Syllabus query

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

558 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering

25865 - Artistic Expression I

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25865 - Artistic Expression I
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
558 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

3.2. Competences


CB01. Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is part of the general secondary education curricular, and is typically at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that involve knowledge of the forefront of their field of study.

CB02. Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and defending arguments and solving problems within their field of study.

CB03. Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include an important reflection on social, scientific or ethical issues.

CB04. Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

CB05. Students have developed those skills needed to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.



GC01. Able to acquire basic knowledge of the profession of industrial design, to combine that generalist knowledge and expertise with those who generate innovative and competitive proposals.

GC04. Ability to organize time effectively and coordinate activities to acquire new knowledge quickly and perform under pressure.

GC05. Capacity to collect, manage, analyze and synthesize information from various sources for the development of design projects and product development. Capacity to use this documentation to obtain conclusions aimed at solving problems and making decisions with initiative, creativity and critical thinking, in order to generate new product concepts, new ideas and solutions.

GC06. Ability to generate the necessary documentation for the proper transmission of ideas through graphics, reports and technical documents, models and prototypes, oral presentations in Spanish and other languages.

GC07. Ability to use and master techniques, skills, tools and techniques and communication and others specific of design engineering needed for design practice.

GC08. Ability to learn continuously, to develop autonomous learning strategies and to work in multidisciplinary groups with motivation and determination to achieve goals.

GC10. Ability to plan, budget, organize, direct and control tasks, people and resources.



SC05. Ability to conduct effective and professional presentations through drawing and digital technologies using visual skills to communicate ideas and concepts quickly and efficiently, by selecting the most appropriate media and content.

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The student must demonstrate that he / she has attained the expected learning outcomes through the following assessment activities
The student must demonstrate that he / she has attained the expected learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities:
A. Through directed work 35%
The student will develop a module work coordinated by the 5 subjects of the semester (15%).
The student will perform a series of guided practices related to the theoretical content of the subject (20%).


B. By written test / face-to-face 20%
The student will develop a theoretical / practical test in which he / she should record the acquired learning results.
C. Through presentations and discussions 10%
The student will present learning results through presentations leading to a later debate in the classroom.
D. Through continuous assessment 35%
The student will develop continuous practices that will be evaluated, as well as a mid-level semester test.
* The student must have delivered all compulsory practices on the date indicated to overcome the subject.
* To pass the subject the student must obtain a minimum of 4.5 points in each of the sections (A, B, C, D) in order to be able to average.
Note: Following the regulations of the University of Zaragoza, a global assessment test will be programmed for those students who decide to opt for this second system.



5.1. Methodological overview

1. Lectures 20h.
2 hours per week will be devoted to the treatment of the theoretical content of the subject. The lecture will be used, flipped classroom teaching model and the use of ICT to favor the development of general competences of the degree and specific subject in the student. The theoretical explanations will always be accompanied by examples that are clarifying for the student.
In order to achieve a greater participation of the students, the application of active methodologies such as the dynamics of work by groups and roles will be carried out.
Each block of theoretical content treated will carry with it the corresponding activity proposal.
2. Practical classes 40h.
Three hours per week will be devoted to enhancing the student's ability to represent industrial products through experimentation with different graphic representation techniques. In each practical class you will work with a different product. It is necessary for the student to attend the practical classes with the corresponding material. Work will be combined with three-dimensional products and product images that show different views of products.
3. Conducting practical research or research work 55h.
These works will be developed both individually and in groups.
4. Personalized tuition tutor-student 10h.
5. Study and personal work 15h.
The student will apply the contents treated in the subject to solve the proposed works. This activity is fundamental in its learning process and for overcoming evaluation activities.

5.2. Learning tasks

1. Lectures.

1 hour per week is devoted to the treatment of the theoretical content of the subject. The lecture and the use of ICT will be used to encourage the development of general skills and specific qualifications of the subject in the student. The theoretical explanations will be provided with examples that are clarifiers for the student. In order to achieve greater student participation, it will take place the implementation of active methodologies as the groups and roles dynamics working. Each block of theoretical content will carry the corresponding proposed activity.


2. Practical classes.

3 hours per week to enhance the student's ability to represent industrial products through experimentation with different techniques of graphic representation. In each practical class you will work with a different product. It is necessary that the student go to practical classes with the corresponding material. Working with three-dimensional products and product images showing different views will be combined.


3. Supervised projects

These works are develop both individually and in groups.


