Academic Year:
25821 - Technical Office
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
25821 - Technical Office
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
271 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
558 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
271 - First term
558 - First semester
Subject Type:
5.1. Methodological overview
The teaching methodology is structured in four levels: theory classes, problem classes, computer lab sessions and supervised sessions.
The fundamental contents of the subject will be presented and discussed in the theory classes
Problem classes where students perform exercises, problems and projects.
Computer lab sessions wil be arranged in small groups. Students will be explained how to handle with the required software to develop an engineering project.
Supervised sessions will be carried out individually for each students group. There will be a mandatory appointment at the office with groups not exceeding three or four students.
5.2. Learning tasks
There will be the following activities:
Teaching type 1: Theory classes (30 hours). The main course contents are explained in theory classes. This activity will take place in the classroom using a blackboard, a slideshow presentation program or else.
Teaching type 2: Problem classes (15 hours). Students will solve exercises and any question about the proposed engineering project, under the supervision of a teacher.
Teaching type 3: Computer lab sessions (15 hours). Computer lab sessions will be arranged in small groups. The software needed to develop an engineering project will be explained by the teacher and will be handled by students
Teaching type 6: Supervised sessions of engineering project. Students give, receive and use feedback to improve their engineering projects. The students have to show that they have assimilated the contents presented in the other activities.
Teaching type 7: Personal study. Individual effort necessary to consolidate a correct learning process.
Teaching type 8: Assessment. The students will take an exam and two engineering projects will be handed.
Other activities: Tutorship. Students may solve any questions they might have about unclear contents of the course.
5.3. Syllabus
- Documents structure of engineering projects
- Project management
- Certification and registration of engineering projects
5.4. Course planning and calendar
The course calendar is defined by the EINA calendar.
5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources
[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]
- Zaragoza:
- No hay relación bibliográfica para esta asignatura(Ver toda la bibliografía recomendada + enlace al catálogo)
Listado de URL
- Arquímedes. Programa de mediciones, presupuestos, certificaciones y pliego de condiciones. []
- Ganttproject. Planificación y programación de proyectos []
- Marcado CE []
- Norma UNE 157001:2014. Criterios generales para la elaboración formal de los documentos que constituyen un proyecto técnico []
- Norma UNE-EN 60335-1. Seguridad de los aparatos electrodomésticos y análogos. Parte 1: Requisitos generales. []
- Temas de interés en Calidad y Seguridad Industrial []
- Zaragoza:
- No hay relación bibliográfica para esta asignatura(Ver toda la bibliografía recomendada + enlace al catálogo)