Academic Year:
26678 - Resources for EFL in primary school
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
26678 - Resources for EFL in primary school
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Introduction
The aim of this subject is to make the students know and apply the theoretical principles required for the analysis and critical evaluation of existing materials for the teaching of ESL in the Primary classroom (textbooks, resource books, audiovisual materials, among others), as well as to enable them to select adequate resources and adapt them to the need of their future students taking into account their specific characteristics and diversity. Our objective is also to enable students to plan and elaborate original and creative classroom resources or supplementary materials to develop curricular content and to improve the communicative competence in English of Primary students. Finally, we expect the student to implement and evaluate their own activities and tasks by means of self-assessment and peer-assessment activities.
To achieve the learning outcomes set out above the subject is structured around the following contents:
1. General theoretical principles: from the ELF primary education curriculum to classroom resources
2. Principles, materials and resources to teach and learn the language skills in the EFL primary school classroom.
2.1. Teaching Listening.
2.2. Teaching Speaking.
2.3. Teaching Reading.
2.4. Teaching Writing.
2.5. Using the ICTs in the teaching of the four skills.
3. Principles, materials and resources to teach and learn the language system in the EFL primary school classroom. The integration of language work and skills work
3.1. Teaching Grammar
3.2. Teaching Vocabulary
3.3. Teaching pronunciation and phonics
3.4. Using the ICTs in the teaching of the language systems
4. Integrating content and language learning (CLIL)
5. Adapting, evaluating and using authentic materials in the EFL primary classroom.
1.2. Recommendations to take this course
Students are advised to attend classes and participate actively in the activities propose. These activities will require a minimum proficiency in English equivalent to B2 of the CEFR.
Students will also need to complete the required readings in English dealing with the principles and fundamentals for the analysis, evaluation, adaptation and elaboration of materials for their implementation in the ESL Primary classroom.
1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree
This subject focuses on the application of specific communicative principles, which are also studied in other subjects in this major (Learning and teaching EFL and Planning effective teaching), for the evaluation, adaptation and design of resources which will promote the development of communicative competence of Primary students. This subject, together with the aforementioned two other courses, will help students to plan and develop efficient learning and teaching processes in the Primary ESL classroom.
1.4. Activities and key dates
The activities and key dates for assignments will be announced through the learning platform (ADD) or via a written program which will be handed out to students in the first day of class.
The exact dates for final exams may be found in the websites of the different faculties where this degree is taught.
2.1. Learning goals
1 Develops and evaluates curricular contents from the ESL curriculum for Primary Education by means of appropriate teaching resources which promote the development of students’ written and oral skills (reading, writing, listening y speaking), as well as aspects of the English linguistic system (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation)
2 Analizes and evaluates existing materials and resources for the teaching of ESL in the primary classroom and is able to adapt them to specific teaching contexts.
3 Adapts and elaborates original materials and resources which promote the students’ communicative context attending to their specific needs and characteristics, taking into account the students’
4 Develops and implements both meaning-focused and form-focused tasks and activities which integrate the teaching of the different skills.
5 Knows and applies the information technologies as a tool to select and design appropriate activities which promote meaningful, cooperative and autonomous learning in the students in the ESL Primary classroom.
2.2. Importance of learning goals
Selecting, evaluating, adapting, planning and elaborating adequate resources are important skills of ESL teachers. More particularly, these skills are essential for Primary ESL teachers, who must develop the contents and objectives for their students’ learning of the foreign language. The ESL teacher must be able to use materials and resources and to provide students with activities and tasks which will promote the development of the language skills, allowing students to communicate both orally and in writing about topics of their interest related to their close environment. The materials used in class and at home are instrumental for achieving that objective. Hence the relevance of this subject, which focuses on resources for the EFL classroom.
