Academic Year:
274 - Degree in Social Work
26101 - Fundaments of Human Behaviour
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
26101 - Fundaments of Human Behaviour
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
274 - Degree in Social Work
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education
1.1. Introduction
Brief presentation of the course
The course Foundations of Human Behavior aims students have an overview of psychology as a discipline and as a profession and try to understand human behavior through the application of the scientific method and the knowledge of the basic psychological processes.
1.2. Recommendations to take this course
It is recommended that students identify their own personal experiences, so that they can be used to apply the different theoretical and practical approaches to the course.
One of the learning strategies of the course is that students learn by doing, it is recommended that students are motivated, capable and have availability to study and independent study and critical analysis. With this aim, the teacher of the course will develop the adequate supervision of students.
1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree
The course "Foundations of Human Behavior" is continued in the course of the second semester "Human development in the life cycle and social environment", both as a part of the course "Human Development in the life cycle and social environment". Its contents are related to other courses also in the first course such as "Social and communication skills" and "General Sociology", as well as others that will be studied throughout degree studies ( "Methods and research techniques in Social Work", "Social Processes", "Social Work with individuals and families" ....)
1.4. Activities and key dates
Construction of knowledge by students is rewarded, so their active participation, interest and motivation are considered positively.
The course is organized according to the thematic blocks indicated, which correspond with the course weeks. Planning and scheduling is shown below.
It is essential to present the script of the supervised work before the fifth week of the course. Indications for its realization will be explained by the teacher and are collected on the online platform of academic support.
2.1. Learning goals
At the conclusion of this course student:
Knows and properly uses the basic concepts of Psychology
Explains and differentiates the main psychological schools and their contribution to the explanation of human behavior
Exemplifies the different research methods in Psychology
Understands the basic psychological processes governing the individual biopsychosocial behavior and applies this psychological knowledge in different situations
Is able to explain the psychological processes that shape the personality and guide the behavior of individuals
2.2. Importance of learning goals
The course Foundations of Human Behavior includes content and core competencies in the training of social work professionals.
The contents of this course are not by themselves the object of study in Social Work, however, they are needed to understand many of the situations and behaviors that can be found in daily practice, and accordingly, develop best performance and effective strategies in each situation.
3.1. Aims of the course
The course and its expected results meet the following approaches and objectives:
The course is divided into three blocks, each of which have the following objectives:
1. Psychology as a science and profession: an Introduction
- To Define and know the object of study of psychology and the paradigms or historical schools
- To know the basic concepts of Psychology
- To differentiate the professional areas of psychologist.
-To introduce students to the research methods used in psychology and the use of scientific terminology of the discipline.
2. Basic psychological processes.
- To acquire the basic practical and theoretical knowledge of human behavior through the study of the basic psychological processes: sensation, perception, memory, intelligence, emotional processes, motivation...
3. Personality and behavior
- To know the theories of personality
- To differentiate types of personality
3.2. Competences
To pass the course, students will be able to:
Know and value the contributions of the discipline to the understanding of human being for the social worker profession.
Develop attitudes, skills and psychological strategies in relation to social work
Apply psychological knowledge to different situations and individuals
Using an analytical attitude in understanding the behavior of individuals
4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
Students must demonstrate they have achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities
Continuous assessment:
a) Contribution of the student (20%)
Participation in the classroom; Contributions in discussions; Practices; Tasks and voluntary presentations.
b) Mentored Work(20%)
Elaboration of an individual or collective work of psychological content in whichtheoretical and practical contents will be interrelated. Theoretical development and practical application will be assessed, as well as the quality of the participants explanations to other students in the classroom. At the beginning of the work the authors should submit a script with the main idea and objective of the work, data collection and consulted bibliography and justification of the topic under study. This work will be exposed to other students. Other aspects taken into account are: creativity and originality of contributions, innovation and research.
c) theoretical and practical knowledge of the course (60%)
Assessment tests of the acquisition of theoretical and practical content. These tests may be oral or written.
The contents will be evaluated by performing tests that assessed theoretical and practical aspects of the course and other issues related to the competence.
