Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

270 - Degree in Psychology

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
25907 - History of Psychology
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
270 - Degree in Psychology
First term
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process has been designed with the following components:


* Theory lectures

* Practical classes

* Tutorials

5.2. Learning tasks

The program developed to help the student achieve the anticipated results comprises the following: 

  • Theory Lectures (30 hours, 1,2 ECTS).
  • Bibliography will be recommended in order to expand on the explanations given in the class.
  • Practical classes (Problem solving and cases, 20 hours, 0,8 ECTS; Work tasts, 40 hours, 1,6 ECTS): During practical sessions there are activities directed to achieve the required results.
  • Tutorials: Students may attend tutorials according to the given timetable. Questions can be asked to the lecturer and orientation for personal study of the units can be requested.
  • Autonomous work and group out-of-class assignments (50 hours, 2 ECTS): In alignment with the current university regulations, students will be set a range of activities  to be carried out outside of class, either individually or in groups. 

5.3. Syllabus

The contents of the subject are the following:

  1. Introductory Questions and Neurophysiological Context.
  2. Wundt: Psychology in Germany.
  3. Darwin's Century: Evolutionary Thought.
  4. Psychology in United States of America.
  5. Structuralism and Functional Psychology.
  6. Applications.
  7. Gestalt Psychology.
  8. Psychoanalysis.
  9. Behaviorism.
  10. Cognitive psychology.
  11. Psychology in Spain.
  12. Professional Practice, Humanism and Deontology.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Planning and Calendar

  • Theory lectures in large groups: 2 hours per week.
  • Practical sessions in smaller groups: 2 hours per week.
  • Final exam to be held at the end of the second semester (January).

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Hergenhahn, B. R. Introducción a la historia de la psicologia / B.R. Hergenhahn ; coordinador de la traducción, Manuel Froufe Torres . - 1ª ed. , 2ª reimpr. Madrid [etc] : Paraninfo, 2007
  • Leahey, Thomas Hardy. Historia de la psicología : Principales corrientes del pensamiento psicológico / Thomas Hardy Leahey ; Traducción Maria de Ancos Rivera, Clara Rivera Rodríguez ; Coordinación de la revisión técnica, Enrique Lafuente Niño. - 6ª ed., reimpr. Madrid : Pearson, Prencite Hall, 2010
  • Tortosa, Francisco. Historia de la psicología / Francisco Tortosa, Cristina Civera Madrid : McGrauw Hill, 2006
  • Cartas a un joven psicólogo / María Dolores Avia, dir. . - 2ª ed., 2ª reimp. Madrid : Alianza, 2007
  • Blanco Trejo, Florentino. El cultivo de la mente : un ensayo histórico-crítico sobre la cultura psicológica / Florentino Blanco Trejo Madrid : A. Machado Libros, D. L. 2002
  • Historia de la psicología española : desde una perspectiva socio-institucional / Florentino Blanco (ed.) Madrid : Biblioteca Nueva, D.L. 1997
  • Carpintero, Helio. Historia de la psicología en España / Helio Carpintero Madrid : Pirámide, 2004
  • De Vives a Yela : antología de textos de historia de la psicología en España / Enrique Lafuente Niño ... [et al.] . - [1a. ed.] Madrid : Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2005
  • Sáiz, M.. El establecimiento de la Psicología científica en España Sáiz, M. y Sáiz, D. Barcelona : Avesta, 1993
  • Personajes para una historia de la psicologia en España / Milagros Saiz, Dolores Saiz (coordinadoras) Madrid : Pirámide ; Barcelona : Universitat Autònoma, Servei de Publicacions, 1996
  • Boring, Edwin Garrigues. Historia de la Psicología Experimental / Edwing G. Boring. [1a ed.] Mexico : Trillas, 1978
  • Goodwin, J. Historia de la psicología moderna / J. Goodwin. México: Limusa Wiley, 2010
  • Greenwood, J.D. Historia de la psicología : un enfoque conceptual / John D. Greenwood. México : McGraw-hill, 2011