Academic Year:
26676 - Oral communication
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
26676 - Oral communication
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
First semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Introduction
This course seeks to make students improve their English oral productive skills, especially in typical communicative situations in the context of foreign language teaching. As a result, besides making students aware of the features that distinguish English oral from written discourse, special attention will be paid to the language used in the EFL classroom focusing on essential resources to successfully (as well as fluently and accurately) produce spontaneous speech events (e.g. discussions, role-plays or simulations) and planned ones (especially oral presentations). Resources include the pronunciation of those English sounds that cause more problems to Spanish learners when communicating in English, suprasegmental features such as prominence and intonation, appropriate body to particular communicative situations (formal oral presentations, interacting with students, etc.), among others.
1. English oral discourse: features, conventions and speech events.
2. Communicating in English as a Foreign Language: communication strategies and conversational skills.
3. Pronunciation: vowel sounds, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation.
4. Classroom English: classroom routines and management.
5. Academic oral communication: presentations.
6. Knowledge of (the rules of) the correspondence between spelling and pronunciation in English, between the English phonemes and their conventional or habitual spelling, and also less common forms of orthography.
1.2. Recommendations to take this course
Students are recommended to attend lessons and actively participate in the activities proposed. These will correspond to a B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students should also make the most of the resources and opportunities at hand to practise the language both inside and outside the classroom. At any rate, it is highly advisable to have passed the courses English in Primary Education I and II.
1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree
Although students taking the specialisation in English Language should already have an adequate level of English which enables them to express themselves fluently and correctly both in written and in oral form as a future primary EFL teacher, this course together with English in Primary Education III, are planned to make students improve their competence in English. In this course in particular the focus is on the improvement of their monologic and dialogic oral skills.
1.4. Activities and key dates
Key dates will be indicated through the digital platform used by the lecturer (Blackboard or Moodle) o in a written document that will be handed out to students at the beginning of the course. The dates of the final exams will be made available to students through the website of the different faculties.
2.1. Learning goals
1. Recognise and describe the distinctive features of oral discourse characterising different genre and communicative situations.
2. Identify, represent and accurately produce English vowel and consonant sounds.
3. Identify word and sentence stress and intonation patterns and features in English and to produce patterns which are appropriate for the communicative situation taking into account grammatical, pragmatic and discursive features.
4. Analyse and use appropriate communication strategies in English.
5. Orally express themselves and interact in English in a correct, fluid, intelligible manner in different communicative contexts and situations. 6. Identify and appropriately use language and strategies (discursive, phonetic and expressive) in an oral presentation in English.
7. Identify and use fluently, correctly and with good pronunciation the functions and structures commonly used in the primary EFL language classroom to explain, give instructions, provide meaning and interacting with their future students.
2.2. Importance of learning goals
It is essential that future primary EFL teachers are able to express themselves accurately and fluently in English and to be proficient in the use of oral discourse, especially in classroom communicative situations, since they will be models that their future students will imitate. In addition, being aware of the specific features, structure and conventions of oral discourse in different communicative situations and contexts will enable them to understand their implications for its teaching in the EFL primary classroom, which will be dealt with in other courses in the English Language specialization (Learning and teaching EFL, Planning effective teaching y Resources for EFL in primary school).
3.1. Aims of the course
The main aim of the course is for students to improve their oral communicative competence in English, reaching further correction and fluency in their communication with other speakers. Students are also made aware of and able to use different communication strategies and conversational skills when interacting with other speakers and with their future students. Finally, students become familiar with the specific features of oral discourse, which vary depending on the context and communicative situation.
3.2. Competences
(CG 3) Abordar con eficacia situaciones de aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multiculturales y plurilingües. Fomentar la lectura y el comentario crítico de textos de los diversos dominios científicos y culturales contenidos en el currículo escolar. Expresarse oralmente y por escrito con corrección y dominar el uso de diferentes técnicas de expresión en las diferentes áreas del saber.
(CT 10) Desarrollar la capacidad de comunicar, para enseñar en la propia lengua, y en otra u otras lenguas europeas.
(CT 14) Buscar, gestionar, procesar, analizar y comunicar la información de manera eficaz, crítica y creativa.
(CE 11) Conocer los procesos de interacción y comunicación en el aula.
(CE 44) Comprender los principios básicos de las ciencias del lenguaje y la comunicación.
(CE 51) Afrontar situaciones de aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multilingües.
(CE 52) Expresarse oralmente y por escrito en una lengua extranjera.