4. Independent work of the student.

The student will apply content rights treaties to solve the proposed work. This activity is essential in the learning process and overcoming evaluation activities.



5.3. Syllabus

The general contents of the course are:


• Drawing Basics: map out the proportions.

• Spatial and volumetric values ​​in the representation of the product.

• Domain 2D supports, traditional  materials and techniques: graphite, pastel, marker.

• Design of display panels.

The program that is offered includes the following activities:

• Analysis of the form.

• Analysis of the perspectives.

• Applying the most appropriate perspectives depending on the product.

• Visual memory.

• Natural copy.

• Study of human anatomy.

• Organization dimensional space.

• Labor field: search and analysis of certain products.

• Study of color: physical, psychological and symbolic analysis.

• Visual textures.

• Light points choice. Study of chiaroscuro.

• Products compositions and different types of funds• Analysis of different types of reticles.

• Application of different types of reticles to the presentation panels.

• Study of different typefaces.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works:


Contents by weeks


Weeks 1-2


Visual language and grammar expression graphics: Approaches to the form and product structure.

Weeks  3-4

Proportion analisys in product design

Weeks  5-6

Proportion analisys in product design

Weeks  7-8

Light and the product volumetric representation

Weeks  9-10

Design of highlight funds

Weeks  11-12

Presentation panels design

Weeks  13-14

Color treatment in product design


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Acaso López-Bosch, María. El lenguaje visual / María Acaso . 1ª ed. en esta colección Barcelona [etc.] : Paidós, D. L. 2011
BB Albers, Josef : Interacción del color / Josef Albers ; traducción de María Luisa Balseiro . - Ed. rev. y ampl. Madrid : Alianza, D.L. 2010
BB Design sketching : [including an extensive collection of inspiring sketches by 24 students at the Umea Institute of Design] / Erik Olofsson, Klara Sjölén [editores] ; Alexander Nemtsov ... [et al.] . 3rd ed. Klippan (Sweden) : Keeos Design Books, 2007
BB Julián Pérez, Fernando : Dibujo para diseñadores industriales / [textos Fernando Julián, Jesús Albarracín ; realización de los dibujos y ejercicios Fernando Julián ... et al.] . - 3ª ed. Barcelona : Parramón, 2009
BB Laborda Yneva, José. Teruel : guía de arquitectura = an arquitectural guide / José Laborda Yneva . - [1ª ed.] Zaragoza : Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, D.L. 1996
BB Powell, Dick. Técnicas avanzadas de rotulador / Dick Powell y Patricia Monahan . - [1a. ed.] Madrid : Hermann Blume, 1989
BB Samara, Timothy. Diseñar con y sin retícula / textos, selección de material y diseño de Timothy Samara ; [versión castellana, Mela Dávila] . - 1ª ed., 3ª tirada Barcelona [etc.] : Gustavo Gili, 2006
BB Sanz, Juan Carlos. El lenguaje del color : sinestesia cromática en poesía y arte visual / Juan Carlos Sanz . [2ª ed.] Madrid : H. Blume, D.L. 2009
BB Serrano Tierz, Ana. Estética del producto industrial y su representación gráfica / Ana Serrano Tierz, Mª Pilar Biel Ibáñez . - 1ª ed. Zaragoza : Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2012
BB Ware, Colin. Information visualization : perception for design / Colin Ware . 3rd ed. Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier : Morgan Kaufmann, cop. 2013
BC Arnheim, Rudolf. Arte y percepción visual : psicología del ojo creador : nueva versión / Rudolf Arnheim ; traducción de María Luisa Balseiro . - 2ª ed., 4ª reimp. Madrid : Alianza, imp. 2008
BC Brockmann, Josef. Sistemas de retículas : un manual para diseñadores gráficos = Sistemas de grelhas : um manual para designers gráficos / Josef Müller-Brockmann. - 3ª ed. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2012
BC Bürdek, Bernhard E.. Diseño : historia, teoría y práctica del diseño industrial / Bernhard E. Bürdek . - 1ª ed., 4ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2005
