Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

270 - Degree in Psychology

25944 - Psycho-analytical Therapy

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25944 - Psycho-analytical Therapy
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
270 - Degree in Psychology
2 and 4 and 3
First Four-month period
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:

The teaching will be taught through a system of theory sessions, practice sessions and scheduled tutorials. They are complemented with off-site actitivies such as such as individual and group work, where autonomous and group work are encouraged.

The most used and outstanding activities, given the nature of the instrumental and competency-centered courses, for their innovative nature would be: role-playing to use interview techniques, case studies (both real and simulated) Reporting preparation, problem-based learning, and cooperative learning through the use of interdisciplinary groups.

In the scheduled tutorials, the teachers will guide the student in the construction of their knowledge and in the application of interview techniques. In addition, they will guide them in the preparation of assignments, and solving of doubts or difficulties related to the course. The teacher will use lectures to deliver the theoretical classes, since this model offers the possibility to offer a global view of the course and to focus on those key concepts for understanding. Likewise, the students will be indicated of those resources most advisable for a more deep preparation of the course. The methodology used in the practical classes and tutorials programmed is the work in small groups. This strategy is more useful than other methods to achieve objectives such as: the development of communication skills, empathy, intellectual and professional skills and the management of interviews.

5.2. Learning tasks

  • Theoretical classes
  • Role playing
  • Observation

5.3. Syllabus

Interview definitions. Key elements in its conceptualization. Contributions and historical figures. Comparison with other techniques. SUBJECT 2.- CLASSIFICATION AND TYPES OF INTERVIEW Classification of the interview according to different criteria: Formal aspects; Degree of participation; theoretical framework; Purpose and objective; etc. TOPIC 3.- METHODOLOGICAL AND TRAINING ASPECTS OF THE INTERVIEWER Studies on the anatomy of the interview. Studies on reliability and validity. Working to increase reliability: the training of interviewers. Is the interviewer born? Ethical considerations.
II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERVIEW AND ITS DIMENSIONS. TECHNIQUES, TACTICS AND STRATEGIES ITEM 4. CONDITIONS THAT MUST BE GIVEN IN AN INTERVIEW. Formal aspects. External factors. Internal factors. The environment of the interview. Methods of collecting information. SUBJECT 5.-THE INTERVIEW AS A PROCESS. Structure in the interview. Phases of the interview and its course: preparation; Start, intermediate and final stages. Sorting the questions. Registration of information.  ITEM 6.- THE INTERVIEW AS COMMUNICATION I Human communication and its characteristics. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Kinésias; Paralinguistic and proxemic aspects. Personal factors in communication. ITEM 7.- THE INTERVIEW AS COMMUNICATION II Verbal intervention techniques: directional and non-directive techniques. Features of active listening. Characteristics of memory. Main mistakes. ITEM 8.-THE INTERVIEW AS INTERACTION. Self-image, self-presentation and interpersonal perception. System of values ​​and expectations. Personal characteristics. Attitudes that favor the relationship.

III. SCOPE OF THE INTERVIEW ITEM 9.- INTERVIEW AS COUNCIL INSTRUMENT (COUNSELLING) Concept of advice or guidance and its delimitations. Objectives and applications. Tactics and strategies. Special problems in the counseling. TOPIC 10.- THE CLINICAL INTERVIEW. The clinical interview and its various functions. Diagnostic, therapeutic and motivational. Objectives and strategies. The alliance and therapeutic relationship. TOPIC 11.- MAIN THEORETICAL MODELS OF THE THERAPEUTIC INTERVIEW. The psychodynamic interview, the phenomenological interview. The behavioral interview. Interaction models. Ways to communicate. Various forms of exploration.  SUBJECT 12.- THE INTERVIEW WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Child interview considerations. Evolutionary aspects. Formal aspects. Conducting the interview. The interview with parents and teachers. Advantages and limitations. Considerations of the interview with the adolescent. The structured interview. Semi-structured interviews THEME 13.- THE REVIEW OF THE MENTAL STATE AND THE CLINICAL HISTORY The role of the interview in the main documents of the clinical evaluation. Concept and objectives of mental state examination. The relevance of mental status examination in the medical history. Ways to organize information. UNIT 14-. STRUCTURED DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEWS. APPLICATION PROTOCOLS Structured, semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Advantages and Limitations. The structured clinical interview for the DSM-IV. (SCID-I; SCID-II). ADIS-IV. Other interviews. Critical review. SUBJECT 15.- THE RETURN INTERVIEW Concept and objectives. The "spoken" report. Functions of the return interview. Structure of the return interview. Problems, common errors and solutions.  TOPIC 16.- THE CRISIS INTERVIEW Concept of "crisis". Differences between crisis intervention and rapid or short interventions. The evaluation of suicide and parasuicide. ITEM 17.-THE SELECTION INTERVIEW The need for staff selection. Characteristics and objectives of the selection interview. Faults and solutions. Structure of the interview.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The work sessions will be developed interspersed with the presentation of theoretical contents.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Manual de la entrevista psicológica : saber escuchar, saber preguntar / coordinadora Conxa Perpiñá . Madrid : Pirámide, 2012
  • Cormier, William H.. Estrategias de entrevista para terapeutas : habilidades básicas e intervenciones cognitivo-conductuales / William H. Cormier, L. Sherilyn Cormier . 3ª ed., [reimp.] Bilbao : Desclée de Brouwer, D.L. 2004
  • Roji Menchaca, María Begoña. La entrevista terapéutica : comunicación e interacción en psicoterapia / Mª Begoña Roji Menchaca . [5a ed.] Madrid : Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 1991
  • Ruesch, Jurgen. Comunicación terapéutica / Jurgen Ruesch . Buenos Aires : Paidós, 1980
  • Entrevista y consejo psicológico / editoras, Ma. del Carmen Martorell, Remedios González . Madrid : Síntesis, D.L. 1997
  • Fernández Ballesteros, R. Introducción a la evaluación conductual / R. Fernández Ballesteros. Madrid : Pirámide, 1992
  • Sullivan, Harry Stack. La entrevista psiquiátrica / Harry Stack Sullivan . Buenos Aires : Psique, 1989
  • Vázquez Valverde, Carmelo.. Entrevista diagnóstica en salud mental : adultos / Carmelo Vázquez, Manuel Muñoz. . Madrid : Síntesis, 2002.
  • Ezpeleta Ascaso, Lourdes. La entrevista diagnóstica con niños y adolescentes / Lourdes Ezpeleta Ascaso . Madrid : Síntesis, 2001