Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

26531 - Development of Musical Expression

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
26531 - Development of Musical Expression
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
Second semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

Brief presentation of the subject

Development of Musical Expression is a 6 ECTS credits subject. There are theorical and practical sessions. In which student adquire didactic tools, in order to teach music at kindergarten level. The intention is to integrate music in general education.


Syllabus of the subject

1. INFLUENCE OF MUSIC IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT. Music in the early stages of life. Evolutive development and music education. Psychological and pedagogical foundations. 

2. APPROACHES AND METHODOLOGIES OF MUSICAL EDUCATION AND ITS APPLICATION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Foundations and precedents of music education: Dalcroze , Orff, Willems , Kodaly and Martenot, among others. Music creativity and development of new languages: Schaffer, Paynter, Schafer, Denis y Self among others.

3. MUSIC EDUCATION IN KINDERGARTEN. Vocal and body expression. Instrumental expression and coordination. Musical language (preconceptual). Sound contrast (Pitch, dynamics, duration, timbre, velocity).

4. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES FOR MUSIC TEACHING IN KINDERGARTEN. Repertoire of songs. Repertoire of auditions. Musical instruments, sound toys, etc. Repertoire of Expressive movement activities.

5. BASIC MUSICAL CONCEPTS FOR STUDENTS AT THIS SUBJECT. Musical notation: notes and rests. Metric units or time signatures. Rithmical and melodic combinations. Intervals. Musical form and structure. Other codes.

2.1. Learning goals

* Knowledge of music reading and writing, enought to play childhood music (kindergarten).

* Resources, enought to elaborate a didactic-musical repertoire for kindergarten.

* Elaboration and defence of a theorical-practice work, in accordance with the indications of the main teacher of this subject.

5.3. Syllabus

Grado (EQF/MECU 6)