Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

558 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering

25877 - Design Workshop III: Creativity

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25877 - Design Workshop III: Creativity
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
558 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

Knowledge and application of the creative process to the design process are critical in the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering for innovation and product improvement. This subject is integrated into the 2nd year 2nd term module which aims to ensure that students are able to manage with knowledge about statistics, business and market analysis, new ideas generation through creativity and integration of solutions that contain an electrical system, to finally have graphics designs to aplply on a final product presentation.

Students will apply creativity and integrate product decisions on:

  • The basics of business management.
  • Evaluate alternatives and optimize financial resources associated with the process of designing, manufacturing and marketing.
  • Market analysis and statistical studies.
  • Creative approach and conceptualization phases of product.
  • Troubleshooting technical nature related to electricity.
  • Graphics and communication applications, both on product and public appearances.


1.2. Recommendations to take this course

The subject belongs to the backbone of the degree and to the group of subjects "Design Workshop", it is a continuation of the contents of the courses "Design Workshop I and II", for this reason it is highly recommended to have overcome these subjects.

Similarly, it is advisable to have a good level of technical drawing and sketching, to improve and increase communication skills own this subject.

1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree

The subject aims to get the student to start working on product development from a very early stages of the design process, implementing techniques and creative methods that will be used throughout the degree, and acquiring habits and behaviors that will work from this time continuously.

More specifially, it is intended that this course students are able to conceptualise products, defining the key elements of a product differentiating factors for innovation through ideas and new solutions. Likewise, the course sets the standards for use creativity in various forms in all stages of the design process.



1.4. Activities and key dates

The subject share contents with other subjects in 2nd year 2nd term module, so it is necessary to make a good coordination of both activities / work as dates, each date or key activity is defined in the statement of the common project module and the schedule of sessions and presentation of works section.


Each subject/course timetablesstart and ending dates, teaching schedules and office hours of teachers are published and can be found on EINA website:


2.1. Learning goals

The student, for passing this subject, must show the following results:

  1. Understand the creative process, its stages and the relationship with the industrial design. Get to know creative techniques and apply methods through the design process.
  2. Understand and apply the creative divergent and convergent process, in relation to design methodologies.
  3. Get to know how to create new concepts, and apply the ability for abstraction and  split problems.
  4. Get to know how to use techniques for detection, analysis and solving problems. Solving simple design problems.
  5. Explore,  reflect and create new ideas and subsequent selection. Ability to use techniques for idea generation and selection, individually or collectively.


2.2. Importance of learning goals

The course is related to the group of subjects "Design Workshop", all these subjects are methodological and experimental so that learning is based on "project based learning", practice is a very important factor in the learning process. It also provides expertise to other cross and electives subjetcs.

3.1. Aims of the course

The main goal of the degree is to make proficient students dealing with the knowledge management and design skills nedeed for planning and developing the entire manufacturing process and product life.

In this sense, the subject is part of the group that aims the implementation and development of these skills in the most creative aspect, being a basic subject in the practice of industrial design and product development, key to understanding and problem solving and commitment to innovation and product improvement.

3.2. Competences


CB03. Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include an important reflection on social, scientific or ethical issues.

CB04. Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.



GC05. Capacity to collect, manage, analyze and synthesize information from various sources for the development of design projects and product development. Capacity to use this documentation to obtain conclusions aimed at solving problems and making decisions with initiative, creativity and critical thinking, in order to generate new product concepts, new ideas and solutions.



SC13. Understand the creative process, its stages and relationship with industrial design. Understand and apply divergent and convergent design methods, similar to those found in the creative process and develop the capacity of conceptualization.

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The subject is assesed in two parts, theoretical and practical, it is necessary to pass both parts.

The division into two parts corresponding to the following percentages:

  • 25% Examination and / or written work.
  • 75% Practical work and projects (45% exercises, 30% module project)

The theoretical part, 25% of the mark, be evaluated by two tests. First, a individual piece of work based on a theoretical exercise (5%). And second, by a written exam or test type exam with questions to develop. The examination or test will be held in mid-term, freeing that part should be overcome (20%), if not pass the test can go to the official dates in June or September.
The practical part is evaluated by three practical exercises or projects, 75% of the mark: individual exercise (15%), an exercise or project partners (30%) and module project group (30%).


Note: Following the rules of the University of Zaragoza in this regard, in the subjects with systems of continuous or gradual assessment, an overall test assessment will also be scheduled for students who decide to opt for this second system.

