25921 - Psychology of thought and Language
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
5.3. Syllabus
PART I. General Issues
Chapiter 1. Introduction: themes of pshycholinguistics
Chaper 2. Linguistic principles
Chapter 3. Psychological mechanisms
PART II: Language Comprehension
Chapter 4. Perception of language
Chapter 5. The internal lexicon
Chapter 6. Sentence comprehension and memory
Chapter 7. Discourse comprehension and memory
PART III. Language production and conversational interaction
Chapter 8. Production of speech and language
Chapter 9. Conversational interaction
PART IV. Language Acquisition
Chapter 10. Processes of language acquisition
PART V. Language in perspective
Chapter 11. Biological foundations of language
Chaper 12. Language, culture and cognition