Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

296 - Degree in Geology

26402 - Crystallography

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26402 - Crystallography
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
296 - Degree in Geology
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.3. Syllabus

Geometric crystallography

1. The notion of crystal: historic development of Crystallography. Order and periodicity. The properties of crystalline matter.

2. Crystal lattices. Bidimensional periodic lattices. The Bravais lattices and the cystal systems. Elements of periodic lattices

3. Crystallographic notations: lattice points, lines and planes. Weiss arameters and Miller indices. Relationship between crystal morphology and structure. Empirical laws

4. Crystallographic zones.

5. Symmetry I. Symmetry operations in 2D and 3D

6. Symmetry II. Translational symmetry. The 32 point groups. Crystal systems

and symmetry.

7. Crystal morphology. Forms of the 7 systems.

8. Representing Crystals: stereographic projection.


Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry

9. The symmetry of the unit cell. Space groups. Atomic positions and structural sites.

10. Crystal structures. Rules of the crystal structures. Pauling rules.

11. Chemical variability of crystals: solid solution, isomorphism and stoichiometry (this subject will be taught in English)

12. The X-ray diffraction of crystals. Diffraction methods: fundamentals and the information they provide.


Physical properties of crystals

13. Introduction to the physical properties of crystals, and its relationship with the crystal symmetry

14. Optical properties I. Nature of light and other basics

15. Optical properties II. Optical isotropy and anisotropy. The optical surfaces.

16. Optical properties III. The transmitted-light polarizing microscope.

17. Optical properties IV. Optical analysis of crystals with parallel light, without analyzer. Optical analysis with parallel light and analyzer. Optical analysis with convergent light.

18. The color of mineral.

19. The electrical, magnetic and thermal properties of crystals.


Crystal Dynamics

20. The real crystal. Defects in crystals and crystal dynamics. The influence of defects on the physical properties of the crystals.

21. Crystal defects: point, line, two and three dimensional defects in crystals.

22. Crystal formation and growth. The morphology of the real crystal. Aggregates and twins.

23. Polymorphism.


Practical sessions


Geometrical crystallography: Sessions 1 to 7

X-ray Diffraction: Session 9

Optical microscopy: Sessions 10-16

Review of Geometric Crystallography: Practice

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


Amorós, José Luis. El cristal : morfología, estructura y propiedades físicas / José Luis Amorós . - 4a ed. ampl. Madrid : Atlas, D.L. 1990


Bloss, F. Donald. Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry : an introduction / F. Donald Bloss . - 2nd printing Washington : Mineralogical Society of America, 2000


Bloss, F. Donald. Introducción a los métodos de cristalografía óptica / F. Donald Bloss ; traducido por Paloma Gastesi ; revisado por José M. Fúster Casas . - 5a. ed. Barcelona : Omega, cop.1994


Cristalografía / José Ma. Amigó... [et al.] Madrid : Rueda, D.L. 1981


Frye, Keith. modern mineralogy / Keith Frye New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, cop. 1974


Galí Medina, Salvador. Cristalografía : teoría reticular, grupos puntuales y grupos espaciales / Salvador Galí Medina . - [1a.ed.] Barcelona : PPU, 1992


Gay, Peter. Introducción al estado cristalino / Peter Gay ; versión española por E. de la Fuente Cullell ; adaptación C. de la Fuente Cullell . - 1ª ed. Barcelona : Eunibar, 1977


Hammond, Christopher. The basics of crystallography and diffraction / Christopher Hammond Oxford [etc.] : International Union of Crystallography : Oxford University Press, 1998


Hibbard, Malcolm J.. Mineralogy : a geologist's point of view / M.J. Hibbard.. - 1st ed. Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2002.


Kelly, A.. Crystallography and crystal defects / A. Kelly, G.W. Groves, and P. Kidd . - Rev. ed Chichester, England : Wiley, 2000


Klein, Cornelis. Manual de mineralogía : basado en la obra de J.D. Dana / Cornelis Klein, Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr. ; [versión española por J. Aguilar Peris] . - 4a. ed. Barcelona [etc.] : Reverté, D.L. 1996-1997


Modern crystallography / [edited by] Boris K. Vainshtein. Vol. 1, Fundamentals of crystals : symmetry and methods of structural crystallography / Boris K. Vainshtein . - 2nd enlarged ed Berlin [etc.] : Springer-Verlag, cop. 1994


Nesse, William D.. Introduction to mineralogy / William D. Nesse New York ;|aOxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 2000


Nesse, William D.. Introduction to optical mineralogy / William D. Nesse . - 2nd ed New York : Oxford University Press, 1991


Phillips, F.C.. Introducción a la cristalografía / F.C. Phillips ; [traducido por Juan L. Martín Vivaldi] . - 4a. ed Madrid : Paraninfo, 1988


Putnis, Andrew. Introduction to mineral sciences / Andrew Putnis . - [1st. publ.] [Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press, 1992


Rodríguez Gallego, M.. La difracción de los rayos X / M. Rodríguez Gallego . - 1a. ed. Madrid : Alhambra, 1982


Rosenberg, H.M.. El estado sólido : una introducción a la física de los cristales / H.M. Rosenberg ; traducción de Ana Gómez Antón . - [1a ed.] Madrid : Alianza, D.L.1991


Ruiz Cruz, María Dolores. Introducción a la cristalografía para químicos / María Dolores Ruíz Cruz Málaga : Librería Agora, D.L. 1990


Santoyo Ramírez, Alicia. Fundamentos de cristalografía geométrica / Alicia Santoyo Ramírez . - 1a. ed. Valencia : López Mezquida, 1981


Wenk, Hans-Rudolf.. Minerals : their constitution and origin / Hans-Rudolf Wenk and Andrei Bulakh. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2004.




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Curso de Cristalografía en español - []


Curso de Mineralogía - []


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Formas cristalinas y minerales que las presentan - [ ]


IUCr - CWW Teaching and Education in Crystallography - []


Notas de óptica - [ ]


Óptica microscópica - []


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Recopilación de recursos en interent sobre Mineralogía - []


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