Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

270 - Degree in Psychology

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
25909 - Psychology of learning
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
270 - Degree in Psychology
Second term
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process has been designed with the following components:


Theory lectures in large groups.

Practical sessions in smaller groups.

Group assignments.

Special emphasis on individual study.


5.2. Learning tasks

The program developed to help the student achieve the anticipated results comprises the following:


Theory lectures in large groups (30 hours, 1,2 ECTS):

Explanations and orientation of individual study of the different units that make up the subject. Students will be guided toward the acquisition of competencies and learning results. A range of mediums will be used to convey the necessary ideas (Powerpoint presentations, video clips, documentaries, illustrative animations, etc. ).


Practical sessions in smaller groups (Problem solving and cases, 20 hours, 0,8 ECTS; Work tasts, 40 hours, 1,6 ECTS):

Problem solving and questions in reduced groups (2-3 people per group). The laptop computers available to the Psychology Degree program will be used to simulate experiments in Learning Psychology. The program Sniffy Pro  for Windows will be used as well as web pages whose contents, images and animations are relevant and related to the theory outlines. The Moodle learning platform will be used to download the problems and questions to resolve and answer, upload work for correction by the lecturer and carry out unit texts and practical exercises. 


Autonomous Study (50 hours, 2 ECTS):

In addition to the activities already mentioned the student is expected to create structured work programs and unit outlines while bearing in mind the time required by other subjects. Motivation must be shown in the student’s autonomous work.


5.3. Syllabus

The contents of the subject are the following:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Elicited behavior. Habituation and Sensitization.
  3. Classic Conditioning: Foundations.
  4. Classic Conditioning: Mechanisms.
  5. Instrumental conditioning: Foundations.
  6. Schedules of Reinforcement and Choice Behavior.
  7. Stimulus Control of Behavior.
  8. Extinction of Conditioned Behavior.
  9. Aversive control. Avoidance and Punishment.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Planning and Calendar 

  • Theory lectures in large groups: 2 hours per week.
  • Practical sessions in smaller groups: 2 hours per week.
  • Final exam to be held at the end of the second semester (June).


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Froufe Torres, Manuel. Aprendizaje asociativo : principios y aplicaciones / Manuel Froufe . - 1ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Thomson, D. L. 2004
  • Catania, A. Charles.. Learning / A. Charles Catania.Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1992.
  • Vila, Javier . Investigación contemporánea en aprendizaje asociativo : estudios en España y México / Javier Vila, Javier Nieto, Juan M. Rosas Jaén : Del Lunar, D.L. 2003
  • Cooper, John O. Applied behavior analysis / John O. Cooper, Timothy , E. Heron, William, L. Heward Upper Saddle River ; Columbus : Merrill, cop. 1987
  • Domjan, Michael. Principios de aprendizaje y conducta / Michael Domjan ; con contribuciones de J. W. Grau ; traducción Miguel Angel Vadillo, Gabriela Muriel Good ; Revisión técnica, Helena Matute, Ricardo Pellón . - 5ª ed., 7ª reimpr. Madrid : Paraninfo, 2011
  • Leahey, Thomas Hardy. Aprendizaje y cognición / Thomas Hardy Leahey, Richard Jackson Harris ; traducido por Ana M. Rubio Díez . - 4a. ed., reimp. Madrid[etc] : Prentice-Hall, cop. 2003
  • Lieberman, David A.. Learning :behavior and cognition / David A. Lieberman. - 3rd ed Belmont [etc.] : Wadsworth, cop. 2000
  • Malott, Richard W.. Principios elementales del comportamiento / Richard W. Malott, Maria E. Malott, Elizabeth A. Trojan ; revisión técnica, Amada Ampudia Rueda . - 4a. ed. México : Pearson Educación, 2003
  • Pearce, John M.. Animal learning & cognition : an introduction / John M. Pearce . - 3rd ed. Hove (East Sussex) : Psychology Press, 2008
  • Schwartz, Barry. Psychology of learning and behavior / Barry Schwartz, Steven J. Robbins. - 4th ed New York [etc.] : Norton, cop. 1995
  • Skinner, B. F. (Burrhus Frederic),) . Science and human behavior / B.F. Skinner New York : The Free Press, 2008
  • Alloway, Tom. Sniffy : La rata virtual :Pro version 2.0 / Tom Alloway , Greg Wilson , Jeff Graham ; traducción Nuria Bueno ; revisión técnica Helena Matute, Ricardo Pellón . [Madrid] : Thomsom-Paraninfo, D.L.2005
  • Tarpy, Roger M.. Aprendizaje : teoría e investigación contemporáneas / Roger M. Tarpy ; traductor, Ginés Evangelista Navarro ; revisores técnicos, Pilar Sánchez Balmaseda, Ricardo Pellón Suárez de Puga . Madrid : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 2009