3.1. Aims of the course
The future ESL teacher must develop the ability to reflect critically about existing materials to evaluate the extent to which they allow us to target the contents and objectives set out by the curriculum and, more particularly, to evaluate how they contribute to develop the written and oral skills of Primary students, as well as their communicative competence in that language. In addition, the future ESL teachers must be capable of adapting and supplementing existing materials to cater for the specific and changing needs of their students, in addition to providing differentiated instruction for students with different levels, learning styles and interests.
4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
1: Option A
Students attending a minimum of 85% of the sessions can be assessed through the following evaluation activities:
1. Analysis and critical evaluation of materials and resources for developing the macroskills: Teaching speaking and reading (10 marks)
2. Analysis and critical evaluation of materials and resources for developing language systems: Teaching phonics, lexis and grammar (10 marks)
3. Planning and elaborating communicative tasks: developing the macroskills (20 marks)
4. Implementing classroom tasks and activities (peer teaching): storytelling, listening, speaking, etc. (20 marks).
5. Final written exam: the exam should provide evidence of the student’s adequate grasp of the main concepts, principles and techniques studied during the year (40 marks)
To pass the subject students will need to obtain a total of 50 marks to pass the subject. A minimum of 40% of the total mark for each assignment is also required.
2:Option B
Students who do not attend classes regularly will be evaluated based on the following assessment activities:
Aquellos alumnos que no asistan a clase de manera regular podrán acogerse a esta modalidad de evaluación que incluirá las siguientes actividades:
1. Planning elaboration and presentation of communicative tasks developing communicative competence (40%)
2. Final exam covering the contents of the subject (60%)
To pass the subject students will need to obtain a total of 50 marks to pass the subject. A minimum of 40% of the total mark for each assignment is also required.
3:Second Call:
The evaluation activities for the second evaluation call will be identical to those in evaluation option B. The marks obtained in the assignments pertaining to option A will not be taken into account to calculate the final mark.
Evaluation criteria
1: The number of activities and tasks which students will have to select, analyze, design and implement will be established by the teacher. Students being assessed in option A and B will need to submit different assignments.
The final exam will be the same for both option A and B; the relative grade assigned to this exam will be different depending on the evaluation option (see above).
2: Option A
Assessment activities 1 and 2:
- Selection of activities and tasks based on the criteria established and the different teaching contexts.
- Appropriate application of the theoretical concepts and principles to the analysis and evaluation of resources.
- Analysis and evaluation of the activities and tasks attending to the contents
and objectives of the curriculum
- Connection between theory and practice
- Adequate use of ICTs
Assessment activity 3:
- Activities and tasks attend to the contents and objectives of the curriculum
- Clarity and precision explaining objectives and context
- Complete, accurate and attractive presentation of materials and resources for the different activities and tasks.
- Originality and creativity in the elaboration of the tasks and activities
- Connection between theory and practice
- Adequate use of ICTs
Assessment activity 4:
- Ability to organize and manage their classmates in the implementation of activities and tasks.
- Clear instructions and explanations
- Ability to adapt the activity designed
- Ability to self-evaluate the development of activities
- Ability to evaluate the development of activities performed by their classmates.
Assessment activity 5:
- Understanding of methodological principles
- Connection between theory and practice
- Adequate application of the principles to the analysis of activities
- Adequate link between contents, objectives and different resources.
Assessment activities 1 and 2:
- Linguistic accuracy in the use of English; correct discourse and adequate style.
In order to pass the different assessment activities, both oral and written, students will need to demonstrate appropriate and accurate use of the English Language at a level equivalent or above the B2 of the CEFR.
3: Option B
Assesment activity 1:
- Activities and tasks attend to the contents and objectives of the curriculum
- Clarity and precision explaining objectives and context, as well as describing the activities
- Complete, accurate and attractive presentation of materials and resources for the different activities and tasks.
- Originality and creativity in the elaboration of the tasks and activities
- Connection between theory and practice
- Adequate use of ICTs
Assesment activity 2:
- Understanding of methodological principles
- Connection between theory and practice
- Adequate application of the principles to the analysis of activities
- Adequate link between contents, objectives and different resources.
