Academic Year:
26631 - Didactics: Biological and Geological Media
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
26631 - Didactics: Biological and Geological Media
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
Second semester
Subject Type:
1.1. Introduction
The subject at a glance
It is one of the two compulsory subjects about science didactics that pre-service teachers have to conduct during their teacher training degree. It includes theoretical and practical training and deals with outstanding issues related to learning and teaching biology and geology aspects at Primary school. The aim of this course is to provide Primary school pre-service teacher clues to overcome problems arising when Primary school kids learn about biological and geological aspects of the environment.
Subject program
- Biological and geological aspects included in the Primary education curriculum and their contribution to the basic-competences acquisition.
- Relevant biological and geological knowledge in Primary education. Common issues emerging during their teaching and learning.
- Biology and geology experimental activities and fieldwork in Primary school.
- Planning, designing and analyzing teaching sequences related to biological and geological knowledge.
- Use of present science-topics including biology and geology aspects, to learn science.
2.1. Learning goals
Learning to be achieved after the course:
The student has got basic knowledge about biological and geological aspects and its translation to Primary education
The student can relate the basis of the scientific knowledge included in the Primary education curriculum as well as the learning theories about their acquisition
The student can write reports about the experimental science activities carried out
The student can argue using scientific and didactic reasons during the meetings and debates about present science issues organized by teachers
The student shows communicative skills and is able to use appropriate reasons and tools in the teaching situations emerging during the theoretical and practical sessions of the subject
The student can design and show teaching sequences which are suitable for the corresponding level at Primary school and include the ideas and tools learned along the theoretical and practical sessions
5.3. Syllabus
Grado (EQF/MECU 6)