BC Ching, Frank. Dibujo y proyecto / Francis D. K. Ching con Steven P. Juroszek ; [versión castellana, Santiago Castán y Carlos Jiménez Romera] . - 2ª ed. amp. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, D.L. 2012
BC Civardi, Giovanni : El claroscuro : cómo representar las luces y las sombras / Giovanni Civardi Madrid : El Drac, D.L. 2008
BC Dondis, D. A.. La sintaxis de la imagen : introducción al alfabeto visual / D.A. Dondis . - 1a. ed., 16a. reimp. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2003
BC Edwars, Betty. El color / Betty Edwars Urano, 2006
BC Elam, Kimberly. Geometría del diseño : estudio en proporción y composición / Kimberly Elam ; [traducción técnica, Javier Alejandro Barrientos y Olivares] . 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. México, D.F. : Trillas, imp. 2009
BC Frutiger, Adrian. Signos, símbolos, marcas, señales / Adrian Frutiger ; [versión castellana de Carles Sánchez Rodrigo] . - 8ª ed. México : G. Gili, 2002
BC Gage, John. Color y cultura : la práctica y el significado del color de la antigüedad a la abstracción / John Gage ; traducción de Adolfo Gómez Cedillo y Rafael Jackson Martín. - 3ª ed. Madrid : Siruela, 2001
BC Ghyka, Matila C.. Estética de las proporciones en la naturaleza y en las artes / Matila C. Ghyka . - [3a. ed.] Barcelona : Poseidón, D. L. 1983
BC González Olmedo, Salvador. : Cómo pintar al pastel / S.G. Olmedo . - 9a. ed. Barcelona : Parramón, 1999
BC Grandis, Luigina de. Teoría y uso del color / Luigina de Grandis . - [1a ed.] Madrid : Cátedra, Cop.1985
BC Heller, Eva. Psicología del color : cómo actúan los colores sobre los sentimientos y la razón / Eva Heller ; traducción de Joaquín Chamorro Mielke ; [revisión técnica de María García Freire] . - 1ª ed., 10ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2009
BC Johansson, Kaj. Manual de producción gráfica : recetas / Kaj Johansson, Peter Lundberg, Robert Ryberg . Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, cop. 2004
BC Küppers, Harald. Atlas de los colores : más de 5500 matices con su caracterización y las instrucciones para su mezcla / Harald Küppers . 1ª ed., reimp. Barcelona : Blume, 1996
BC Küppers, Harald. Fundamentos de la teoría de los colores / Harald Küppers ; [versión castellana de Michael Faber-Kaiser] . - 1a. ed., 7a. tirada México, [etc.] : Gustavo Gili, 2005
BC Martín Montesinos, José Luis. Manual de tipografía : del plomo a la era digital / José Luis Martín Montesinos, Montse Mas Hurtuna . 6ª ed. València : Campgràfic, 2007
BC Munari, Bruno : Diseño y comunicación visual : contribución a una metodología didáctica / Bruno Munari ; [versión castellana de Francesc Serra i Cantarell ; revisión bibliográfica de Joaquím Romaguera i Ramió] . - 1ª ed., 16ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2008
BC Pipes, Alan. Dibujo para diseñadores : técnicas, bocetos de concepto, sistemas informáticos, ilustración, medios, presentaciones , diseño por ordenador / Alan Pipes ; [traducción, Ramón Martínez Castellote] . - 1ª ed. en lengua española Barcelona : Blume, 2008
BC Porter, Tom. Manual de técnicas gráficas para arquitectos, diseñadores y artistas 1 / Tom Porter, Bob Greenstreet ; ilustraciones de Sue Goodman ; [versión castellana de Santiago Castán] . 4ª ed. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 1987
BC Pozo Puértolas, Rafael. Diseño e industria gráfica / Rafael Pozo Puértolas . - [1a. ed.] Barcelona : Elisava ; CPG, 2000
BC Sanz Rodriguez, Juan Carlos. Diccionario del color / Juan Carlos Sanz y Rosa Gallego. Madrid : Akal, 2001
BC Ubiergo Castillo, Juan Manuel. Diseño industrial : una perspectiva aragonesa / Juan Manuel Ubiergo Castillo . Zaragoza : Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, D.L. 1999
BC VV.AA. Para empezar a pintar con rotuladores Barcelona : Parramón, 2002
BC Wong, Wucius. Fundamentos del diseño / Wucius Wong ; [versión castellana de Homero Alsina Thevenet y Eugeni Rosell i Miralles] . 1ª ed., 10ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2009
BC Wong, Wucius. Principios del diseño en color / Wucius Wong ; [versión castellana de Emili Olcina i Aya y Eugeni Rosell i Miralles] . 2ª ed. amp. Col. “GG Diseño“, 6ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2008