Assessment activities 1 and 2:
- Linguistic accuracy in the use of English; correct discourse and adequate style.
In order to pass the different assessment activities, both oral and written, students will need to demonstrate appropriate and accurate use of the English Language at a level equivalent or above the B2 of the CEFR.
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process is centre don the learner, his interests and his training needs as a future ESL Primary teacher. The learning and assessment activities proposed aim at engaging students adopting an active and reflective methodology in which the teacher guides the learning process but is not the only source of information. The student is expected to work autonomously (completing readings, analyzing and elaborating materials) and also in group activities (taking part in classroom activities and peer teaching activities, among others), and to take control of his own learning process.
5.2. Learning tasks
- Lectures focused on the main methodological principles for the evaluation and design of teaching resources aimed at developing the four language skills and the language system in the Primary ESL classroom.
- Practical tutorials where students will evaluate tasks and activities from textbooks, resource books and audiovisual resources. In addition, students will adapt, elaborate and implement resources aimed at developing communicative competence in the Primary ESL classroom.
- Implementation, self-assessment and peer-assessment of the activities designed by students.
- Completing required and suggested readings
- Search and selection of activities and tasks
- Critical analysis of resources and learning tasks
- Planning and elaboration of resources and learning tasks
5.3. Syllabus
To achieve the learning outcomes set out above the subject is structured around the following contents:
1. General theoretical principles: from the ELF primary education curriculum to classroom resources
2. Principles, materials and resources to teach and learn the language skills in the EFL primary school classroom.
2.1. Teaching Listening.
2.2. Teaching Speaking.
2.3. Teaching Reading.
2.4. Teaching Writing.
2.5. Using the ICTs in the teaching of the four skills.
3. Principles, materials and resources to teach and learn the language system in the EFL primary school classroom. The integration of language work and skills work
3.1. Teaching Grammar
3.2. Teaching Vocabulary
3.3. Teaching pronunciation and phonics
3.4. Using the ICTs in the teaching of the language systems
4. Integrating content and language learning (CLIL)
5. Adapting, evaluating and using authentic materials in the EFL primary classroom.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
The calendar and time tables for lectures and tutorial, as well as all assessment activities will be made available through the online platform (ADD) and/or by means of a written handout provided by the teacher in the first class.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]
- Huesca:
- [BB] Anderson, Anne. Listening / Anne Anderson and Tony Lynch . 1st ed., 7nd. imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997
- [BB] Brewster, Jean. The primary English teacher's guide / Jean Brewster, Gail Ellis, Denis Girard . 1st ed., 4th. reimpr. London : Penguin, 2004
- [BB] Bygate, Martin. Speaking / Martin Bygate . 1st ed., 5nd. imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1995
- [BB] Cameron, Lynne. Teaching languages to young learners / Lynne Cameron . 1st publ., 10th. print. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
- [BB] Ellis, Gail. Tell it again! : the new storytelling handbook for primary teachers Gail Ellis and Jean Brewster . London : Penguin, cop. 2002
- [BB] Fisk Ong, Marcia. Teaching english to young learners : An illustrated guide for EFL teacher development / Marcia Fisk Ong, Vinodini Murugesan . [Canary Lane Sachse, Texas] : Compass Publishing, cop. 2007
- [BB] Hadfield, Jill. Classroom dynamics / Jill Hadfield . [1st ed., reimpr.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
- [BB] Halliwell, Susan. Teaching English in the primary classroom / Susan Halliwell . 1a. ed. repr. London ; New York : Longman, 1994 (reimp)
- [BB] Hancock, Mark. Pronunciation games / Mark Hancock . 1a. ed., 6th. imp. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000
- [BB] Hedge, Tricia. Writing / Tricia Hedge . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988
