Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

25416 - Community nursing II

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
25416 - Community nursing II
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
275 - Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Huesca
375 - Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Teruel
273 - Degree in Nursing
280 - Degree in Nursing
281 - Degree in Nursing
559 - Degree in Nursing
560 - Degree in Nursing
561 - Degree in Nursing
559 - Annual
280 - Annual
560 - Annual
281 - First term
273 - Annual
561 - Annual
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

We live in a globalized society, in which the understanding of the functioning of the macrocosm and microcosm is essential, both at the environmental and ecological level and at the social level, to detect emerging health problems.

Therefore, professionals must be able to move in this complex and changing context with a threefold purpose: to detect classic diseases (eg large dependents, TB) and emerging diseases (eg gender violence), to understand, protect and teach health self-care of the person and the environment; and thirdly to promote the greater autonomy, security and quality of life of individuals, families and communities with an exquisite emphasis on invisible care.

The environmental contents are integrated into one of the basic competencies of every care professional, training for self-care, or in other words health education applied to daily life and self care, as well as the dependents care. In addition, this includes specific health center nursing community actions.

The subject is structured in the following modules: Promotion of Ecological Health includes Health Education throughout the life cycle, Transmissible Diseases and non-transmissible, non-declarable or chronic diseases.

An applied practical module is based on the study of cases applied to the context of home care, increasingly important demand of the population for their long life expectancy, greater dependence, less availability of the family support network and unfavorable environments.

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process for this subject is based on the spiral learning that began in the previous course with the subject of Community Nursing I and, partially, in the theoretical framework of the subject of Research Methodology. It incorporates learning of other subjects, as much of psychosocial sciences, including the cultural contents, as of the biological and clinical subjects learned in previous courses.
This process consists of 4 stages: Concrete Experience (EC), Reflexive Observation (OR), Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and Active Experimentation. It includes from the reflections of the teaching-sessions, the individual study of the students, to the practices in the classroom and in Health Centers and other Community Institutions.
In this course, students are expected to acquire skills that allow them to provide comprehensive care to the user and family and the best quality of life possible for make students able to master the three key elements with their corresponding NANDA-NIC-NOC diagnoses:

 -  Self-care, ie the achievement of greater autonomy in their own personal care or as a primary support person, including taking medication in the chronic patients.

 - Well-being and Comfort that includes pain control, active listening, effective emotional and functional support.

 - Safety, ie active surveillance of the Clinical Control of Symptoms in a way that allows to detect new signs, symptoms or decompensations.

 Todo ello en los distintos grados en que se encuentra la población que acude a los centros de salud que consultan por: temas de salud, por sentirse dolientes o enfermos, ayuda de las familias y por temas comunitarios.

 All of this, within the different degrees that the population coming to the health centers and consulting for: health issues, feeling sick or ill, family help and community issues.
For this reason, it is divided into three modules: Promotion of Ecological Health, Transmissible Diseases and Non-Transmissible or Chronic Diseases.

5.2. Learning tasks

They are more detailed in the Moodle Guide. However, they consist on the following activities:
1. Theoretical, expositive sessions with visual presentations and debates.

2. Practical sessions of problem-based learning and case resolution. In small groups they will have to solve the exposed cases and other practical activities.

3. Critical sheet, individual analysis work of scientific papers, press releases within the class period and literary note. It combines science, topical notes and emotional expression.

4. Self-care work targeting small groups with any of the topics of the first semester program. The groups will be among a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 people. They will be tutored on demand, by appointment.

5.3. Syllabus




I 1. Ecological Paradigm of Health: Balance, Relationship and Health. Health Promotion and the Triangle of Visible and Invisible Care: Welfare, Security and Autonomy. Environmental crisis, global warming and frequent NANDAS.
I 2. Water and health on our planet.  Advances and problems of the water in the Aragonese society. Rational water use programs. Water as food.
I 3. Agriculture and Health. New health problems due to various technologies in crops and food management: Persistent Organic Compounds. Genetically modified organisms. Termineitor Seeds.  Patents and Food Sovereignty. The emerging programs: Mesa Cívica and Huerta Zaragoza Km.0.
I 4. The daily environment and health. Atmospheric pollution and health effects. Sick buildings. Chemical sensitivity syndrome. Legionellosis.
I 5. PPS programs in Aragon, Spain, Europe and other countries. Coincidences and differences.
I 6. Programs related to current affairs: ecology at the beginning of life.




II 1. Transmissible diseases: evolution and control.
II 2. Diseases of water-food transmission.
II 3. Sexually transmitted diseases: HIV infection, Hepatitis B and C.
II 4. Airborne transmission diseases: Influenza, Catarrh, Pulmonary Tuberculosis and others.
II 5. Zoonoses and vector-borne diseases.
II.6. Hospital infections. EPINE.




III 1. General Epidemiology Attention to Chronic Processes. New challenges and care demands: The case of people living with HIV.
III 2. Cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
III 3. Respiratory diseases.
III 4. Endocrine and metabolic diseases.
III5. Dental caries and periodontopathies.
III 6. Gender violence and masculinities.
III 7. Accidents.


III.4. Epidemiology and prevention of endocrine and metabolics diseases

III.5. Cavities dental

III.6. Gender violence and masculinities

III.7. Work, traffic accidents