5.1. Methodological overview

In the course some theoretical subjects which will serve for learning definitions, the creative process, tecniques and for reviewing cases and examples with presentations will be developed. However, the bulk of the course will consist of exercises in the classroom and on behalf of the student, tutored sessions monitoring and evaluation of project achievements and partial and general objectives of attainment.
Practical classes will consist of several simple exercises for individual work and project for collective work, the issues may be related to work of other subjects that are developed in the same quarter so that the share of research and problem solving is applicable to other exercises and student projects.
The assessment will be continuous and will be based on meeting the objectives set out in proposed projects and exercises, through the assessment of different sections within the exercise or project itself.

5.2. Learning tasks

The lectures and master classes addressed theoretical issues and cases that are discussed and analyzed, debates are made.
The practical classes are developed through easy exercises for experimental and conceptual single work: The project is collective work and methodology seen in the theoretical part is applied.
6 ECTS: 150 hours / student distributed as Follows:
30 h. whole group class: theory and cases (15 classes 2 contact hours) Type 1
30 h. Practice class (15 sessions of 2 hours) Type 2
15 h. theoretical study
70 h. practical work
5 h. examination and presentation of projects

5.3. Syllabus

  • Concept Generation
    Creativity and Creative thinking
    Creative process
  • Creative methods
    Problem analysis. Problem solving
  • Creative techniques
  • Visual Thinking

5.4. Course planning and calendar


Master class / cases

Practical classes


Creativity and creative thinking. Definition

Individual practical exercise


The creative process

Individual practical exercise


Creative methods. Characterization and Classification.

Individual practical exercise


Problem analysis. Problem solving

Project module.


Techniques I. Techniques Problem analysis.

Project module.


Techniques II. Techniques individual creativity.

Project module.


Techniques II. Techniques individual creativity.

Project module.


Techniques III. Group creativity techniques.

Project module.


Techniques III. Group creativity techniques.

Project module.


Techniques IV. Assessment techniques ideas.

Work group.


Case Studies 1

Work group.


Case Studies 2

Work group.


Case Studies 3

Work group.


Case Studies 4

Work group.


Case Studies 5

Work group.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]

  • [BB] De Bono, Edward. El pensamiento creativo : el poder del pensamiento lateral para la creación de nuevas ideas / Edward De Bono. - 1ª ed., 6ª reimp. Barcelona [etc] : Paidós, 2010
  • [BB] Gray, Dave. Gamestorming : 83 juegos para innovadores, inconformistas y generadores del cambio / [Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo] ; traducido por Beatriz Benítez . - 4ª ed. Barcelona : Deusto, 2014
  • [BB] Henry, Kevin. Creatividad y diseño de producto / Kevin Henry ; [traducción, Jesús de Cos Pinto y Alicia Misrahi Vallès] . - 1ª ed. en español Barcelona : Promopress, 2012
  • [BB] Julián Pérez, Fernando. Creatividad y diseño de producto / Fernando Julián Pérez, Xavier Espinach Orús, Ana Serrano Tierz Girona : Documenta Universitaria, 2010
  • [BB] Manual de la creatividad : aplicaciones educativas / coordinadores, Ricardo Marín Ibáñez, Saturnino de la Torre de la Torre ; autores, Eusebio Aranda Muñoz ... [et al.] . - 1a. ed. Barcelona : Vicens Vives, 1991
  • [BB] Marín Ibáñez, Ricardo. La creatividad : Diagnóstico, evaluación e investigación / Ricardo Marín Ibáñez . - 1ª ed., 2ª reimp. Barcelona : UNED, 2002
  • [BB] Marín Ibáñez, Ricardo. La creatividad / Ricardo Marín Ibáñez . - 1ª ed. Barcelona : Ceac, 1980
  • [BB] Marín Ibáñez, Ricardo. Técnicas del pensamiento creativo / Ricardo Marín Ibáñez Valencia : Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, D.L.1975
  • [BB] Thackara, John. In the bubble : designing in a complex world / John Thackara. - 1st ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, 2006
  • [BB] This is service design thinking : basics - tools - cases / [edited by Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider] Amsterdam : BIS Publishers, 2011
  • [BC] Creatividad e innovación / [Teresa M. Amabile... et al.] Barcelona : Deusto, D. L. 2004
  • [BC] De Bono, Edward. Seis sombreros para pensar / Edward de Bono . - 1a. ed. en esta presentación, 3ª imp. Barcelona : Paidós, 2012
  • [BC] Michalko, Michael. Thinkertoys : cómo desarrollar la creatividad en la empresa / Michael Michalko ; [traducción, Adelaida Santapau] . - 2ª ed. Barcelona : Gestión 2000, D.L. 2009
  • [BC] Romo Santos, Manuela. Psicología de la creatividad / Manuela Romo . - 1a ed., [reimp.] Barcelona [etc.] : Paidós, D.L. 2005
  • [BC] Waisburd, Gilda. Creatividad y transformación : teoría y técnicas / Gilda Waisburd . - 1ª ed. Sevilla : Trillas : Eduforma, 2005