- [BB] House, Susan. An introduction to teaching English to children. Susan House . 1st ed., Edición en español London : Richmond, 1997
- [BB] Kelly, Gerald. How to teach pronunciation / Gerald Kelly . 1st ed. Harlow : Longman, 2000
- [BB] Legutke, Michael K.. Teaching English in the primary school / Michael K. Legutke, Andreas Müller-Hartman, Marita Schocker- v.Ditfurth . Stuttgart : Klett, 2014
- [BB] Lewis, Gordon. The Internet and young learners / Gordon Lewis . 1st ed. Oxford : Oxford Unversity Press, 2004
- [BB] Lloyd, Sue. Phonics Handbook : A Handbook for Teaching Reading, Writing and Spelling. Essex : Jolly Learning, 1998
- [BB] Nation, I. S. P.. Teaching vocabulary : strategies and techniques / I.S.P. Nation . Boston, MA : Heinle, cop. 2008
- [BB] Nixon, Caroline. Primary grammar box : grammar games and activities for younger learners / Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson. . 1st ed., 6th. pr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
- [BB] Nixon, Caroline. Primary pronunciation box : Pronunciation games and activities for younger learners / Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson . 1st. publ. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005
- [BB] Nixon, Caroline. Primary reading box : reading activities and puzzles for younger learners / Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson . 1st ed., 10th. print. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014
- [BB] Nixon, Caroline. Primary vocabulary box : word games and activities for younger learners / Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson . 1st ed., 7th pr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
- [BB] Slattery, Mary. English for primary teachers : A handbook of activities & classroom language / Mary Slattery & Jane Willis . Reimpr. Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2013
- [BB] Teaching English to children : from practice to principle / edited by Christopher Brumfit, Jayne Moon and Ray Tongue . London : Nelson, 1991
- [BB] Thornbury, Scott. How to teach grammar / Scott Thornbur . 1st ed. Harlow : Longman, 1999
- [BB] Thornbury, Scott. How to teach vocabulary / Scott Thornbur . 1st ed., 9th. impr. Harlow : Longman, 2011
- [BB] Vale, David. Teaching children English : a training course for teachers of English to children / David Vale with Anne Feunteun . 1a. ed., 2a. reimp. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996 (reimp.)
- [BB] Wallace, Catherine. Reading / Catherine Wallace . 1st ed., 4nd. imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996
- [BB] Willis, Dave. Doing task-based teaching / Dave Willis and Jane Willis . Reimp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010
- [BB] Willis, Jane. A framework for task-based learning / Jane Willis . 1st ed. Harlow : Longman, 1996
- [BB] Wright, Andrew. Storytelling with children / Andrew Wright . 1st ed., 2nd. reimp Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996
- [BC] Graham, Carolyn. Creating chants and songs / Carolyn Graham . 1st ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008
- [BC] Lafuente, E.. Communicative arts and crafts. Valencia : Plástica Sapiens, 2012
- [BC] Lloyd, S.. Jolly Phonics Workbooks 1-7. Essex : Jolly Learning, 1995
- [BC] Moon, Jayne. Children Learning English / Jayne Moon . 1st ed. Oxford : Macmillan, cop. 2000
- [BC] Phillips, Diane. Projects with young learners / Diane Phillips, Sarah Burwood & Helen Dunford . Oxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 1999
- [BC] Phillips, Sarah. Drama with children / Sarah Phillips . 1st ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008
- [BC] Phillips, Sarah. Young learners / Sarah Phillips . 1st ed., 8th impr. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001
- [BC] Pinter, Annamaria. Teaching young language learners / Annamaria Pinter . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006
- [BC] Reilly, Jackie. Writing with children / Jackie Reilly & Vanessa Reilly . 1st. publ., [5th] reprint. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
- [BC] Rost, Michael. Introducing listening / Michael Rost . 1st publ. London : Penguin, 1994
- [BC] Stempleski, S.. Video in Action: Recipes for Using Video in Language Teaching. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990
- [BC] Wright, A.. Arts and crafts with children Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997
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