Academic Year:
270 - Degree in Psychology
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
25907 - History of Psychology
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
270 - Degree in Psychology
First term
Subject Type:
Basic Education
5.1. Methodological overview
The learning process has been designed with the following components:
* Theory lectures
* Practical classes
* Tutorials
5.2. Learning tasks
The program developed to help the student achieve the anticipated results comprises the following:
- Theory Lectures (30 hours, 1,2 ECTS).
- Bibliography will be recommended in order to expand on the explanations given in the class.
- Practical classes (Problem solving and cases, 20 hours, 0,8 ECTS; Work tasts, 40 hours, 1,6 ECTS): During practical sessions there are activities directed to achieve the required results.
- Tutorials: Students may attend tutorials according to the given timetable. Questions can be asked to the lecturer and orientation for personal study of the units can be requested.
- Autonomous work and group out-of-class assignments (50 hours, 2 ECTS): In alignment with the current university regulations, students will be set a range of activities to be carried out outside of class, either individually or in groups.
5.3. Syllabus
The contents of the subject are the following:
- Introductory Questions and Neurophysiological Context.
- Wundt: Psychology in Germany.
- Darwin's Century: Evolutionary Thought.
- Psychology in United States of America.
- Structuralism and Functional Psychology.
- Applications.
- Gestalt Psychology.
- Psychoanalysis.
- Behaviorism.
- Cognitive psychology.
- Psychology in Spain.
- Professional Practice, Humanism and Deontology.
5.4. Course planning and calendar
Planning and Calendar
- Theory lectures in large groups: 2 hours per week.
- Practical sessions in smaller groups: 2 hours per week.
- Final exam to be held at the end of the second semester (January).
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
Bibliography and recommended resources
- Hergenhahn, B. R. Introducción a la historia de la psicologia / B.R. Hergenhahn ; coordinador de la traducción, Manuel Froufe Torres . - 1ª ed. , 2ª reimpr. Madrid [etc] : Paraninfo, 2007
- Leahey, Thomas Hardy. Historia de la psicología : Principales corrientes del pensamiento psicológico / Thomas Hardy Leahey ; Traducción Maria de Ancos Rivera, Clara Rivera Rodríguez ; Coordinación de la revisión técnica, Enrique Lafuente Niño. - 6ª ed., reimpr. Madrid : Pearson, Prencite Hall, 2010
- Tortosa, Francisco. Historia de la psicología / Francisco Tortosa, Cristina Civera Madrid : McGrauw Hill, 2006
- Cartas a un joven psicólogo / María Dolores Avia, dir. . - 2ª ed., 2ª reimp. Madrid : Alianza, 2007
- Blanco Trejo, Florentino. El cultivo de la mente : un ensayo histórico-crítico sobre la cultura psicológica / Florentino Blanco Trejo Madrid : A. Machado Libros, D. L. 2002
- Historia de la psicología española : desde una perspectiva socio-institucional / Florentino Blanco (ed.) Madrid : Biblioteca Nueva, D.L. 1997
- Carpintero, Helio. Historia de la psicología en España / Helio Carpintero Madrid : Pirámide, 2004
- De Vives a Yela : antología de textos de historia de la psicología en España / Enrique Lafuente Niño ... [et al.] . - [1a. ed.] Madrid : Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2005
- Sáiz, M.. El establecimiento de la Psicología científica en España Sáiz, M. y Sáiz, D. Barcelona : Avesta, 1993
- Personajes para una historia de la psicologia en España / Milagros Saiz, Dolores Saiz (coordinadoras) Madrid : Pirámide ; Barcelona : Universitat Autònoma, Servei de Publicacions, 1996
- Boring, Edwin Garrigues. Historia de la Psicología Experimental / Edwing G. Boring. [1a ed.] Mexico : Trillas, 1978
- Goodwin, J. Historia de la psicología moderna / J. Goodwin. México: Limusa Wiley, 2010
- Greenwood, J.D. Historia de la psicología : un enfoque conceptual / John D. Greenwood. México : McGraw-hill, 2011