Teaching Guides Query

Academic Year: 2017/18

278 - Degree in Fine Arts

25115 - Project Methodology. Space

Teaching Plan Information

Academic Year:
25115 - Project Methodology. Space
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
278 - Degree in Fine Arts
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

The course enables students for the development of artistic projects, facilitating the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge and resources that allow them to build their own personal artistic discourse. It also enables them to know how to transfer their personal projects to the actual plane in which contemporary art is produced, with special attention to Public Art and its implications in the contemporary social universe.

The Project Methodology Space course main objective is to develop the student's ability to structure, develop and present their creative work in a systematic and orderly manner, according to the guidelines of the projective and procedural dynamics.

The scope of the proposals will be related to research / artistic creation, sculpture, public space, the exhibition space, the environment, installations, performance art, moving image in all its formats and in general with any other discipline or susceptible language integrated into a project to set up and create an artistic space.

The analysis of the various stages of the development of a project, with special insistence in the project methodology applicable to artistic practice, will be completed with the execution of any of the projects scheduled in the classroom - workshop.

2.1. Learning goals

  1. He/she knows and applies the basic techniques that allow him/her to realize personal artistic projects in any of its manifestations.
  2. He/she knows and uses appropriate documentary sources where to find information and referents prior to the materialization of a creative proposal.
  3. He/she is capable of generating and relating ideas within the creative process.
  4. He/she develops critical thinking about the role of art and the artist in today's society, and with respect to his/her own work.
  5. He/she knows how to publicly present his/her creative proposals in a clear and orderly manner, arguing the criteria on which he/she bases them, and he/she uses the communication resources most appropriate for his/her presentation.
  6. He/she can be integrated into a team, developing the functions he/she is entrusted, contributing with his/her efforts to the achievement of the objectives set out in a collective project.
  7. He/she properly integrates into his/her personal proposals artistic discourses of different nature, relating them to other disciplines and fields of knowledge.

5.3. Syllabus

Grado (EQF/MECU 6)