Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

296 - Degree in Geology

26431 - Geomorphological and Geoenvironmental Mapping

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
26431 - Geomorphological and Geoenvironmental Mapping
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
296 - Degree in Geology
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This subject deals with the conceptual and methodological tools to develop geomorphological maps and cartographic documents of interest in environmental land use planning and management. Characterization of surficial deposits, assessment of active processes and differentiation of geomorphological land units are also carried out.

5.2. Learning tasks

- Activity 1. Practical sessions. Elaboration of geomorphological, active processes and environmental land units maps, from aerial photographs and regional geological data of a case study.

- Activity 2. Fieldwork. Recognition and characterization of landforms and surficial deposits.

5.3. Syllabus

Part 1. Geomorphological mapping

1. Introduction to Geomorphological mapping: concept, scale and methods. Guide for elaboration of Geomorphological maps by the Geological Survey of Spain.

2. Information to be considered: morphogenetic, morphochronological and morphodynamics aspects.

3. Surficial deposits: characteristics and representation in maps.

4. Active processes map: morphodynamic information, detailed map of active processes, activity assessment.

Part 2. Geoenvironmental mapping

1. Introduction to Geoenvironmental mapping: concept of geomorphological land unit.

2. Synthesis and definition of homogeneous geomorphological land units from morphostructural data, genetic features and active processes.

3. Mapping of homogeneous geomorphological land units.

4. Parametric files of geomorphological land units.

Part 3. Field work

- Recognition of the local landscape differentiating erosive and accumulative landforms

- Validation of the preliminary produced geomorphological scheme mapping

- Assessment of active processes and description of superficial deposits

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The subject development includes practical sessions and fieldwok. Practical sessions are on Wednesdays from 16:00 to 19:30. Fieldwork consists of two field trips in March and April, according the schedule approved by the Earth Science Department. Work reviews and exams are in June, according to the schedule of the Science Faculty.

Credit hours: 5 ECTS, including both lab sessions (4.3 ECTS) and fieldwork (two days = 0.7 ECTS).

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


Cartografía geomorfológica básica y aplicada / José Luis Peña Monné, editor ; [José Luis Peña Monné ... (et al.)] . - 1a ed. Logroño : Geoforma, 1997


Mapa geomorfológico de España a escala 1: 50.000 : guía para su elaboración / A. Martín Serrano... [et al.] Madrid : Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, 2004