirección de marketing / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller ; traducción, Leticia Esther Pineda Ayala, Lourdes Amador Araujo ; revisión técnica, Javier Cervantes González . - 15ª ed. México : Pearson Educación, 2016 |
BB |
Kotler, Philip. Marketing 3.0 / Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan ; [traducción Ana Lafuente y María de Ancos] . 3ª ed. Madrid : LID, 2013 |
BB |
Kotler, Philip. Marketing management / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller . 15a. ed. Harlow : Pearson Education, 2016 |
BB |
Lambin, Jean-Jacques. Marketing estratégico / Jean Jacques Lambin ; [traducción Mark Cedillo ; revisión técnica Jaime Rivera] Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) : Esic, 2003 |
BB |
San Martín Gutiérrez, Sonia. Prácticas de marketing : ejercicios y supuestos / Sonia San Martín . Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) : Esic, 2008 |
BB |
Santesmases Mestre, Miguel. Marketing : conceptos y estrategias / Miguel Santesmases Mestre . - 6ª ed. Madrid : Pirámide, 2012 |