Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

270 - Degree in Psychology

25931 - Social psychology of health

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
25931 - Social psychology of health
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
270 - Degree in Psychology
2 and 4 and 3
Second term
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:


- Theoretical-practical exposition in the classroom of the contents of the program

- Support of audiovisual methodology in the development of content

- Active participation of the students, both in group and individually, to promote meaningful and colaborative learning by exposing cases or examples of their interest, reflection and critical thinking through debate, etc.

- Development of assumptions and case studies, role-playings, and any other methodology that develops the practical sense of the subject and the abilities of the students

5.2. Learning tasks

1. Theoretical sessions in which work will be carried out stimulating participation and active learning by students


2. Practical sessions in which practical cases will be examined, from which teamwork and cooperative-collaborative learning will also be encouraged


3. Individual and collective tutorials


5.3. Syllabus

BLOCK I. Conceptual and object delimitation of the Social Psychology of Health. Related concepts: psychological well-being and stress.

BLOCK II. The multifaceted nature of Health: main models, theories and approches to its.

BLOCK III. Fields of application of the Social Psychology of Health

BLOCK IV. Lifestyles and health. Social interaction and health. determinants, demands and resources. Social support.

BLOCK V. Strategies for Prevention and Health Promotion: levels of analysis and application. Preventive environments. education for health. 

BLOCK VI. The relationship of Social Psychology of Health with other disciplines. Future directions and challenges.


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of face-to-face sessions and presentation of works


BLOCK I. Weeks 1-2

BLOCK II. Weeks 3-5

BLOCK III. Weeks 5-6

BLOCK IV. Weeks 7-10

BLOCK V. Weeks 11-14

BLOCK VI. Weeks 15-16