4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
Assessment activities
The student will have to show that s/he has achieved the expected learning outcomes via the following assessment activities:
- Pronunciation test (25%): Students will have to carry out a series of activities, such as reading aloud fragments written in English and/or in phonetic transcription, in order to show their English pronunciation accuracy.
-Oral presentation (20%): Students will give a short, formal, academic presentation in English on a subject agreed on with the lecturer.
- Role play (15%): Students will have to play the role of an English teacher at a Spanish primary school, performing a variety of functions, e.g. giving instructions to carry out concrete activities, establishing classroom rules, directing pair or group work etc.
- Conversation/interaction (10%): Students will have to maintain a conversation about a topic of personal and/or academic interest, answering the lecturer’s and/or their classmates’ questions.
- Questions about the contents of the course (30%): Students will have to answer short questions about the syllabus.
Assessment criteria
1. Oral presentation: pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation; voice projection, body language, fluency, independence from the script, accuracy, structure.
2. Pronunciation test: adequate production of those phonemes that tend to be difficult to pronounce for Spanish native speakers; correct stress, adequate rhythm and intonation.
3. Oral in-class activities and role-play: use of adequate communication strategies; pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation; grammatical, lexical and discursive accuracy; fluency; correct use of the language functions/speech acts (definitions, descriptions, instructions, etc.) employed in an English classroom.
4. Questions about the contents: understanding of the distinctive features and structure of oral discourse; appropriate analysis of adequate communication strategies depending on the context and the communicative situation; accuracy; correct identification of vowel and consonant sounds as well as stress, rhythm and intonation patterns; understanding and application of English spelling/pronunciation rules (i.e. the correspondence between graphemes and phonemes).
To pass the assessment activities, the student has to use the English language at a level of accuracy that corresponds to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Assessment criteria and requirements to pass the subject
To pass the course, the students have to obtain a global score of at least 60%. In addition, they have to obtain a score of at least 50% in each of the individual parts. The weight of each part is the following:
Pronunciation test (25%)
Oral presentation (20%)
Role-play (15%)
Conversation-Interaction (10%)
Questions about the contents (30%)
Overall test and second call
The assessment of the second exam sitting coincides in content and percentages with the assessment system of the first sitting. In the second sitting only the new results will be taken into account, pass marks from the first exam sitting will not be kept.
Fifth and sixth retake
In the fifth and sixth exam sittings, the assessment, the percentages and the minimum requirements are the same as in the other sittings. The students will be assessed by an exam committee.
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process of this course is based on the following:
The learning process follows the principles of the communicative approach for the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. The aims should enable students to communicate orally in a variety of situations, especially in an academic context and in the classroom as future English teachers.
The course follows an active, participative and collaborative methodology. Students will play a central role and they should take responsibility for their own learning.
5.2. Learning tasks
The provided programme, which aims to help students achieve the planned results, consists of the following activities:
- Analysis of conversational structure, and of those features and conventions which regulate various interaction types in English.
- Monologic and conversational oral performance through activities related to different communicative types and situations.
- Pronunciation and intonation improvement through practice and explicit training.
- Ludic and drama activities to improve voice projection and body language, and to overcome stage fright.
- Practical analysis of classroom language through simulations by which students have to give explanations, instructions, provide meanings, etc.
- Enhancement of academic oral communication through formal presentations in the English language classroom.
5.3. Syllabus
1. English oral discourse: features, conventions and speech events.
2. Communicating in English as a Foreign Language: communication strategies and conversational skills.
3. Pronunciation: vowel sounds, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation.
4. Classroom English: classroom routines and management.
5. Academic oral communication: presentations.
6. Knowledge of (the rules of) the correspondence between spelling and pronunciation in English, between the English phonemes and their conventional or habitual spelling, and also less common forms of orthography.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Schedule of onsite sessions and of handing in of assignments.
Key dates:
- Week 5: Students must have chosen a date and a topic (with the lecturer’s approval) in order to give a (formal) oral presentation in the classroom.
- 2 weeks before the presentation: Students should hand in an outline of their presentation.
- 1 week before the presentation: Students should attend a tutorial with the lecturer to discuss the outline.
