26406 - General and Marine Palaeontology
Basic Education
5.2. Learning tasks
The elaborated programme for the students to help them reach the proposed results includes the following parts:
-Participative Theoretical sessions: 40 hours of compulsory attendance; they totalize a whole of 4 ECTS.
-Laboratory Practices: A whole of 13 practical sessions. Visu and particular practical cases. 40 hours (compulsory attendance). 4 ECTS.
-Field excursions: 3 Fieldtrips to different areas ranging from Palaeozoic to Neogene. The fieldtrips, including the time for the preparation of the report totalize a whole of 30 hours (1,2 ECTS).
-Study and required Knowledge for the written proof: 70 non-presential hours.(= Authonomous work of the students plus tutorials).
-Evaluation Proof: A written proof about the spent theoretical and practical sessions. 4 presential hours.
5.3. Syllabus
1. The programme of the Participative Theoretical sessions includes the following topics:
Basic Palaeontology
Introduction: Situation of Palaeontology in the frame of the Geological Sciences.
1: The fossilization process: Fundamentals of Taphonomy
2: Fundamentals of Systematics and classification of fossils.
3: Fundamentals of Biostratigraphy
4: Fundamentals of Palaeoecology and Palaeobiogeography
Marine Palaeontology
5: Pelagic marine environments and the dominant fossil groups
5.1: Introduction
5.2: Nectonic groups: Cephalopods and their relation with marine reptiles and fishes
5.3: Planktonic groups: Graptolites
6: Flat-bottom marine environments and their dominant fossil groups.
6.1: Introduction. Benthic organisms and their relation with the substrate
6.2: Trilobites
6.3: Brachiopods
6.4: Bivalves
6.5: Gastropods
6.6: Echinoderms
7. Marine reef environments and their dominant groups
7.1: Introduction. Reef builder groups
7.2: Cnidara. Their symbiotic relation with algae
7.3: Poriphera
7.4: Briozoans
2. Laboratory Practices: A whole of 13 practical sessions. Visu and particular practical cases. The topics of each 13 sessions are.
A: Basic Palaeontology
1: Fossilization processes (1)
2: Fossilization processes (2)
3: Palaeoecological processes and reconstructions (1)
4: Palaeoecological processes and reconstructions (2)
B: Systematics and Palaeontology
B.1: Pelagic groups
5: Graptolites
6: Nautiloids and Coleoids
7: Ammonoids
B.2: Flat-environment fossil groups:
8: Trilobites
9: Brachiopods
10: Bivalve Molluscs
11: Gastropods
12: Echinoderms
B.3: Reef-building dominant groups
13: Cnidaria (Corals and related groups)
3. Field excursions: 3 Fieldtrips to different areas ranging from Palaeozoic to Neogene. After each fieldtrip the students will prepare a report adjusted to the template of the template of the publication of Geological Society: Geotemas. The programmed fieldtrips are:
(1) Palaeozoic (Ordovician-Devonian): Herrera de los Navarros and Sta Cruz de Nogueras.
(2) Mesozoic: The Jurassic of La Almunia de Dª Godina; Ricla and Aguilón (S from Zaragoza).
(3) Caenozoic: Palaeocene-Eoceno-Oligocene of the Surroundings of La Peña (Huesca).