25523 - History of modern philosophy II
5.3. Syllabus
1. The modern human condition
Reading: Pico della Mirandola, Discourse on human dignity
2. The modern political condition
Reading: La Boétie, Traité de la servitude volontaire
3. Critique
Reading: “Critique”, Encyclopédie. + Kant: Prólogo a la Critique of judgement
Koselleck, R., Crisis and critique; Foucault, What is critique
4. Entlightenment
Reading: Kant, What is Entlightenment. + Jonathan Israel: Radical Entlightenment
5. Pedagogy and education in the XVIIIth century
Reading: Rousseau, Discourse on art and sciences
Rancière, Le maître ignorant y Ph.Meirieu, Frankenstein éducateur
6. Political foundation
Reading: Rousseau, Discourse on social inequality and Social contract
7. History and philosophy of history
Reading: Kant, Ideas for a universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view
8. Revolution
Reading: Fragments by Kant and Hegel on French Revolution
Georg Büchner, Danton's death