The schedule of onsite sessions and other activities will be announced by the lecturer, either on the ADD or in a document that will be handed out to students at the beginning of the course.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]
- Huesca:
- [BB] Baker, Ann. Ship or sheep? : an intermediate pronunciation course / Ann Baker ; with cartoons by Leslie Marshall . - 2nd ed., 26th printing Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002
- [BB] Bell, Douglas. Passport to Academic Presentations. Student's Book / Douglas Bell . 1st ed. Reading, UK : Garnet, 2008
- [BB] Hancock, Mark. English pronunciation in use : self-study and classroom use. Intermediate / Mark Hancock . 2nd. ed., reprint. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012
- [BB] Hewings, Martin. Pronunciation Practice Activities: A Resource Book for teaching English Pronunciation.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004
- [BB] Hughes, Glyn. Practical classroom English / Glyn Hughes, Josephine Moate with Tiina Raatikainen Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
- [BB] Slattery, Mary. English for primary teachers : A handbook of activities & classroom language / Mary Slattery & Jane Willis . Reimpr. Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2013
- [BB] Wernham, Sara. Phonics teacher's book : teaching Jolly Phonics with Phonics Pupul Books 1,2 and 3 / written by Sara Wernham, Sue Lloyd; edited by Louise Van-Pottelsberghe . Williston [etc.] : Jolly Learning, cop. 2010
- [BC] Carter, Ronald. Exploring spoken English / Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy . 1st., ed., 9th. impr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
- [BC] Celce-Murcia, Marianne. Teaching pronunciation : a reference for teachers of english to speakers of other languages / Marianne Celce- Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin . 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- [BC] Hancock, Mark. Pronunciation games / Mark Hancock . 1a. ed., 15th. imp. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
- [BC] Kelly, Gerald. How to teach pronunciation / Gerald Kelly . 1st ed., 11ªimp. Harlow : Longman, 2008
- [BC] Salehzadeh, Julia. Academic listening strategies : A guide to understanding lectures / Julia Salehzadeh . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, cop. 2006
- [BC] Vaughan-Rees, Michael. Test your pronunciation / Michael Vaughan-Rees . Harlow : Pearson Education, 2004
Listado de URL
- Academic Oral Presentation Skills[]
- [BB] C []
- EnglishClub Pronunciation []
- Oxford University Press []
- Phonetics Focus []
- Supports for Pronunciation Teaching []
- Zaragoza:
- [BB] Baker, Ann. Ship or sheep? : an intermediate pronunciation course / Ann Baker ; with cartoons by Leslie Marshall . - 2nd ed., 26th printing Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002
- [BB] Bell, Douglas. Passport to Academic Presentations. Student's Book / Douglas Bell . 1st ed. Reading, UK : Garnet, 2008
- [BB] Hancock, Mark. English pronunciation in use : self-study and classroom use. Intermediate / Mark Hancock . 2nd. ed., reprint. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012
- [BB] Hewings, Martin. Pronunciation Practice Activities: A Resource Book for teaching English Pronunciation.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004
- [BB] Hughes, Glyn. Practical classroom English / Glyn Hughes, Josephine Moate with Tiina Raatikainen Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
- [BB] Slattery, Mary. English for primary teachers : A handbook of activities & classroom language / Mary Slattery & Jane Willis . Reimpr. Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2013
- [BB] Wernham, Sara. Jolly Phonics : teacher's book / Sara Wernham, Sue Lloyd; edited by Louise Van-Pottelsberghe. Jolly Learning , 2010
- [BB] Wernham, Sara. Jolly Readers: Level 1 / Sara Wernham; Lib Stephen (ill.) . Chigwell : Jolly Learning, cop. 2002
- [BB] Wernham, Sara. Jolly Readers: Level 2 / Sara Wernham; Lib Stephen (ill.) . Chigwell : Jolly Learning, cop. 2002
- [BB] Wernham, Sara. Jolly Readers: Level 3 / Sara Wernham; Lib Stephen (ill.) . Chigwell : Jolly Learning, cop. 2002
- [BC] Carter, Ronald. Exploring spoken English / Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy . 1st., ed., 9th. impr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
- [BC] Celce-Murcia, Marianne. Teaching pronunciation : a reference for teachers of english to speakers of other languages / Marianne Celce- Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin . 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- [BC] Hancock, Mark. Pronunciation games / Mark Hancock . 1a. ed., 15th. imp. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
- [BC] Kelly, Gerald. How to teach pronunciation / Gerald Kelly . 1st ed., 11ªimp. Harlow : Longman, 2008
- [BC] Salehzadeh, Julia. Academic listening strategies : A guide to understanding lectures / Julia Salehzadeh . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, cop. 2006
- [BC] Vaughan-Rees, Michael. Test your pronunciation / Michael Vaughan-Rees . Harlow : Pearson Education, 2004
Listado de URL
- Academic Oral Presentation Skills []
- [BB] C []
- EnglishClub Pronunciation []
- Oxford University Press []
- Phonetics Focus []
- Supports for Pronunciation Teaching []
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