In order to acquire the minimum knowledge and skills it is required that students get a score greater than or equal to 4 in each of the above sections (contribution of the student, mentored work, theoretical and practical knowledge).
If the student does not reach this minimum score in any section, the course will be considered as failed.
Single assessment:
a) Contribution of the student (20%):
Making the practices of the course. Indications are in "tasks" of ADD
Assessment of the contributions of the student in the discussion forums
Assesssments of the performance of volunteer tasks.
Assessment performance of volunteer work related to aspects of the course
b) Mentored Work (20%)
Elaboration of an individual or collective work of psychological content in which theoretical and practical contents will be interrelated. Theoretical development and practical application will be assessed, as well as the quality of the participants explanations to other students in the classroom. At the beginning of the work the authors should submit a script with the main idea and objective of the work, data collection and consulted bibliography and justification of the topic under study.
During the test students will expose briefly their work to the teacher. The work has to be delivered on paper and electronically on the day of the evaluation. Other aspects taken into account are: creativity and originality of contributions, innovation and research.
c) theoretical and practical knowledge of the course (60%):
Assessment tests of the acquisition of theoretical and practical contents. These tests may be oral or written. The test will be performed the date indicated by the faculty.
The contents will be evaluated by performing a test that will assess theoretical and practical aspects of the course and other issues related to the competences.
Also in single assessment, in order to acquire the minimum knowledge and skills it is required that students get to a score greater than or equal to 4 in each of the above sections (contribution of the student, mentored work, theoretical and practical knowledge).
If the student does not reach this minimum score in any section, the course will be considered as failed.
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process designed for this course is based on the following precepts:
... In the new role that student and teacher play in the learning process in degrees adapted to the European Higher Education Area.
The students are conceived as protagonists of their own learning, so that activities and teaching resources promote the active and creator role of the student, trying to avoid passive knowledge recipient.
5.2. Learning tasks
Students are offered the following program to help them achieve the expected results and includes the following activities ...
Theoretical and practical oral presentations by the teacher supported with audiovisual media. Practical exercises will be conducted to illustrate the psychological phenomena.
Voluntary oral presentations by students. An open space where students can perform the presentation of practical or theoretical contents of a course or part of a particular topic of the program.
Detection of previous ideas of students in the respective content through open questions.
Readings and documents about the contents that students can analyze, synthesize, organize or schematize and make a critical assessment. In addition, the students will have graphical support documents on human behavior for the same purpose. This material will be available in the section that has the course in ADD.
Discussion Forums: Depending on the different contents of the course and the debates and discussions generated in the classroom, different forums open to all pupils where they can voluntarily commenttheir opinions in relation to different issues, and also attach information related to the course that may be of interest to other students.
Classroom Research: One of the core competencies that must be acquired in this course is being able to ask questions in relation to the bases of human behavior and generate small research designs that could answer these questions. These little researches in the classroom are designed by the teacher or students and try to answer questions of the course and / or exemplify contents thereof.
Face and online tutoring: Support of independent work of students and resolution of doubts and questions about the development of the course through face individual or group tutorials and via e-mail from the ADD platform, forum questions or chat.
Preparation of an individual or group work which will deepen in some aspects of the topics of the course, in a theoretical and practical way, as i Besides the acquired skills in this course are necessary for the successful completion of the supervised work of the course, which accounts for 20% of the final note.
5.3. Syllabus
Block 1. Introduction to Psychology as a science and profession
Unit 1. Introduction to Psychology
Unit 2. Research Methods in Psychology
Block 2. Basic Psychological Processes
Unit 3. Sensation and Perception
Unit 4. States of Consciousness
Unit 5. Memory
Unit 6. Intelligence
Unit 7. Motivation
Unit 8. Emotion
Block 3. Personality and behavior
Unit 9. Personality and behavior
5.4. Course planning and calendar
The course is structured in 15 weeks in which the different learning units are developed according to the following plan:
Block 1. Introduction to Psychology. 1 to 4 weeks
Block 2. Basic Psychological Processes. 5th to 11th weeks.
Block 3. Personality and Behavior. 12th to 15th weeks.
The last week is reserved for single assessment tests (ask your teacher)